Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Sometimes I think other women misunderstand me. I would like to see if I can once again try to explain why it is unlikely I will deal with a lot of them.
In 1981 after completing my undergraduate work, in Math, I signed with Boeing in Tyson's Corner, VA . I rarely socialized on campus, but did with my coworkers at my part time job-- Circuit City. I was at the Beltsville location which was co-located with the division headquarters. Lots of men and other college students.
So even before I started my professional career, I was used to working with men. For the most part they treated me with kid gloves, and today I get why. Back then I thought everyone was treated the same-- but since I knew few women in the workplace could not have said for sure.
I also had a lot of style-- even in high school. I used television, movies and my mother and family friends as guides. My own friends were not into style as much as my family and our family friends.
Early I learned what works for me and what doesn't. I started wearing business attire in high school-- because of part time jobs in offices. Suits. I would say my style is more television attorney than nerd.
Here is a video clip of Faye Dunaway. Her style in this movie something I would have noticed and copied. Also that of her costars-- Lara Flyn Boyle. I also think this style works today and at the release of the film- Dunaway my age now.
I bring up stye-- because I think it very important - to who is taken seriously and who is not. In my business clothes I have shopped in high end department stores around the Washington Metro area and always treated very well. I looked like I spent money on clothes and sales clerks accommodated me... I go to Walmart today in jeans--- cashiers want to ask why I have a book bag and purse.. I point out the purse is a Coach-- and explain I do not like leaving my computers in the car... There is a difference. I also note-- stores like Walmart-- have the best in surveillance and I consider surveillance to be my best friend so I discourage cashiers from getting to carried away with questions of this nature.
At Boeing, Rockwell, and General Electric-- I supported and led tasks. [Boeing as I was leaving]. I met with clients, lunched, all the things a young nerd would do.. The clients- a special division attached to the Joint Chiefs of STaff at the Pentagon [Boeing]. Rockwell [NAVSEA-- Crystal City VA]. My corporate offices. Nice. All the amenities of working for Fortune 100 corporations. Secretaries, credit cards, business cards, etc.
And I really worked. I was not there as a whore. I really worked. I had no idea whores existed except in movies. Once after 1984 or so-- [I know this because I know where I discussed it with my grandmother-- my grandmother and the aunts were in town visiting my parents. I lived in Northern VA at the time-- and as I was coming through Washington -- noted the Gay Pride parade going on and guys holding hands. I had never seen this before in person. When I arrived at my parents' i told my grandmother what I had just seen-- and also told her that one time I got a little lost in Washington- and found myself at Thomas Circle and saw what appeared to be real prostitutes.
Given what I know today-- I would love to play the tape of the scene from my conversations with my grandmother and see who was listening to me go on and on about the parade and Thomas Circle.
I explain this to try to have you understand-- how sheltered my life really was-- and to explain how I operated in my corporate worlds.
This is going to be at least two posts-- and I have said most of it before in one way or another. A lot of women are not going to like it-- and quite frankly I am tired of telling them the same thing.
I will discuss more of what I want to say next time-- but I want you to keep two things in mind. The German President recently resigned. When he did- his wife was at his side as he made the announcement. I was impressed with this couple.
I am not often impressed. I thought they exuded power. a power couple.I worked with men. I get men. I get what I cannot do-- and what I can do. I never needed more attention.. I had a lot. I worked- doing neat things with computers. Women-- I am for real and worked. I was not a corporate whore. I am tired of telling you this.. I did not put up with crap of my intelligent coworkers a pompous bitch who has no idea what I have been through-- that came up through the whore ranks? You are making a big mistake.. I do not care who you are. I do not have a throat and I never over-talked my bosses-- and I never had a throat nor ass. Nor was I doing my bosses. You are with a important person and you want to over-talk the guy with his maleness down your throat to get to me or my business? I offer services-- I would love to help with your needs. You want to run my business or play with me? Sweetie-- I do not owe your guy's whore. He should talk to me and never you-- as related to the operation of my business. Do not keep making this mistake.
In my opinion- Government workers do not care abut style, discipline nor anything else. they are too busy trying to govern others. I am a business person. I like suits and minding my own business. I said no.. I mean get your pompous bitch out of my business. Maybe I will not need another post. I am going out for a second in a bit-- and I will probably come back and edit this.
Boys, I repeat-- I put up with very little off my guys-- but did keep in mind-- what I could and could not do working with guys. Your female has no idea-- and I am tired of telling her.. and then she looks like a cheap slut? I really mean no.
Dunaway's, dialog in the scene would not exactly be mine. She uses the word whore. In person-- i am very formal. in this blog-- i search for ways to have others get on the same page [understand me]. i have used whore in this blog post. I mean literally. Dunaway was talking in a business sense. i would never use whore in that sense.