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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Mostly, working software issues...

The latter part of this week was busy. The following list shows some of the things I worked on or happened, starting late Wednesday, 24 April 2024.

  • Became a member of Reddit (my profile link).
  • Finding, debugging, and correcting a problem with the Yelp application I maintain on the WiredPages Dining & Travel page.
  • Unboxing an Amazon order.
  • Preparing to update my ZipCode applications to use the Developer API USPS tools because the USPS Web Tools I currently use will retire in January 2025.
  • Happy, I received the $50 reward for opening my new Mastercard account.

So many online services and offerings are changing including my advertising resources. Some of these include Google Adsense, Google Ad Manager, and Amazon's Unified Ad Marketplace (UAM) which I use in conjunction with Google Ad Manager for header bidding. I also have various affiliate and marketing partnerships and relationships, however, on related site areas I use mainly Amazon's UAM header bidding resource.

Because I do all of my own integrations where advertising is concerned, I have to keep up with new services being offered and sometimes it is a little overwhelming. I found a forum on Reddit that seems to cover a lot of ground in this area and I decided to join.

On Thursday, I noticed I had a problem with the Yelp application I maintain on WiredPages. I had errands to run on Friday, and thought I would get to it later in the day. I did not get to it until today, and happy to report the quick fix I decided on is working.

Recently, I ordered several items from Amazon which arrived today. I am very pleased with everything however wanted to talk about two specific items, the new lids for my glasses and a set of shawl scarfs.


Sometime ago, I ordered the popular coke can glasses with the bamboo lids and glass straws. I loved the glasses and straws, however wanted a lid I could put in the dishwasher. I decided to try the silicone lids referenced above and photos of the set I received today.

The shawl scarfs I ordered were a great price and I am going to find all sorts of ways to use and wear them.

The last item, the USPS Developer API updates. Sometime ago, I developed two applications using the USPS Web Tools APIs. Both applications are found on this QiSoftware demonstration products page. As noted from the email shown below, the USPS Web Tools resource will retire in January 2025.

I set up new applications with the USPS Developer service to allow calls to the new API resources. I do not foresee problems with this changeover, however, as of this date, I have not fully completed the task.

Monday, January 08, 2024

CIA World Factbook Quick Reference Tool, Why Now?

In November 2023, I obtained a JSON formatted data file containing the 2020 CIA World Factbook.

The World Factbook data I maintain in my local development environment is a MySQL database from 2013.

When I first downloaded the 2013 data it was stored as a MySQL compressed (GZ) database file. I did not want to maintain all of the data in my local development environment so I went through each table, only extracting and importing the data I wanted to use with my application.

Though I completed work on the JDBC Java Servlet for the World Factbook Quick Reference Tool sometime ago, the amount of work I had to do to get the data I wanted was no minor task. Therefore, I never installed the online version of the application fearing those with access to my servers would want to use the data elsewhere.

The following video, produced in August 2022 demonstrates the World Factbook Quick Reference Tool running in my local developmental environment starting about 1:21 minutes into the video.

Because the CIA World Factbook data I am using for demonstration purposes is now over 10 years old and I have more recent data in my possession, I decided to install the World Factbook Quick Reference Tool on the WiredPages Reference page.

I have some minor cleanup work on the servlet and I also need to upload the custom World Factbook database to my site, however I think I will have it up and running by the time I finish this evening. It is about 4:20 PM my time and I have one or two other minor chores to take care of before I complete work on this project.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Added New Fields to my Amazon Stores Database

Since August 2023, I have been tweaking the new MS Access Database that maintains affiliate links and data for my Amazon Stores.

Yesterday, I added two new fields to each "store" table of the database:

  • Video - if available the video I created demonstrating the product
  • RelatedPost - if available the post where I discuss the product

The following graphic shows one of the forms with the new fields and the raw HTML output of the WriteHTML VBA module.

The second illustration shows the new fields on the store page.

I was going to provide a video of how the new database features work, however at this time I am just too overloaded with issues. A family member's unexpected health issues has left me scrambling to come up with alternative ways to handle errands that cannot go unattended.

I keep thinking, I just need one more me. No worry, I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Samsung Galaxy Tab A8- Worth Every Penny

For about six months, I have halfheartedly looked for a new android since the case on my old one is cracking due to an enlarged battery. I tend to use my iPad Mini when not on a PC.

In late September (2023), a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 with 64GB of storage and 4GB of RAM went on sale at Costco with a savings of $100.00 (Original Price: $299.99). I opted out at that time, however noticed on Monday, November 13, 2023 the same unit on sale for $110.00 off (my cost: $189.99), so I ordered it.

Some of the specs on the unit I purchased.

The android arrived, Wednesday, November 15, 2023, however, because of other plans, I noticed problems with my sites and the Chrome browser that came installed on the new unit, however, did little else.

On Friday, I began playing around with the Samsung Chrome browser settings without much success. Keep in mind, my sites and the many applications I develop and use on my sites, all render correctly on all of the old equipment and browsers.

Long story short, to get the Chrome browser on the new Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 android to render my sites correctly, I had to reinstall the CORS Filter to my Tomcat/conf web.xml file that for some reason had been removed by my web host.

In addition, I had to change most of the calls to my applications and update and recompile many of the Java servlets I use on my sites. Below, some of the Java source files I had to update.

The research, updates to site pages, and update & recompilation of the Java source files which execute my programs- took most of the weekend and I still have a bit more clean up.

I am happy I decided to purchase the new android, and very happy I was able to see problems that I previously had not known existed.

Monday, October 30, 2023

New Ecommerce Play (Experiment)

I have a new ecommerce shop, WiredShops WED2C.

The reasons for this are discussed later in this post, however, I want to say this was so easy and cost nothing, that I think it is a good way to experiment with drop shipping if you are interested in setting up an ecommerce shop.

Things you will need:

  • If you do not already have an account with CJDropShipping, you will need to register/setup an account.
  • Setup a free WED2C site. Clicking on WED2C on the CJDropShipping Store Authorization menu, shown on the right, will provide the steps.

Once you have everything registered, your CJDropShipping WED2C store screen should resemble the top illustration in the image below.

Why I set up the new store. I am one of those people, that finds ten more things to do after coming up with a new idea.

In this case, my original idea was to offer customized Microsoft templates, e.g., MS Publisher check templates (discussed here), via my ecommerce shop, WiredShops.

A number of issues presented themselves..

  • I want to provide the custom templates via flash drives which are shipped (no downloads) -- with the explanation, for some reason those with access sometimes feel my hard work is their hard work.
  • Legal documents need to be agreed to.
  • Creating the templates (easy part).
  • Changing how my ecommerce site is sourced.

WiredShops is mostly sourced through CJDropShipping.

Most of the shop's inventory is dropped shipped, however, I do stock some of the inventory. It is easy to add the digital offerings (flash drives with the customized templates) in the same manner as the inventory I maintain.

Where to purchase the flash drives in bulk? Still researching, however, CJDropShipping offers a good deal on lower storage space drives and will etch my logo on each drive. Still waiting to see my options on the customization of the drives.

So while I was researching this on CJDropShipping I noticed I could sign up for a free ecommerce shop with WED2C- WiredShops WED2C.

Other reasons as to why I did this when I already have WiredShops. It was an easy experiment to set up. In addition, the time required to maintain the private domain ( using the CJDropShipping API Store Authorization resource is quite a lot. I am always looking to make more efficient use of my time.

That said, I love owning WiredShops and have no plans to take it down. I may change how some of the products are sourced.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Who Is Selling My Ad Space?

Recently, I think because of an uptick in blog posts- I noticed the numbers from the header bidding resource I integrated on areas of in October 2018 began to show an increase.

Based on the information in this IAB Tech Lab discussion Why the ‘OWNERDOMAIN’ & ‘MANAGERDOMAIN’ fields are important additions to ADS.TXT...

... I added (late September 13, 2023) the following lines to my ads.txt file as illustrated below.

My sellers.json file was left unchanged.

After updating the ads.txt file the analysis resource offered by for my domain, changed as noted below.

Just for information, how my Google Adsense and header bidding resource (UAM) accounts report my seller information...

On September 14, 2023, my header bidding numbers decreased to ZERO and today, though still early, the numbers appear to be headed in the same direction (ZERO).

My header bidding numbers are now zero after updating my ads.txt file. It also appears someone else is selling my ad space. Maybe I should not have done all of my site's ad integrations, however it seemed pretty straight forward after lots of research. What am I missing?

Reference discussions about QiSoftware advertising resources and integrations:

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Content Creation With PowerPoint

When it comes to graphics for content creation, sites, or presentations I have to rely on my own non artistic abilities.

That said, I developed Graphical User Interfaces for programs using C and the X-Window platform on Unix and DEC systems. This allowed me to screengrab program interfaces and incorporate the captured images in my user's guides and software product specifications.

Today, I continue to use a lot of screengrabs when creating content, however mainly because I think graphics explain more easily what I wish to convey.

In addition to screengrabs, I use fonts to try to assist with graphics I need for my sites. For instance, the following illustration shows two graphics files I created using only fonts.

When I do need to use a graphic, I use several versions of old software called Corel Gallery. I like this software because it offers vector data files for most of the elements in each package. Vector data allows for easier manipulation of the graphics files. Bit map graphics are like GIF, PNG, or Jpeg files. Vector graphics are transformed and un-grouped if the need arises without losing data. Examples of vector graphics files are Windows metafiles (WMF) and Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM).

In addition, especially with the technological advancements of digital cameras, I take and use a lot of photos.

What else do I use for graphics and content creation? Latest releases of Microsoft Office products and an older Microsoft product called ImageComposer.

Now- we come to why I am posting. In my opinion, ImageComposer is so powerful, I thought I did need anything else for graphics except PowerPoint to manipulate vector graphics files. That said, the program is older and it only supports bit map or raster graphics files (not vector graphics files).

Then I noticed several Instagram reels showing tricks for PowerPoint and I decided to start playing around. I can do a lot of the tricks with ImageComposer, and really do not have the time to play a lot with graphics, however, I do think these tricks are useful. If like me- you do all of your own graphics work- you may want to play around with an office copy of PowerPoint (a copy you can check out, do not want you to get in trouble).

I created a new video showing some of the neat things PowerPoint offers.

Friday, September 01, 2023

Owning My Shop - Salad Spinner

When I first decided (September 2021) to go online with my own ecommerce shop WiredShops I was very excited about the prospect. The entry I posted as a new shop owner.

I had several limiting factors:

  • Website cost
    • Domain Registration Costs
    • Hosting
    • Custom Site Design
    • Listing Products
  • Inventory Costs
  • Time Available For This New Business Activity

I cannot say this online shop is a failure, because I love the fact I own it and my cost to own is/was very low.

The time it took to populate the shop was expensive and I use the API service offered by my drop shipper which is not as straight forward as I would like. I did not use a service like Shopify, which in most cases has an associated cost, whereas the API does not- other than my time. Coming up to speed on the OpenCart software was not as time consuming.

That said, I have only had one sale and that- because I asked a relative to ensure my cart/payment hookups were working. They are.

I also tested with the Paypal sandbox cart however, sometimes the results seemed to vary, the reason I tested with an actual sale. I believe there is unlawful interference with this business venture. I have asked DOJ to look into this.

  • I registered the for about $10 a year. was available, however a lot more expensive.
  • I installed the custom OpenCart site design myself.
  • I decided drop shipping- at the time, was a more cost effective solution.
  • The actual inventory acquisition costs were low.

So why have I decided to revisit my efforts in this area?

Lately, I have made a lot of garden salads and decided I needed a salad spinner.

I checked with my drop shipper and found a spinner I thought would also be perfect for my online shop. Now, keep in mind, I have done some research since the pandemic and knew shipping costs had been affected by the global issue and then more recently- inflation rates. So I was sort of prepared for the new shipping rates. Are you, if you are thinking about opening a shop?

I also found the salad spinner I liked on Amazon. I think I am going to place an order with Amazon for my personal use and to ensure the quality is what I expect.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Love It- When Plans Come Together

I have been working several projects, including:

  • Integration of a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) to all of my sites and subdomains, i.e., WiredPages, It's Personal (this blog), etc.
  • MS Access Database to maintain my Amazon affiliate links & stores
  • Researching and setting up a new Certificate of Deposit (CD).

The first project listed above- was actually completed earlier today so let's start there.

For several months, the home screen of my Google Adsense account has shown the following notice.

Several years ago, I integrated the CloudFlare interface to all areas of my sites to handle the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law that came into effect in May 2018.

CloudFlare is not a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP), the reason the notice began to appear several months ago on the homepage of my Adsense account.

So from the above list of certified CMPs, I chose Quantcast because I have been using the service for years on all areas of my sites to track traffic and other statistics, and thought it was the natural choice for my needs.

Quantcast allowed the option to show the popup message and dialog options to only EEA and UK visitors to my sites, so those in other areas including the U.S., will not see the message nor options.

The second project listed above, MS Access database to handle affiliate links was completed on Sunday. I am pretty pleased with how this project turned out, and happy I have a more efficient way to maintain and provide my Amazon affiliate data. See the upper sidebar of this blog (under Amazon Stores) or the WiredPages Libraries page for illustration of what the new database provides.

The last project, setup a new savings CD- was actually completed on August 22, 2023 when I noticed the APY on a 16 month term CD jumped from 5.10% to 5.25%. I had transferred the funds from two of my checking accounts a few days earlier and hoped the APY would increase. It did, and I set it up.

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Now I Remember Why...

Since the beginning of the year (2023), I have had a number of problems with my new real estate site.

I installed the core site area on a subdomain (, because I decided to use the WordPress CMS.

I used Wordpress quite a bit in the past, however in 2011 decided the program's programmers changed too many core features for new releases.

In addition, my web hosting services regularly requested I allow the updates for outdated Wordpress installations. This meant I had to stop what I was doing and "fix" any problems that arose because of a new Wordpress update.

This was very time consuming, so I moved on to Thingamablog.

The main site ( area is a Thingamablog. I use the main site area as a blog and the subdomain ( to maintain property listings.

When (March 2022), I initially installed Wordpress for my new real estate site- the Wordpress version was 5.9.2.

In March 2023, when I began having issues with the automatic updates installed on my site, I changed the wp-config.php to disable the automatic Wordpress updates. See the following illustration.

My current Wordpress version is 6.1.1 and no longer works. The latest release of Wordpress is 6.2.

I spent most of yesterday researching this problem with no luck. It was almost as if someone else was online at the same time changing my .htaccess file as I was trying different options. The error is a 403 code which is normally very easy to correct.

Long story short, I have updated most of the links to the Wordpress site to the blog on the main area. When I stop screaming (get off my site), I will look at this issue again.

Friday, February 24, 2023 Design Review

Yesterday, I installed a more robust version of the new site,

This evening as I was finishing up, I decided to make a short video of the major update (first element listed below), I added today.

  • Added a JQuery Hamburger Menu to the top left area of the site.
  • Several minor issues with design and spacing.
  • Researching promotion avenues.
  • Created one or two new graphics.

Why is the Jquery Hamburger element a big deal? Well it took most of the day for me to customize it, and have it work with my custom site design.

You may have noticed my real estate site, uses a hamburger menu and yes, I installed the site.

That said, the menu for that site came with the template I decided to incorporate, and though I did not have to rework the hamburger menu, I did have to rework several other areas on the real estate template I found.

Initially, I planned to develop a new online MySQL database for, however decided some of the feedback suggested I needed a more secure way of storing data for the site.

Thingamablog has a robust database that for the time being- will suit my security issues. I like Thingamablog because the entire master copy of the database sits on my hard drive along with external backup drives.

Friday, February 10, 2023

New Domain Registration,

Recently, when the admin for the Facebook group, MarylandBloggers polled members about blogging and other content creation activities, I noted of the 15 or so respondents- only 23% were still blogging.

That said, most indicated they were using Instagram more (29%), while a smaller percentage were creating content for TikTok and Youtube.

I have been researching Youtube bloggers, which are also known as vloggers. I have to say, that my research provides if you do not have a paid sponsor for each video, the Adsense revenue alone is probably not going to offset the cost of the equipment, software used for editing, and time required for this content creation activity.

So why did I register a new domain, Mainly because it was only $10.74 a year and I wanted to see if I could come up with a business plan.

I am actually looking to promote both bloggers and vloggers from Maryland. I feel effective use of promotional tools can help with other business areas, and I would like to assist other small business owners in this area.

The morning (February 8, 2023), I registered the new domain (actually renewing my real estate site when I checked to see if "" was available), and roughed out the database schema, using MS Excel. The final version will be used for the online database which will provide a directory of Maryland content creators.

Also playing around with graphics and slogans for the new site.

This project is not a high priority for me, however I do feel that with the current state of employment issues, anything anyone can do to help the communities they are a part of, might be useful.

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Does anyone remember when it was easy to add a new path to autoexec.bat?

Yesterday, I spent the day setting up Python on my experimental development mini PC and researching what would be required to setup my online hosting services to run cgi-bin Python files.

Normally, when I run php, c, or java files from the Netbeans environment, I can launch an external browser window to show the results.

The Netbeans plugin I installed for Python does not allow that option so I used the existing XAMPP Apache server to allow for manual requests of the Python script files. Php and MySQL requests also require the XAMPP Apache server in my developmental environments, however Netbeans can directly launch the browser using XAMPP in the background for these types of programs.

I installed Python39 in August 2021 on the same mini PC, however neglected to set the path correctly, so reinstalled a later version yesterday to enable the Apache XAMPP server access. Netbeans had no problem finding the older Python installation even though it was not part of the path environment.

I used to routinely update Windows autoexec.bat and config.sys system files and now cringe at the thought of having to manually do this with newer versions of Windows operating systems. The problem? More, where did I put those.

What about Python running on my online hosts ( I am continuing research into running cgi-bin files from my Apache Tomcat online hosting packages. That said, Python is an open scripting language, so I have no plans to use this resource for my own needs however can provide support for clients who would prefer programs written in that language.

Below is a photo of the mini PC (also the real estate course mini PC) I use to setup new experimental development environments. I do not setup these experimental development tools on the mini PC I use for production purposes (cannot afford to corrupt that environment), however the mini PC I use for the non-production development is now also the host for this blog. Long story short, I am thinking of getting a new mini PC. What do you think of the one shown below?


Still in the research phase of this purchase, however I have to say, I love the footprint (size) on the PC I have shown above.

Friday, November 04, 2022

Web Host Investigating...

Yesterday, the applications on the WiredPages Business page that retrieve economic data and press releases from the FRED St. Louis API resource ( went down.

Since other applications using the same resource running on WiredPages were not experiencing the same issues, I decided to go to bed and investigate today. There are many applications running on WiredPages using the FRED St. Louis API resource. The difference with the applications on the business page? Those are hosted directly on

This quick post only to notify that I am aware of the problem and the web hosting service is investigating the issue.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Moved This Thingamablog

This blog (It's Personal) has been around since December 2011 and there are about 783 posts (excluding this post). I started the blog to replace Q's Wire a Wordpress blog, that is no longer published. For added security, I decided to use the Thingamablog content management system (CMS) to maintain the blog in a local environment.

What does this mean really? The entire blog (master copy) is maintained on a PC hard drive and new posts/images/videos are SFTP/FTP'd to my online server when the application's post publish button is used.

About six months ago, I began having problems with the keyboard on my 2010 Windows XP Acer Netbook, shown below.

In addition, most online services no longer supported the browsers and email clients available for the older Windows XP system, so I knew I had to move on.

About a week ago, I decided to move this blog to the Guzila Mini PC I purchased for my real estate class. Since the completion of the class, I have added three elements to the system; a 500GB internal hard drive, a 1920x1080 24 inch monitor (doubles as a streaming device when the system is connected in my bedroom) and a 13.3 inch 2K portable monitor for my office (zoom meetings, high resolution detail video editing and other efforts).

Although this was not the only task, i.e., moving this blog- I had on tap for the week, it was the most time consuming and tedious. Why?

I have more work to do insofar as checking links across all of my sites, however, I think most of the work is done. What about my Google Juice (old links that are now dead)? I knew the risks when I decided to make this move and if I ever have to move the blog again, I will not have to update the links.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The Blog Dilemma With My New Real Estate Site

I built my new real estate site using WordPress, incorporating several plugins to further one of the goals of the business plan, sourced marketing.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Establishing a Real Estate Web Presence

It has been awhile since I have done any work with WordPress. Q's Wire was a WordPress blog that went online in the spring of 2005, and was retired in 2020 or so.

Over the weekend I began researching options for establishing a web presence for my real estate interests. The first major hurdle involved my current domain registrations and could any of those domains be used.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Have You Thought About an Online Shop?

In August (2021), I began researching how new commerce initiatives are being adopted. I wanted to understand how independent retailers are using services like PayPal Here and PayPal Zettle. See this post.

Pop up shops are becoming very popular and owners are using their card readers to handle their (POS) transactions. Listed below, several Youtube videos I watched to get an idea of how these Popup Shops work.

I researched Artsy Ki's (last video) online shop which showed how she used her online presence to help drive sales.

No, I am not planning a pop up shop, however I did want to learn more about software support services or advertising I might offer retailers who are thinking of- or actually working in this area.

  • Researched where and how to setup an online shop.
    • OpenCart- self hosted option selected.
    • OSCommerce self hosted option.
    • Shopify shop- (hosted on their site) and similar sites researched. Cost factors an issue. Most who use these types of services, do not have the time to come up to speed in terms of the software skills required to maintain a self hosted shop.
    • Because I chose a self hosted service (OpenCart), I had to use the drop shipper's API resource to link my shop's products to the service's products. So I also had to come up to speed on the use of the API. Automated linkage was provided for shops hosted on eBay, Shopify, WooCommerce, SquareSpace, etc.
  • Registered a new domain, Cost $10.74 per year. was available, however cost was well over $4000. (As of 9/11/21, visitors may access the site, however the PayPal hookup is set to the sandbox account). I was lying in bed early, Tuesday morning (Septemeber 7th, 2021), and decided on a site name Half an hour later, I had registered. I used to provide web hosting services, the reason it was easy for me to register the domain so quickly. I then added the domain to hosting as an addon domain for testing.
  • Drop shipping services researched.
  • Legal issues researched. Keep in mind, Qisoftware is a registered business entity in the state of Maryland.
    • Used to create a shop Privacy Policy.
    • Currently, working on a Terms & Conditions statement for the shop.
  • Sometime ago, I signed up to use the USPS API resource (see this QiSoftware demonstration page), so it was easy to insert the correct registration information in the OpenCart shipping module to handle shipping estimate calculations.
  • Thinking about a couple of programs to write Excel and json data for import to the drop shipping service.

Below, a screen shot of the homepage of the new shop. It is still in setup mode. I liked the default template that was installed when I setup OpenCart.

Currently, I am adding more products to my shop and linking the products via the API service. I plan to make this a more automated task, however right now it is rather tedious. What is the reason drop shippers cannot automate the service for self hosted shop owners? Self hosted shops tend to have more custom mods and are inconsistent insofar as how to handle import and export data.

This has been a good learning experience for me and I feel I know a great deal more.

On Thursday, September 2, 2021, there was a major issue in my life which has been mostly handled, however the fact that I have been able to get this far with this project (during this time) surprises me, given I knew nothing about drop shipping. This is not for everyone. I want this post to show, I had a lot of pieces in place to be able to do this. This could be very expensive if the proper research is not in place.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

New Tool, CJ Product Search API- First Look

The following interface, is a Java Servlet powered by the CJ Product Search API using GraphQL. The jQuery widget integrated directly within the program- provides the display and navigation of the products.

The jQuery widget was adapted from a CJ supplied interface which uses affiliate specified product selections for showcase. An example is provided in the last post.

The interface demonstrated in this post- allows site visitors to specify the search criteria.

I am currently beta testing the tool. Once complete, the program will be installed in the main site area ( as a CJ Product Search API demonstration for potential clients.

I am still deciding on user interface issues, e.g., how many rows to display. Leave a comment if you wish to respond or have a program bug report.

Disclosure: I sometimes use affiliate links in content. This will not cost you anything. There is a chance I will receive a fee if my affiliate links are used for purchases. Thanks for your support. Also see the site wide disclosure policy using the link at the bottom of each page, labeled "Disclosure Policy".

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Browser Notes

Recent popular browser releases have set new style and site tracking defaults. Shown on the right, an example of the new default HTML radio button. Though the azure blue is striking, I felt it distracted from areas where I use radio buttons, so I decided against the new default style for WiredPages.

It turns out, changing the new default radio button style was not an easy task and I ended up using a CSS workaround I found online. Below, before and after illustrations of the fix I implemented for WiredPages to keep the overall style of the site consistent.

Note, I have not installed the CIA World Factbook interface used in the illustrations above, however the fix is demonstrated on the live WiredPages listed below:

  • Home
  • Business & Markets
  • Reference
  • The FCC interface at the bottom of the Media page is being replaced, see this post, the reason the radio buttons reflect the new default for modern browsers and not my update.

The other issue I wanted to discuss as related to new browser releases, is a security feature that prevents modern browsers from accessing data and information from a referenced site- from that which is actually being visited.

In my case, the problem is mostly overridden by Apache Tomcat configuration settings, enabling the setup of cross domain permissions for the two domains I use i.e., and

My main site of course is-, however I use to host many of the programs integrated within the pages of WiredPages (a sub-domain of and other areas of

If you find you have problems accessing some of the tools on WiredPages, and you are using Firefox or Safari on an iPhone, try the setting features illustrated in the following diagram for each browser type.

Chrome browsers should not present a problem because they use the Apache Tomcat overrides. It is not that Firefox and Safari handle the Apache Tomcat configuration incorrectly, it is more that the setting can be overridden locally.

That said, Chrome today, is the most popular browser and most users should have no problems accessing referenced external site resources from the original calling domain/site if the site administrator has setup the configuration correctly.

The following illustration provides browser market share worldwide data for July 2021 according to StatCounter Global Data.

W3Schools also tracks browser statics, however the data is based on visitors to its site, though still very useful in that it is a popular site.

Privacy and security issues have become very important in the browser developer community, and I have done a lot of research to handle some of the new security procedures that have been put in place. I am always interested in problems, so if you have one with WiredPages insofar as program access or other programs on please leave a comment and let me know.

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    Regina Thomas

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