Friday, February 27, 2015
The following is a photograph taken of me in 1992 at my grandmother's house in Wilmington, NC.

I made two trips to Wilmington, NC in 1992. One for a Family Reunion over the 4th of July and then in late 1992 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Based on my outfit I am pretty sure it was the fall/winter visit. I know it was 1992 because of the length of my hair.
I found the photo about a month ago [inside the pages of the book shown] and decided then, not to put it up because I think it makes me look hard. I do not like my hair that short and think soft longer curls help to soften my look. Longer, soft curls- I have worn forever.
The reason I decided to show this photo?
Too many believe-- I am a helpless female that needs guidance. I am a capable software consultant-- with too many well known relatives. I said no... Three years after this photograph was taken, I told a bigwig corporate lawyer-- Roy Goldberg he was fired for making the mistake of thinking I was kidding.
Nevertheless, today, I am still being inundated with female jewish lawyers-- who tell me they walk around my corner looking like bums to insure I am not intimated. If you are speaking for me as a lawyer and are female I want you to have on the latest Coco Chanel suit. That said, I am not looking for a lawyer at this time.. and tend to like educated males. The other problem, I would not even consider a consultation with folks walking around the corner near my house.
Please wait until I call-- and make sure you have on your own suit and not Weaver's. Further-- check with Hyatt Legal Services in reference to a 1982 issue, Fairfax co court and natolli in 1989. I do not pay lawyers to intimidate me. I pay lawyers to speak for me... And I want them to be smart, savvy and well dressed. I like men. I am used to educated men. Lady I would not allow you to represent me at a dog fight. Get off my corner.
DOJ, tired of being tortured.. tired of the vultures at my door. I am not kidding. Roy Goldberg-- I should not be having problems with hard headed female lawyers... What am I not getting here? Tell the next idiot-- to do its homework.
BTW: The Mazda RX Convertible, shown in this blog's header artwork is a 1990. I purchased the car brand new in May 1990. Many used to tell me I did not look like a system analyst and defense contractor with a fortune 100 corporation. I was. I also had clearances... research and stop wasting our time... at the very least-- check with Roy Goldberg. He tells me he is still around. Also, many tell me my skills at the time-- are too polished for the systems analyst title alone... I also had the title of task leader... our tasks were large programs that ran forever. My linkedin profile is available-- see the link in the right sidebar.. get off me and move on... now.
Added the last paragraph-- because someone said-- now I get the car.