Monday, May 25, 2020
We decided not to venture far from home for the Memorial Day weekend, so we stocked up on a lot of favorites to insure we had plenty to eat.
These days, I do most of the shopping and though I try to include a wide variety for meal planning, I think I am purchasing more sweets than were purchased in the past.
We are now purchasing meats in bulk and using a vacuum sealer to repackage smaller portions for daily meals. I like the choices this affords when planning meals.
For example, the meal today consisted of two ½ inch pork loin chops, purchased from Costco in bulk a little over two months ago.
I like the vacuum sealer I purchased as a holiday gift for the house several years ago, however only recently started using it on a regular basis. Shown below, the sealer I have (no longer available) and a very popular unit- slightly more expensive. //
I consider a vacuum sealer a great investment, and as I have already mentioned, love the fact I now have options in the freezer for meals.
Hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day. Weather here- beautiful and I am finding lots to do around the house.