Saturday, December 21, 2024
Since Thanksgiving, I have been in the kitchen more, while trying to lose weight. How is that working out? I am trying things like making only half of a recipe or having smaller portions.
For example, yesterday, I made only half of the Banana Nut Bread recipe I love.
That said, last week I made the Fruit Tarte w/Cream Cheese using the recipe's original ingredient amounts and still have about a quarter of the dessert left in the fridge. That dessert keeps well in the cooler.

I think trying on older items that were too small two yeas ago, keeps me focused on dieting. Below, photos of recent pieces I tried on for fit, or in the case of the sweater a wholesale sample purchase. Love the sweater, however not stocking for my shop.

This year, holiday gift giving- not as in past years, more on the thoughtful
side. Below, photos of wrapped gifts and items (links below) I gave myself.

Finally, this week (December 17, 2024) I was notified a Dun & Bradstreet
D-U-N-S® Number was assigned for my business, QiSoftware.

There is also more interesting news about my business. I have received two phone calls from an early morning talk show wanting to feature my business, QiSoftware as related to software consulting. I had to decline because of ongoing legal issues, however, happy for the notice.
Amazon Purchase Links

Sunday, December 15, 2024
In June 2024 I purchased several colors of the same dress in a size medium from Amazon. At the time, the dresses were a little snug, however wearable. I purposely ordered the black dress a little snug because I knew I would be losing more weight.
I loved the way the black dress suited my body type so a week later I ordered the navy and green versions.
Earlier this morning, I tried on the black dress to see how I am progressing
with my weight loss program. I was very pleased it took little to no effort to zip the dress.

I like pairing the dress with a blazer and tried on several different styles. The blazer shown above is a Casual Corner black size 6 purchased in 1992 or so and it just so happens I have it in black, navy, and green like the dresses I purchased in June.
There are many things I can pair with these dresses so it will not seem as if it is the same dress. The new dresses are a great addition to my wardrobe.

Saturday, November 30, 2024
Having a nice Thanksgiving week. With the exception of eating more than I intended, things are going according to plan.

I have found the success to my Thanksgiving meal is in the prep. Hope you and your family are having a wonderful holiday.

Monday, November 04, 2024
As I lose more weight, I have been trying on more of my older clothing items. This weekend it was some of the dress coats I used to wear with business suits.

As shown in the top photo, I put on a long turtleneck dress and a pair of 9West black suede boots to shoot photos.
I miss dressing to go to the office everyday and now that things are beginning to fit again, I really miss dressing for the office. That said, I do not miss the dry cleaning bills.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Yesterday, I ate so lightly, that this morning when I made my morning espresso, I was surprised I wanted nothing else.

In addition to the items shown above, I also had the following drinks-
- Morning espresso
- Glass of Pepsi
- Capri juice drink with my daily B12 vitamin (noon) (the only pill I take)
- Hot Chocolate w/Whip Cream (5:00 PM)
This morning, after my AM routine (see below), I had some fruit and a small amount of candy/nut mix. Then I decided to re-transplant a new plant I recently transplanted.

I purchased the original snake plant in late August (2024), and noticed last week a new bud peaking through on the side. I was able to dig out the smaller plant without damaging the larger or smaller plant.
Initially, I thought the copper planter would be perfect, however decided this morning, in the initial stages of the new growth, the ceramic planter would be more aesthetically pleasing.
How is my diet going? Okay. Are you surprised I am losing weight?
I have a myriad of financial issues that I manage daily, not only for my personal and business accounts, but also for the house and other matters. Some days I spend a good part of my morning taking care of just the day to day as related to financial matters.
This morning, I ensured the 20 or so bank accounts I manage, all report the numbers I have and I paid off my PayPal Business Mastercard.

It is now 12:10 PM. Today, I think I am having chicken fajitas around 2:00 PM. I used to purchase the frozen Weight Watchers Chicken Fajita entrée when I wanted to maintain a Misses size 6/8 for my business suits. My version of this entrée is also effective.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024
I have been rummaging through my closets checking for new options as I continue my weight loss journey.
I had one or two errands to run this morning and rather than heels and the more conservative business style outfit I normally choose, I chose a pair of casual wear pants and sandals.
One of my aunts gave me the jeans about 3 years ago. They are a size 10 with absolutely no stretch, however, now fit loose on me. My aunt explained she paid very little for the jeans (two pairs), however they did not fit. When she gave them to me, I could get them on, however they fit a little too tight.
Now the jeans fit.

The other pair of slacks I found in my closet with the tags
(truth, I have lots of things in my closets with tags) are a pair
of GAP Travel Pants (cargo style) that I purchased for a great price at the
Arundel Mills GAP for $6.97 probably between 2001-2006.

GAP tends to use waist and length to provide size information and the waist on the jeans is 31 inches and the length 32 inches. In today's sizes this is a medium or a 10. These jeans too are loose on me now and do not stretch.
I wanted to be able to wear some of my old size fours by my birthday (July 20), however missed the target. That said, I am not unhappy with my weight loss progress. Think I need a good toning routine. Thinking about something called Wall Pilates.

Monday, July 15, 2024
Today, I ran several errands and since I did my hair and makeup, upon returning- I decided to test different lighting scenarios using my new camera lights.
I have also been trying on some of my old clothes to see whether I am making progress with my diet.
The jumper I am wearing in some of the photos was purchased in a shop in Bermuda in the 90s. I purchased several outfits for the 7 day cruise out of Baltimore before we left, however, could not resist this jumper when I found it. The only clothing purchase I made while visiting the island.

Cover-up Info
The following photos show some of the shoes I tried with the jumper. I cuffed the pant hems when trying on the flats.

Like others have discovered, I too like my photos taken using the reflections in mirrors. I continue to research how to use my lights and cameras without mirrors.
When I left the house this morning, my hair was curly and I thought I would
have it pinned up before I finished all of my errands. It has been hot and
humid in the Baltimore/Washington region. I still had a few curls
by the time I returned home. I started playing with the camera lights around 4PM this afternoon.

Other news, my birthday is Saturday and I got a new cell phone.
Though you cannot tell from the outfit I chose for the photos, I am happy with my weight loss progress.

Monday, March 04, 2024
You really cannot tell from the photos I have included with this post, however over the last 6 months I have lost about 15 pounds.

I have one or two new outfits I wanted to showoff, however, Saturday (March 2, 2024) when I tried different hair and makeup looks for the shots, I decided I liked nothing and gave up.
I want to lose another 20 pounds by summer.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Between November and December 2022 I think I lost about 5 pounds. How did this happen? I was running around with this errand or chore which started the weight loss. Once I realized I was losing weight I ate less, which is what I normally do.
It seemed as if I was on a roll and I thought I would continue with my weight loss program through the new year. And then, January first came around.
Because I thought I would be busy Christmas Day setting up a new laptop and putting together the side table, I planned an easy meal for the day- slow cooker roast beef and potatoes.
New Year's Day, I planned to make glazed pork chops with a new recipe in combination with a lot of side dishes.
- New Year's Day Meal
- Bone in Sweet & Spicy Glazed Pork Chops
- Sausage Cornbread Dressing w/Cranberry Sauce
- Steamed Cabbage w/Onions, Peppers, Bacon
- Candied Yams
- Baked Macaroni & Cheese
- Sweet Rolls
I wanted to share the great recipe I found for Sweet & Spicy Glazed Pork Chops. The only change I made to the recipe was to use bone-in chops rather than boneless.

The pork chops and the meal turned out great, the only problem- I have been
cooking and eating since the first.

I do not think I have gained it all back, however it seems I am trying. Good luck with your New Year's resolutions.

Monday, September 09, 2019
I am on a diet. You may recall, earlier this summer I decided to add to my wardrobe. Two of the dresses I ordered were a little tight so I decided to take seriously a diet.
The photos below, show the two dresses and my current weight. I lost several pounds in August, so can now wear the two dresses in question, however decided to continue with the diet.

Without my much loved treadmill, I have had to resort to habits used in the past to maintain my weight, i.e., simply not eating. My incentive? My old clothes. I have a lot of classic suits, so I am not worried about dated looks- and quite frankly, happy with my progress.
That said, things like the boots shown in the photos below are about 3 years old, however never worn. I am having fun thinking about the old things I can wear with these slouchy boots.

Slouchy boots are not in this upcoming season? Not sure, however I like long skirts (just below the calves) with this heeled boot so I am sure I can come up with a classic look.
As noted in the caption for the navy pumps, I wanted to purchase a suede pair of navy pumps. Instead I may purchase a navy dress I already have in aqua green (shown in the above photo). The style is flattering on me, however I will have to purchase the smaller size.
My diet? Eating a meal (daily) like the one shown in the following set of photos. I may have a mini bagel either mid-morning or late afternoon and that is about all.

I am ready for Fall 2019. Football, new business projects, my old clothes on a slimmer me.

Sunday, February 03, 2019
Are you having friends over for the game? Are you looking for another snack idea?
Thursday, I stopped by the local market and picked up Old El Paso Soft Taco Shells. I wanted to make one of my all time favorite "diet" entrées, Chicken Fajitas. Weight Watchers used to offer a similar frozen entrée that I liked taking to the office.

Tuesday, September 08, 2015
I am a little worried about my weight. I have been trying on different things for the upcoming change of seasons-- however not really happy with the results. I am not sure what I am going to do about this problem.
That said, here are recent photos:

Check list of things I have been up to, some related to the photos above.
- Watching the US Open, ends Sunday. Are you watching the Quarterfinal between Serena and Venus this evening at 7:00 ET?
- Found a pair of brass earrings in a craft box in the basement. Mother said, "finders keepers"-- so I am happy.
- Repaired one of the servlets which allows me to track [via Excel spreadsheets] pro tennis players' earnings.
- Replaced the Verizon FiOS Set Top Box in the kitchen [again]. Started rebooting on its own [abstract noise indicating something else].. and finally died.
- Stretched my Anne Klein Brown Suede Booties [see here]. They did not have the nines [purchased a couple of years ago], so I got the 8.5's, which are a little snug. Blow dryer and socks- works.
- Updating my Amazon Stores-- here and here.
I am getting little things done-- so I am in good spirits [always feels good when I can check something off my "to do" list], however becoming more preoccupied with my weight. I wanted to hold off on a major purchase until... but feel I really need to get a new treadmill, ASAP.

Tuesday, July 07, 2015
Wimbledon has been on since the week before last Monday [yesterday], and I have done little else. Local family members made the annual trek to Wilmington, NC for the 4th of July and I stayed home.
The Women's Quarterfinals are on today-- so most of my morning/early afternoon has been/will be spent watching those matches.
That said, today I did take time to have a great lunch-- shown in one of the photos below. Also shown, I have taken time out for many great meals.

Other things I have been up to:
- Updating my Amazon Stores, specifically Home Furnishings, Computers and Home Office, Gift Ideas, and the "Let Me Know" category. A new product, Amazon Echo has also caught my attention. If you get the chance- review the product video.
- Watching: HBO's True Detective, Season 2 Series
- Watching: STARZ, Power Series
- Researching Java Applet issues as related to web browsers and tablets. Reminder the Blogger Calendar utilizes a Java Applet front-end and Java Servlet on the server-side.
- Researching watch repair kits.
My Conair Curling Iron [page 2- lower left], stopped working [had it for over 10 years, and now used daily since Feb. 2015]- so I ordered 2 more, along with a new watch. Next, I am going to get an assortment of watch batteries and a device to remove watch cases so I can put in new batteries. I used to have the watch repair shop in the Crystal City Underground do all of this. Now I just buy new watches.
Another of my great lunches...

All sorts of news, though nothing to report here..

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
I work in the informal dining area just off the kitchen, so it is nothing for me to stop, whip up a banana nut bread or this brunch [today]...

... and then continue working. Gaining weight? Yes. That said, sometimes I microwave a Lean Cuisine entree like this Sesame Chicken dish-- and feel like I am making progress.

This is one of my favorite Lean Cuisine entrees. Others?
- Glazed Chicken
- Sweet and Sour Chicken
- Lasagna With Meat Sauce
I think I want to try the Pot Stickers entree. I noticed it while researching their site for this post. Wanted to make sure I knew the correct names for the entres I love.
I have been eating the Lean Cuisine's Glazed Chicken entree since l left home after college. I still love them.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Today, I think because the plumber was in- installing the new toilet in the guest bathroom-- which dictated we allow for his schedule, we decided to eat "on the run".
The plumber was due around noon-- so around 10:00 a.m. my mother ran out [we live about a mile and a half from Costco]-- to get somethings. She also picked up this Jack Daniels Pulled BBQ Beef.

He finished the installation around 2:00 pm and we were so happy- that
was all taken care of, we decided to make banana splits- [we had our
sandwiches before he arrived]. Here are the ingredients we used for
the splits:

My mother's is on the left and mine- on the right.

Was all of this food good? You bet. Can we do this often? No. I want to get back into my business suits. Today, I was taking inventory of what I could and could not wear. I need to lose for a lot of my things.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
In today's blog post on Q's Wire-- I discuss the fact I need to go on a diet because I need a new photo ID taken. To that effort, last night I went to bed hungry and got up and had steamed vegetables around 10:15 a.m. Around 2:00 p.m. had this baked potato with a Monterey Jack/Colby cheddar blend I love.

Then my mother walked in with these items-- freshly purchased from Costco.

I noticed in my new Costco flyer-- that Apple Strudel would be on sale this month and I showed it to her. We both love things like this. Was the half of one I shared with my mother- worth it? You bet it was.
Issues with earpiece still going on-- but to a lesser degree. Good and bad news-- however i cannot tell if they are trying to build my hopes up just to dash them. I am moving forward with things I need to get done and not waiting for settlement to start.
For some reason-- this mainly has to do with shopping and things I have needed for some time-- but put off thinking the settlement process would begin. My sites?- Cannot do much of anything insofar as the sites. They still want the code-- and until I can get lawyers and move the sites-- my hands are a bit tied.

Monday, December 24, 2012
I have been eating a lot lately. I find the more I am irritated by those providing updates via the earpiece-- the more I eat. Same type of updates.. still working the issues surrounding payments and getting you out. Are they? There appear to be issues with government personnel that for some reason-- affect me. FBI-- lately muting a lot of the gain and vibrate issues-- however still a problem.
I used to go out a lot to eat. Being a single professional that worried about diet-- I would eat whatever I wanted for lunch and skip other meals. This type of dieting worked because I used to drink a lot of coffee and smoked. I quit smoking in Dec. 1998. Today, I make my old lunch favorites at home. Here are several.

Burrito w/Montery Jack Cheese

Steak Sandwich with Fries

Kung Pao Chicken
I made these cookies last week.

Convection Oven Baking..

Chocolate Chip Cookies with Walnuts
I went out yesterday. Here are photos. Look how fat my face looks. I decided time to go on a diet.

I am in good spirits- except the never ending earpiece chatter. The gift I expected today arrived Saturday-- so I am done with gifts and wrapping. Recent weight gain-- not affecting me. I know how to lose it.
Last Friday was supposed to have been a big deal-- and though I remained calm too many others were upset. Excuse after excuse. Told even my bank was upset. Told they ran tests [again]. Not sure what's going on-- but wish they would not air their frustrations with me. I am the one that can do nothing but wait.

Sunday, March 04, 2012
Been eating a bit more over the last two days. Why? Thinking about some things-- and I am blaming it on that distraction. It takes a bit of focus to restrict food intake when I have been eating unabated [with exercise] for as long as I have. Can I get back on track? Yes.
Thinking about what? I have paperwork all over Washington. Anyone from DOJ/FBI could contact me without needing an excuse. Yet, I am having a different form of communication. Abstract but kind of public. Why?
Hopefully next week I can show progress as related to my diet.

Friday, March 02, 2012
I did not put curls in my hair, nor the eyeliner and mascara I normally don-- because I wanted you to see my face is getting thiner. You can see it especially in my cheeks.

Maybe the hair and extra makeup would have made it easier to compare? Okay, I did not feel like it.
Why no body shots? Quite frankly, because this is a restricted food diet with no exercise-- I never put on gym clothes and stay in oversized sweats or pjs all day-- so it would be hard to see anyway. I can tell.
How is the diet going? Great. I normally have one meal a day, around lunch and that sustains me-- however I was so hungry this morning-- I had a mini bagel around 8:00 am.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Finished off yesterday without eating anything else-- but did have at least 2 more coffees. Whenever I fast or seriously restrict my food intake-- I allow myself whatever beverages I want-- including non-diet soft drinks [I prefer sugar ice tea and kool aid to soft drinks]. In the past-- because I loved coffee and cigarettes [slim Capris, as if to lessen the dependency I had on this habit] so much-- it was normally a sugar coffee with half and half.
Now it is a coffee with a teaspoon of sugar and a light whip cream. Often lots of cream. Another trick-- since I hate the combination of toothpaste and food-- I brush my teeth when I feel hungry.
That said- I am really surprised at how easy this is. I go to bed [my stomach growling] hungry-- something I used to do often. No hidden meanings here. I like discipline-- and mind over matter. With food it was always easy-- and is again [surprisingly]. However, because it took me so long to quit smoking-- I cannot preach. [Babs wants to run/interfere in my business? I can preach a whole lot.] Smoking was my greatest dependency. Sugar is another-- but I have cut that out a lot too.
Sometime ago-- I came up with a daily calorie guide-- based on the time of day and calorie consumption. I divided the day into 3 segments-- 6:00 am -10:00 am, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm. I allow myself 300 calories per segment. Of course now-- my entire daily consumption [negating drinks] is about 300 calories. I abandoned calorie time guide-- with the many problems I had toward the end of 2011.
Yes, I am already losing weight. I can see it in my face. Keep in mind-- I was in pretty good shape before I started this-- in that I averaged about 9.6 miles on my elliptical daily-- and was also toned. Restricting food intake affects muscle tone and the look of your skin. I know this of course because I used to be a faster-- and did not exercise except an occasional tennis match or leg weights and prancing around my place.
Would I rather spend 1.5 hours on a treadmill daily [walking at a fast clip]? Yes, it is simply healthier. This solution is a lot faster-- however, I am working on getting my treadmill repaired.
It's about 10:20 am here-- and I have had a small apple and 3 coffees so far. I am going to have a 300 calorie frozen entree for lunch-- and that's about all for today. I am a little bit more hyper than usual-- but not sure if it is due to no food, too much coffee or those Amazon stats.
Keep in mind-- I do not recommend this diet for anyone and hope that you will consult your doctor before starting your own high risk diet.