Saturday, August 14, 2021
The WiredPages Media page offered visitors a means to quickly access FCC licensing information for media stations and outlets. Recent changes to the FCC's site dictated other measures be found for the retrieval of this information.
Sometime ago, I started work on using XML feeds provided by the service, however ran into problems with TLS issues. Because of the recent changes to the FCC site, I started looking at the problem anew on Friday, and completed most of the work for a new Java Servlet to handle station CallSign search requests.
Below, some of the screengrabs I captured earlier today illustrating how the tool will work once installed.

I have been working several projects lately, including cosmetic updates for several of the WiredPages, as illustrated below.

Other recent projects:
- Pop-up Shops: Researching ways others are using their credit card readers.
- Android Studio and PayPal Here & Zettle SDKs (Coming up to speed)
- Site Monetization
I will be discussing some of the interesting aspects of the other projects listed above, in the coming weeks.