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Regina's Personal Blog

Friday, April 10, 2020

NPR Station Finder Demonstration

As I have already mentioned, I have been working several projects including a new tool for the WiredPages Media page, the NPR Station Finder.

Work on the new interface, a Java Servlet is mostly complete and ready for installation however, a slight delay because I am still checking for any issues that might be problematic.

The following graphic, illustrates how the tool will render search requests based on location.

The video, demonstrates the tool running in local mode from the Netbeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

The video suggests a demonstration of the portable features of my development platform is in the offing however, is provided through the following photos.

Friday, April 03, 2020

The Bathroom Project

In early March [2020], I discovered because of corrosion, the faucet in the main upstairs bathroom would have to be replaced. We ordered a new faucet (PARLOS Brushed Nickel) and also decided to use Amazon's Home Services to have the work done.

The plumber who performed the initial work, although installing the new faucet, also explained the corrosion was more extensive than we thought. We would need a new sink as well. So I took measurements and went over to Lowes to get a new sink.

While at Lowes, I also found a Dracaena Trifasciata (mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant, similar Amazon offering) that I decided I had to have. When I left home right after college, my mother gave me one she had had for years, so I was happy to find another at a very reasonable price (under fourteen dollars).

This post was going to be about all of the projects I have been working lately, however the bathroom project was a big one and took a lot of time to complete. The repairs were completed by 11:00 am Wednesday, however the sink was not usable until the following morning to give the epoxy a chance to set up.

Of course, the current situation with COVID-19 a factor in scheduling of repair services--- even with our hustle to purchase the hardware that was needed for the repairs. Just happy to have that sink working again.

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