Monday, December 05, 2022
Maybe some of you are aware that I am an admin for my high school's alumni group on Facebook. This year, the varsity teams for girls volleyball and boys football have been involved in regional and state championship games. Over the last several weeks, it has been fun watching and reading the reactions from some of the 6K members of the alumni group to these events.
Though Arundel did not win either of these finals, they were pretty impressive throughout the season and many of the alumni members let them know.
What else have I been up to? Cooking, baking, shopping, working, being annoyed (last post), researching tech layoffs and financial news, and taking photos.

On Cyber Monday, I was at Costco bright and early to pickup a gift I wanted. There was a sizeable saving if I purchased the gift by November 28, 2022. Once I knew I had the gift (out of stock concern), I was able to order other gifts which arrived by Saturday, December 3, 2022. I am mostly finished with my holiday shopping, and Mint is happy to let me know I went over budget.
This year, I had a budget of $400 and spent about $425.
That said, if I had paid full price for everything, I would have spent about $650, so I had an overall savings of about $225.00.
Do you think that is a low budget for holiday gifts? These days, I tend to purchase things that are needed on the spot. Gifts are received throughout the year.
Do you want to know if I am losing weight with all of the holiday treats shown in the photos for this post? Yes, believe it or not. I have been getting exercise through chores and eating in moderation.
Hope your holiday plans are going well.

Thursday, October 27, 2022
Lately, I have been using my office more- mainly because I am not currently working software development projects. I seldom work in my office when developing software- instead preferring to setup my workspace in my bedroom, where I can sleep when I like.
I have several projects I am currently working, including updating my business address and contacting the proper Maryland agencies to ensure the changes are properly recorded.

I also use my office for Zoom meetings and classes. It is also where I maintain my printers and the fax machine. It is simply easier to handle "running the business" issues in the office.
That said, I have been making minor adjustments to the office ever since my real estate course. Why not a more modern look with an electric desk that lifts with the touch of a button? I like my office space, the scene from the window, and I would rather keep the smaller furniture pieces, in that the room is rather small.
Recently, I purchased a new 2K monitor (see link below) for the office, so I would not have to use the smaller 2K monitor used with my software development mini pc. If I had a meeting, I had to unplug the other system (software development platform) to use the monitor. I have a large 24 inch monitor however, it is only a 1080 HD monitor and when Zooming I like ensuring I see what others see. I needed a higher resolution monitor in my office.
I was using the mini PC boxes and a software reference manual to lift the display (shown below), however finally found a monitor stand I thought would work. I am happy with the outcome.

I have a bookshelf stereo system, an older television hooked up to a Verizon FiOs set top box, and an Alexa Echo Input to round out the perfect office environment.

I need more artwork, one of the walls has my diplomas,
certificates, and awards and the others are next on my list. The problem, I
need a good backdrop for the Zoom meetings. I am still working all of

Saturday, October 17, 2020
The Canon EOS M50 Mirrorless Digital Camera I purchased last year, came with a number of accessories, including a cleaning kit.
Recently, I noticed imperfections with some of my photos and tried cleaning the camera lens to resolve the issues. I noticed the problem after a series of shots of a midday moon against a blue sky.

While researching this problem, I read- shooting a blank white wall can also highlight photo image errors.
Dirt on the lens was not the problem, so I then checked the Camera's Image Sensor. Yes, I noticed a smear and dust on the sensor, so I used the blower that came with my camera kit and also tried the camera's internal "Sensor cleaning" feature.

Neither of these solutions corrected the problem. What worked? A non-abrasive, ammonia free wipe that I had on hand which I normally use with glasses, mobile devices, and monitors.
My caution, most of the videos and articles I researched, as to what to use on a camera's image sensor- indicated a special kit should be used to insure no damage is done to the sensor. The concern, a wipe that is too dry or soaked in a cleaner to abrasive- may damage the sensor.
Below, I provide some of the more popular cleaning solutions I found for use with a camera's image sensor.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Fall arrived and I have taken the opportunity to get out to take photos with my recently acquired Canon EOS M50 Camera and Canon EF-S 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS STM Lens .

I use photos quite a bit for graphics. In 2010, I started a Facebook alumni group for my high school and periodically visit the school to take photos. Recently, I updated the header graphic for the group using one of the photos I took on a recent visit.

In addition, the following illustration shows another photo used as a new graphical element for the WiredPages Real Estate page.

And it goes without saying, I post regularly to my Instagram and other social media accounts.
- QiSoftware Instagram account
- Hanover Maryland Businesses Instagram account
- Facebook High School Alumni Group
- WiredPages Real Estate Graphic
- Photo used on Google Maps for new KC Beauty store opening in Hanover, MD.
- QiSoftware Instagram API Demonstration
In my area, autumn color is just around the corner, and I plan to get out and enjoy the season.

Sunday, July 21, 2019
I have been playing around with the Digital Slave Flash that came with the Canon EOS M50 bundle I recently purchased. What is a Digital Slave Flash? It is an external flash that can either be attached to your camera's hot shoe, or positioned away from your camera and used as an autonomous light source that is triggered by the camera's flash.

In the above photo, I am of course- not using the external flash and there is very little glare from the camera's flash. I had to slant the camera away from the items to avoid the glare.
The two photos that follow show (1) a photo taken without the digital slave flash and (2) a photo taken with the external flash. I was working on a post for one of my Facebook pages, in my dimly lit bedroom this morning when I decided to pull out the external flash.

Based on my experimentation, I noticed the two flashes working in unison and when positioned correctly, negated a lot of the flash glare.
I know how to set shutter speed and IOS (manual focus settings) without using a flash to allow enough light for a decent photo, however also like using a flash. I simply think I need to learn how to use a flash more effectively.
I am having a lot of fun playing with my new camera. Professionals who have used DSLR cameras are going to love this camera and newbies like me are going to be very pleased with how easy it is to learn what the professionals know.
Background Data (Photography):
This goes without saying, I am not a professional photographer, however I take all of the photos used by my Instagram accounts and blog posts.
In college, back before digital cameras, I took a black and white photography course as an elective- to learn the basics. I have been in a darkroom and learned to use developer, stabilizers, and enlargers. I remember often being a little panicked about opening the film canister (in the dark) and getting the film into the solution.
For digital photography, I have been using a great Canon (A590) Autofocus Point & Shoot and only now, just beginning to understand the complexities of digital photography (and manual focus), with my new DSLR camera.

Monday, July 15, 2019
On Sunday, July 6, 2019, I damaged my Canon PowerShot A590, beyond repair. I was so devastated by what happened (rushing to pack up, I dropped it on the hardwood floor), I cried. I seldom cry.
I purchased the camera in 2008 and loved the many features this point and shot offered. I seldom went anywhere without it.
That said, the camera could only produce 8MB photos. Though my web hosts should have loved the small footprint of the images I used with my posts, my social media account offerings- looked a little shabby in comparison to others.
For various reasons, all of the images and photos I use on my business site, are hosted on my domains, and not a cloud or image hosting service, like Flickr. Digital photo size is an important factor in my environment and provides part of the rational for why I held off replacing the camera. The other reason? I could not justify the business expense.
That said, I did have plans to purchase a new camera in December 2019 (Christmas), and researching the Canon EOS M50. Late in the evening on July 6, 2019, I ordered the following bundle.

I have to say, I am very pleased with this new camera. Additional info about my purchase(s):
- Love the TouchScreen Menu.
- Love the Manual Focus and Portrait Features.
- Also purchased BM Premium 2-Pack of LP-E12 Batteries for Canon etc..
- Also purchased the Fotodiox Pro Lens Mount Auto Adapter.
- Also purchased the telephoto Canon EF-S 55-250mm F4-5.6 IS STM Lens for Canon SLR Cameras- see more here.
- Love the 4K Video option.
- Love the Digital Slave Flash that came with the bundle.
- Love the 9 different filters that also came in the bundle.
- Love the many YouTube videos about the Canon EOS M50.
The following is an example using the Portrait option on the Canon EOS M50.

I am still playing around with the many features of the camera and other tools that came in the bundle. That said, I have found things pretty easy to understand and have come up-to-speed quickly (yes, I know the above photo, is a little overexposed). This is my first DSLR camera, and though I wanted to wait for Christmas, I am pleased with my selection.

Saturday, October 28, 2017
Yesterday, while driving around Arundel Mills, I took these photos.

It was a gorgeous day, and today is even prettier. In our area, the leaves are just beginning to change and peak color should be here in no time. This is one of my favorite times of the year.
What else have I been up to?
I have also been researching software products. Microsoft Access is a powerful tool and as a software developer I can do a lot with this software, however it is not supported on the Mac operating system. I do a lot of development work on a Mac computer.
Alternatives for Mac users include, FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Pro Advanced. These packages are also supported on Windows platforms.
In addition, if you are not well versed in database definition [schema/structure] or the SQL standard, you may find the FileMaker offering a bit easier to use, in that there is no programming involved.

Monday, November 09, 2015
It seems I am always working on a list. This morning, it is the food shopping list for the holidays and my Mother's birthday.

Does it seem odd- with all of the computers I own, I use pen and paper to do things like this?
Last night, I cleaned off my dresser and found a photo of me- I think I have already shared. I decided to repost the photo to highlight the bookcase behind me in the photo-- a "then and now" concept.

My parents kept several of the pieces they purchased when they were young- including that bookcase, a nice buffet and a mini bar. There is also a stereo console in the basement in the same style and wood as that of the bookcase.

In addition to creating lists, it seems I am also doing a lot of research. Lately, it has been for holiday gift buying and updates to my Amazon Stores:
Hope you are having a productive day, too.

Sunday, November 01, 2015
It is really beautiful in Maryland during peak Autumn Season. This is the second weekend in a row that I have gone out to witness the spectacular color.
Yesterday, I was on Dorsey Road [Rte 176, borders BWI Airport] and took photos [with my tablet] of the bike trail and ornamental grasses that run between the highway and airport fence barrier.
When I returned, I posted the photos to my Instagram account and later in the evening decided to add an Instagram icon to the right sidebar of this blog.

Photos taken this morning, just outside the house. My Instagram account is less than a year old and I use it sparingly, because I post photos to this blog and my Tumblr Blog.

Other things I have been up to this weekend:
- Christmas Shopping. I am pleased I have started this project.
- Watched: WTA [Ladies Pro Tennis] Championships.
- Movie: "Repulsion" with Catherine Deneuve. Not exactly what I thought it was going to be, nevertheless- interesting. I used to watch old movies all the time [Gene Tierney is one of my favorite actresses]. Surprised I never ran across this one before last week when I setup a FiOS reminder. Cinemoi Channel offering.
- Resetting the clocks for Eastern Standard Time ["Fall Back" happened this morning].
- Updating my Amazon Stores:
Breakfast and leftovers:

Things are moving along.

Saturday, October 03, 2015
They're doing fine.

A look back:
Not shown, the latest plant from clippings referenced in the last post.

Friday, February 27, 2015
The following is a photograph taken of me in 1992 at my grandmother's house in Wilmington, NC.

I made two trips to Wilmington, NC in 1992. One for a Family Reunion over the 4th of July and then in late 1992 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Based on my outfit I am pretty sure it was the fall/winter visit. I know it was 1992 because of the length of my hair.
I found the photo about a month ago [inside the pages of the book shown] and decided then, not to put it up because I think it makes me look hard. I do not like my hair that short and think soft longer curls help to soften my look. Longer, soft curls- I have worn forever.
The reason I decided to show this photo?
Too many believe-- I am a helpless female that needs guidance. I am a capable software consultant-- with too many well known relatives. I said no... Three years after this photograph was taken, I told a bigwig corporate lawyer-- Roy Goldberg he was fired for making the mistake of thinking I was kidding.
Nevertheless, today, I am still being inundated with female jewish lawyers-- who tell me they walk around my corner looking like bums to insure I am not intimated. If you are speaking for me as a lawyer and are female I want you to have on the latest Coco Chanel suit. That said, I am not looking for a lawyer at this time.. and tend to like educated males. The other problem, I would not even consider a consultation with folks walking around the corner near my house.
Please wait until I call-- and make sure you have on your own suit and not Weaver's. Further-- check with Hyatt Legal Services in reference to a 1982 issue, Fairfax co court and natolli in 1989. I do not pay lawyers to intimidate me. I pay lawyers to speak for me... And I want them to be smart, savvy and well dressed. I like men. I am used to educated men. Lady I would not allow you to represent me at a dog fight. Get off my corner.
DOJ, tired of being tortured.. tired of the vultures at my door. I am not kidding. Roy Goldberg-- I should not be having problems with hard headed female lawyers... What am I not getting here? Tell the next idiot-- to do its homework.
BTW: The Mazda RX Convertible, shown in this blog's header artwork is a 1990. I purchased the car brand new in May 1990. Many used to tell me I did not look like a system analyst and defense contractor with a fortune 100 corporation. I was. I also had clearances... research and stop wasting our time... at the very least-- check with Roy Goldberg. He tells me he is still around. Also, many tell me my skills at the time-- are too polished for the systems analyst title alone... I also had the title of task leader... our tasks were large programs that ran forever. My linkedin profile is available-- see the link in the right sidebar.. get off me and move on... now.
Added the last paragraph-- because someone said-- now I get the car.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Received a lot of feed back on yesterday's post.
Though, I believe unrelated to the post itself-- last night there was a huge bonfire in the neighbor's backyard.

Abstract noise suggests it was not as innocent as it appears as related to my situation and I provide photos only to log the event.
The fire-- was too big and kind of scary. I was concerned about sparks and the fence that divides the two properties. We are not in drought conditions so maybe I worry too much...

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving.
I finished cooking around 1:00 p.m., dressed for dinner [combed out my hair-- curls fell out, applied makeup] and we ate shortly after. It was an easy morning. Got up at 6:00 a.m., showered, dressed and started cooking around 8:00 a.m.

There was a slight problem with the turkey, however everything else was great. An unknown couple to me stopped by after we ate. For some reason, I wanted the photos to line up-- in case the couple keeps up with this blog. I have not had this much makeup on- in awhile. The last photo I took of me [and posted], showed a very tired "me" so I wanted to show- it was simply exhaustion and the time of evening.
Dessert... This cheesecake is great. It is similar to a Southern Living recipe I have. I only make a quarter of the original recipe.

I had extra crumbs but did not use them to sprinkle the top of the cake [on purpose]. When trying to release the spring-form pan some of the crust sprinkled the top.
Hope you had an easy day too. Turkey and hair my only problems today. Hoping the rest of the evening is event free.

Friday, October 25, 2013
Yesterday. I put a pot roast in the slow cooker around 11:30 am. I let it cook until 3:00 pm or so- and had for lunch/dinner.

My mother is always doing this or that. Here she is checking her iPhone for messages... Photo taken today.

Monday, July 01, 2013
I was up at 5:30 am this morning-- to wish everyone off for the week.
Around 7:00 a.m., I mowed the larger area of the front lawn with the push mower [as opposed to the riding mower, before it began to rain again], and then watched tennis.
Around 11:00 am-- I had Kung Pao Chicken for lunch [no breakfast] and this for dessert about 2 hours later.

Some of the things I plan to eat-- for the rest of the week.

I skipped breakfast--- and got plenty of exercise with the lawnmower-- so not worried about my diet--- at least for today.
I took these shots last week of the Shasta Daisies in one of the front beds. Photo on the left taken at night-- the one on the right--the next morning.

And finally, last Friday when I went to get my license renewed-- you will recall I set my hair. I liked the way it looked when I left the bathroom at the MVA offices-- however by 6:00 PM that evening-- here is what it looked like.

I did all sorts of things after I got home [left the MVA offices around 11:30 am that morning]- and still had a little curl the next day.. This summer hair solution will work for me-- because I tend to wear my hair a bit messy anyway-- and I love the soft curls I get with the set and comb out.
I am getting ready to go through my bag to start to organize my discs and files. This in an effort to downsize my bag-- which the new hard drives will be used for. It will be a busy week.
By the way-- I have a Cannon PowerShot which I have been playing around with. I have had it since 2008-- and just now looking at its many features. This to explain why I have been testing night shots and lighting settings.
Washington-- still talking. Nothing new to report.. vibrations continue.. last night-- kind of hard. So flushed this morning-- I was pink by the time I walked around the lawn with the lawnmower for half an hour.. A year and a half ago-- I could do 9.6 miles on my elliptical everyday.. I was never flushed. Yes, vibrations affecting me.. Whining about this? Get off me.

Friday, March 22, 2013
My father's birthday is Monday. He would have been 78. Here are some really old photos taken late 50's I think.

Mom England Polaroid

Mrs. Hopson England
I was looking through old photos and found some from england and France. The last two are of my mother and Mrs. Hopson in England. A lot of folks from my high school days will know Mrs. Hopson.

Me and Judy with Babysitter
I am often amazed at photos I look through. For instance the above photo is of Judy and I in France with a babysitter. Judy looks a lot younger. Other photos of us taken in france show us about the same age. Also, why is the level of detail-- better for the sitter and i and not judy? my guess-- black ops folks have been through our photos.
Having a rough time with vibrations. Not sure what's going on. Supposed to have ended today.. Q's Wire more details. Lindy [BWMC]-- if you are my aunt Judy's-- I believe you had aids when you were born. Sam Brownback key. Why are they saying the child did not have aids? Why did Bob [hale] say-- Tony said, give her aids? this note should be on the q's wire post for this date. My Sept. 93 accident-- Boonetown just outside of Ft meade maryland-- that Bob? Bob Hale-- your dad I am told is too high on the US totem pole. Someone claiming to be you has tried to libel any number of folks so that i will do the same here? I am simply repeating what someone claiming to be you is saying. Tony-- you can't stop the imposter or is that your son? get him off me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013
Yesterday, I had to go to Columbia. Trip uneventful and I was in a terrible mood. Photos.

I am not sure if it is the darker pencil I used-- the headache or strain-- but I hate the last photo.... I am not sad. I am mad. I thought the make up looked better in person.
These days, it's rare that I go further than the bank or the gas station. That said-- I am happy I took care of that errand yesterday, and not next week.

Friday, November 09, 2012
I have not posted photos of me in awhile. My hair these days- goes into a ponytail or as is the case today-- held back with a comb-- so it is kind of messy most days. I wish I could say it is because I am working on business projects and do not have the time to primp.

Recruitment seems to be the mission of the time- and I have said no. Other threats in the offering? See if we can go with crazy, have her post about all the crap she was told to have others say-- why did she tell and to turn a simple legal issue into a why did you hurt so many. This one this morning. I said, I thought I covered that one when I first heard about the insuring with others' secrets, last spring.
I have explained the information, with the caveat-- earpiece provided, to show evidentiary data. I have left out a lot. Why? It is not needed and shows neither credit for the information provided nor provides anything other than credible gossip that would disappoint an american public.
No, I did not know a lot before the earpiece was activated in Feb. 2012. I had speculated on who was who a great deal in Q's Wire. I was right about a lot. That said I thought they wanted it told. The things I was told starting earlier this year both shocked and concerned me. I am told my reaction to a lot of things is one of silence. Yes, I listened to hour after hour of scripts provided by Washington types. Congressional and CIA. I am told DOJ is just now going through the tapes.
Waiting on me to tell Washington secrets-- beyond what I have told to show why they want to use me? Do not wait. I want Washington to move forward. Pity party that I do not think the American public wants to know about. That said DOJ-- you owe the out. You are allowing harassment from non- investigative nor legal types unabated.
Blackmail washington? Why? I can show fraud and harassment. I am owed a lot from this. In addition, I made the right guesses as to who was who when I posted to Q's Wire-- so why would I blackmail washington-- now. It is Washington that wants me to insure. I want washington to keep its filth out of my ear-- and let me run my business and hope they are cleaning up their act.
I am owed a lot. This from all quarters. There is a deal in place from a private interest-- which clears a lot of big names including the US government. The CIA wants me to bring the money, me and my business to their house. I am not government. I do not like their idiot talk [review tapes] and not interested in government work. I am owed in broad daylight and I do not want the American public to know the secrets I have been told. STOP. DOJ and the FBI owe. Insured to be important in Washington? Okay. Thugs that steal from me? FBI/DOJ not okay. And I do not want to work for the US government.. Get this same old crap off me.
Today, another deadline. But I am not asking that settlement payments start. You tell me they are... STOP. Yes, I believe a deal is in place.. too many details starting in Feb 2012 and too many in government that want me to pay them-- even today. I said no. The source decided to back out? Yes, I would understand. That said-- too many idiots that say that is a lie in their many attempts to irritate me.
After initial post. Boy, are the folks in earpiece land mad. Very. The general cussed me out-- and he [well the one I talk to a lot] is normally very well mannered. Since my post mostly-- says what I have been saying-- it most be the new photos I took today. Why would photos piss off so many? I am sure I did not turn into an exotic beauty-- though I can say-- the hammering with the earpiece gain issues has caused me a lot of unrest. Yes, I think I look better than expected today-- and my makeup went on better than I had hoped. They see me a lot without makeup... not my imagination the anger. General said I caught him with his draws down. Said someone lied... What lie?
I asked for more money? No. The deal I knew about in May 2012 is the deal I understand. That said-- I am willing to take the compensatory parts of the deal and sue for the rest. this clears big business and allows me to move my sites.
who do I believe the general is? His name is said to be Marine General Joseph F. Dunford. That said-- he has a father who was a col. in the marines who also uses the alias online. The one i talk to is rather young, just received his 3 stars and i cannot find the original cspan briefing where i saw a younger version... Told he is a blackops general. Why tell you this? In case you look up Gen. Dunford. I have seen at least two versions in tapes. One looks older. TV camera filters powerful these days. Told justice Kennedy thinks the one i talk to is too young and arrogant. he is very straight forward and I appreciate that. Not sure what the truth is. Why do I believe he is younger. Ben does not like him, and women swoon. Me.. no.. want him to have the Pentagon let go and move on. I am told the other problem-- overseas threats another big reason he is here.
I know a lot now about the Rockwell guys i worked with and who their military connections are. At first [right after earpiece activated, not before], only Doug's and info about a child that died. I did not know it was connected to a Rockwell employee. Now, I know more. General made known to me only recently. Why? Too un-insure our military? General just asked me-- "why would he tell--- walter winchell"? Yes, I do have a habit of telling things. The black ops general.. why?
Never ending jarring from the earpiece. Why should I see a doctor about having it removed before I get a lawyer? Told, just a moment ago when I requested it stop-- that I should go to the hospital to have it removed. Is that why you reminded me about the relative's epileptic issues? Need my own lawyer to certify. Stop... The bag, really? No.
I had no idea Mattis maybe related to Guy nor Roughhead-- Newcomb. Why tell me now? Mark Ferguson-- Pete?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I went to Costco today to get whip cream and bananas. I also went to the Dollar Store to get new reading glasses:

This is how I looked before I left.

I am using an inexpensive Conair ½" curling iron these days, to do my hair-- because it has no body [humid-less days] and my hotter tools would leave it even more lifeless.
I also wore a new sweat suit I got for Christmas-- but feel the photos I took-- highlight recent weight gain so I am going to pass showing those.
It was such a beautiful day-- I could get used to being out and about again.