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Regina's Personal Blog

Saturday, February 08, 2025

FBI, how do I do this?

Many are aware of my personal circumstances, so it is amazing to me that I continue to explain this when it should be an embarrassment for many and or criminal charges are in order.

Below a screenshot of the Jury Summons I will probably receive in the mail today.

I could have doctors, lawyers, and both state and federal law enforcement officials explain the issues involved, however why bother?

I am hoping this issue corrects itself quickly as I plan to document every issue presented with regard to this summons.

I am a law abiding citizen who would love to be to a part of the civic duties and processes I am bound to uphold. You want to ask- 'Regina, why are you exempt? Most people do not want jury duty?'

My circumstances are known. FBI how do I do this?

Additional information. In October 2014 I was notified I had jury duty. The following screen grabs show Word files/letters/faxes related to my request to be excused from the duty. The request to be excused- back then, was based on personal security (personal threats, etc.) and proprietary software I developed for my business and news service.

I was granted a limited service ruling as noted by my letter to the Sheriff's department shown below.

In August 2018, the front door to the house I live in was smashed in by a drunken driver. Information I cannot prove states it was related to the same type of threats. Here is a link to the news item about the destruction to the house.

On Nov 1, 2024 I called the Anne Arundel Co Police about another incident. I am not going to provide the details because I do not want copycat issues.

I have ten days to submit my request to be excused for the summons I received today. My issues have changed and although I still have security issues I will not mention those in the new request.

FBI why allow the limited service request in Nov 2014 if my issues were not valid?

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Love my new boots...

This morning, I was in a great mood because I was expecting a package containing my new 9WEST Magnett Knee High Slouch Boots in Dark Brown that I ordered on Wednesday. In total I paid about $65 (credit card rewards, coupon discount, 50% off sale) for boots that were selling for $169 at department stores.

That said I was in a great mood this morning until I learned someone used a bank debit card without authorization. I spent about 10 minutes insuring I had all the information I needed for the 30 minute phone call (mostly waiting for a customer service rep) to the bank. Someone used the card to pay $16.11 at a movie theater in Dallas, TX. The bank was very responsive in processing all of the needed actions to correct the problem. The bank rep asked if I called the police. Is that normal?

After I finished with the call to the bank, I did my hair and makeup so I could try on my new boots with different styles.

I am very happy with my new boots, however not that happy with the photos and videos I shot modeling the outfits. Decided to use only some of the photos.

I justified the purchase of the boots- because I often wear my brown suede jacket and the price was good. The problem? Because I am losing weight the jacket is now a little big.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

FBI Dishwasher Installation

Today, at long last the new dishwasher was to be installed. I spent most of Monday, moving things around so the installer would have easy access to everything.

About 25 minutes before the installer was to arrive, he called to request the power to the dishwasher be turned off. I had to make about four trips to the basement before finding the correct switch. For some reason the switches are labelled rather ambiguously.

When the installation company called to set up the appointment I explained I had measured the width of the dishwasher as suggested by Costco and was assured because it was standard the height was not a factor.

The first thing the installer did after unloading the new dishwasher was to measure the height and said the dishwasher would not fit because he needed 33.5 inches insofar as clearance and I only had 33 and 3/8 inches.

It did not matter that I explained the hardwood flooring was not underneath the dishwasher and that he was measuring an inch of flooring that should not have been included.

I also explained that both the old and new dishwashers were the same size so I did not understand why he could not install the new one.

Included in my discussion, the hardwood flooring was in place when the old dishwasher was installed. Nothing worked. Though the guy had a very large head he spoke broken English and did not seem to understand what I was saying. Have you ever noticed the size of my head in comparison to the rest of my body? (See the last post).

I had to set up another appointment for a second opinion.

I am upset by all of this. This should have been an easy replacement and I had prepared carefully for everything.

I took some photos today, so I had on something other than my usual outfit. I will provide the other photos in the next post.

Why is this tagged FBI? Just something off about the whole thing. Most know there are sometimes the wrong issues involved in things like this and I do not like hassles for the wrong reasons. FBI, I said no.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Writing Checks?

I cannot remember the last time I saw someone writing a check in the checkout line, that is until yesterday.

One of my errands yesterday, stop by Costco for these staples:

  • Water
  • Bathroom Tissue Paper
  • Fruits
  • Hawaiian Sweet Rolls

While there, a lady two customers in front of me in the checkout line- paid with a check. This seemed to take forever.

Do you want to ask why it is taking so long to put the Microsoft Publisher Check Writing Template on a WiredShops product page?

The answer is complicated. I want to say something like DOJ is allowing sales from my online site to be blocked, however, I cannot say for sure because my information is only abstract in nature.

I believe there is a similar issue with Maryland Bloggers. I get Maryland Bloggers emails from the online forms, however there is no contact information. It is as if the email information is being stripped. Yes, I installed the email forms correctly.

In abstract, I am also told DOJ is trying to correct this situation. That said, I have been told many things over the years, however, I am not holding my breath.

I tend to move on and come up with my next plan of action. These plans are mostly to do with business and not anything to do with hiring a lawyer. I have become a serial entrepreneur of sorts.

What I wore yesterday while out running errands? The dress is a long sleeve t-shirt type dress that I belted to distract from my slightly lumpy midsection. The good news, my midsection is a lot less lumpier so I did not wear shapewear nor a blazer. These days, the less I wear the cooler I am.

What I put on upon my return? Biking shorts and a t-shirt.

In some of the photos, I am trying on a leather blazer I hope to wear in the fall and winter months to hide unwanted curves. Need to lose a bit more weight. Happy with the purchase of all that fruit from Costco.

What are you having for the fourth?

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Why My Concerns?

On March 8, 2024, I requested my undergrad college transcripts from via Bowie State University (see resume).

As noted from the above graphic, the issue was resolved, however, after review of my unofficial transcripts I found several issues I am more than a little concerned about.

That said, because I was a defense contractor with clearances for a number of years- straight out of college, I am quite certain my 'official transcripts' are more in line with what I know.

My concern is not with whether Bowie shows I graduated with the BS in Mathematics in 1981, (we agree, I did)- more with courses I took and grades I received.

I could write a long drawn out post about my age, why relatives call me Doogie Howser (started college when he was 15), or any number of issues, however I am not going to. I do not need to prove there is a problem with my age. I probably did not do all of the grades between the first and twelfth grades.

I did complete the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades at Arundel High School in Gambrills, Maryland and completed four full time years at Bowie State College (now Bowie State University), in Bowie, Maryland.

The FBI officially received a statement about my concerns as related to the unofficial transcripts, after I recently downloaded the transcripts. I note this in this post because government agencies can easily check their records from years ago related to investigations into my background.

I was paid as a college educated STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) defense contractor with security clearances for 14 years. This through Fortune 100 corporations. This can only be done if the transcripts were originally checked.

Why belabor this? Today college educations are not always real. Many use fake credentials, but also have important relatives.

I have a lot of important relatives.

I test well on IQ tests and my SAT scores were notable as compared to other students entering Bowie at the same time. I also applied to Howard and the University of Maryland. Here again, my scores were good.

Why question a non ivy league degree? You would be surprised by those who do not have a degree, yet claim, to. You would also be surprised by those who would want me a little less qualified. My resume probably understates my skill set. It does not overstate my qualifications.

I should have been allowed to live a quiet life. I mostly paid for my college education. For various reasons, which I now understand, I was interfered with. I am a law abiding, college educated United States citizen in good standing. FBI, I said no.

Monday, September 18, 2023

It's the little things...

On Friday, September 15, 2023, I noticed for the first time that the New York Times Hardcover Bestsellers lists on the WiredPages Libraries page were out of sync.

For some reason, I thought the New York Times updated their hardcover bestsellers list late Saturdays to be ready for the Sunday edition. It turns out the new bestsellers are released each week on Wednesdays at 5:00 PM.

Why, had I never looked this up before last Friday? Because I am a programmer who relied solely on API feeds for the real time dynamic information used on most areas of the WiredPages News Service.

Why can I no longer rely on those real time API feeds? Though I can rely on the New York Times API (the list in the sidebar without the book cover images), Amazon's Associate resources for programmers have undergone many changes- restricting a lot of the access programmers using those resources once had.

So why did I update my Amazon Affiliate Links Database for the NY Times Bestsellers a moment ago and provide the updated information here (updated again on Jan. 14, 2024)...

The New York Times® Best Sellers
For the week of: 1/10/2024
Hardcover Fiction Best Sellers

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

... in this blog post and not the WiredPages Libraries page? Because over the weekend, I decided I was not happy about my site visitation numbers in a number of areas and thought I would stop thinking about it and watch movies instead (also watched a little football, cooked, etc.).

I thought these movies (all new to me) great for the weekend distraction I wanted.

Okay, where was I? My last post touches on some of the issues that seem to be at odds with my visitation data and I am frustrated. Visitation data impacts my access to the Amazon Product Advertising API (real time Amazon Products data) and the ads I run.

I cannot explain why the numbers are not syncing up. I would love for DOJ to respond.

P.S. I will update the WiredPages Libraries page on Wedenesday, after 5:00 PM and each Wednesday after that, with the new release of bestsellers- until my access to the Amazon Product Advertising API is restored.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Who Is Selling My Ad Space?

Recently, I think because of an uptick in blog posts- I noticed the numbers from the header bidding resource I integrated on areas of in October 2018 began to show an increase.

Based on the information in this IAB Tech Lab discussion Why the ‘OWNERDOMAIN’ & ‘MANAGERDOMAIN’ fields are important additions to ADS.TXT...

... I added (late September 13, 2023) the following lines to my ads.txt file as illustrated below.

My sellers.json file was left unchanged.

After updating the ads.txt file the analysis resource offered by for my domain, changed as noted below.

Just for information, how my Google Adsense and header bidding resource (UAM) accounts report my seller information...

On September 14, 2023, my header bidding numbers decreased to ZERO and today, though still early, the numbers appear to be headed in the same direction (ZERO).

My header bidding numbers are now zero after updating my ads.txt file. It also appears someone else is selling my ad space. Maybe I should not have done all of my site's ad integrations, however it seemed pretty straight forward after lots of research. What am I missing?

Reference discussions about QiSoftware advertising resources and integrations:

Friday, September 01, 2023

Owning My Shop - Salad Spinner

When I first decided (September 2021) to go online with my own ecommerce shop WiredShops I was very excited about the prospect. The entry I posted as a new shop owner.

I had several limiting factors:

  • Website cost
    • Domain Registration Costs
    • Hosting
    • Custom Site Design
    • Listing Products
  • Inventory Costs
  • Time Available For This New Business Activity

I cannot say this online shop is a failure, because I love the fact I own it and my cost to own is/was very low.

The time it took to populate the shop was expensive and I use the API service offered by my drop shipper which is not as straight forward as I would like. I did not use a service like Shopify, which in most cases has an associated cost, whereas the API does not- other than my time. Coming up to speed on the OpenCart software was not as time consuming.

That said, I have only had one sale and that- because I asked a relative to ensure my cart/payment hookups were working. They are.

I also tested with the Paypal sandbox cart however, sometimes the results seemed to vary, the reason I tested with an actual sale. I believe there is unlawful interference with this business venture. I have asked DOJ to look into this.

  • I registered the for about $10 a year. was available, however a lot more expensive.
  • I installed the custom OpenCart site design myself.
  • I decided drop shipping- at the time, was a more cost effective solution.
  • The actual inventory acquisition costs were low.

So why have I decided to revisit my efforts in this area?

Lately, I have made a lot of garden salads and decided I needed a salad spinner.

I checked with my drop shipper and found a spinner I thought would also be perfect for my online shop. Now, keep in mind, I have done some research since the pandemic and knew shipping costs had been affected by the global issue and then more recently- inflation rates. So I was sort of prepared for the new shipping rates. Are you, if you are thinking about opening a shop?

I also found the salad spinner I liked on Amazon. I think I am going to place an order with Amazon for my personal use and to ensure the quality is what I expect.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

MS Access Database to Handle Amazon Affiliate Links

Yesterday, I developed a new Microsoft Access Database to handle Amazon affiliate links I use throughout my sites.

The rather involved illustration below shows what the new database accomplishes.

Do you want to ask, why not use Amazon's Product Advertising API to pull my affiliate links? Years go I created an application (quite frankly, several) to pull Amazon affiliate links for use on WiredPages.

The problem with using Amazon's Product Advertising API you must generate a number of orders to be able to use the resource. I never have any sells. If you think otherwise because you have clicked and purchased from my Amazon affiliate links (any link that points to on any part of the and related domains) then contact IC3.

When my access to the API was suspended (no orders, several years ago), I integrated Amazon Native Shopping Ads into the programs. When the API was unavailable I provided the Native Shopping Ads.

Recently, it was announced Amazon's Native Shopping Ads resource is being retired so I am coming up with new ways to show data and ads I think are relevant to the areas on my sites where I place them.

I am a software developer who likes demonstrating the type of custom applications I can provide using popular APIs like Amazon's Product Advertising API. Some of the APIs I have worked with are found on this page.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Misread Their Fine Print

In the last post, I discussed Youtube rules related to eligibility for monetization. I watched a Youtube video of someone discussing new monetization rules and checked my Youtube Studio page for more information. Sure enough there was a new section on my page which I highlighted in the following illustration.

The new section refers to access to useful tools and forums and connecting to your fans. It appears I need 500 subscribers to be able to do this.

Earn income by connecting with your fans and gain access to support forums and creator tools

I did not read the fine print carefully after watching the Youtube video. Nevertheless, I stand by my original giggle. My Youtube subscribe button does not work, no matter the requirement for 500 or 1000 subscribers.

DOJ you can take me seriously.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


Over the past week, I have been able to get back to some of the business related issues I put off while adjusting to a new project.

One of my business related issues- involved Amazon's retirement of their Native Ads resource. Though I have not completed the work, I have updated several areas, including:

Another area, promotion and other services related to online content creation. I continue to practice creating my own video content- focusing on technical issues rather than the content itself.

What do I mean? I look at issues- like how to insert video into a round shape which is then overlaid on a larger video. The video editing software I use, Active Presenter is pretty sophisticated.

I want to partner with professionals on a new site to offer both promotional and a wide range of technical services for content creators.

Is this market oversaturated? I have audience though my numbers appear to suggest otherwise. Who do you call for help with content creation? Or did someone call you?

What I think I have noticed- content creators are relying on a limited number of technical service providers. Does everyone do their own editing? My information is no and when the brand has a problem- the face on the brand cannot do much about it- because the technical know-how is really someone else's.

How do I know? I have been asked to give up my brand and allow others to keep my face, however promote their products through me. I routinely decline offers of this type. This more to do with the products I chose to promote and not my software development efforts.

Why continue calling or asking about my business if I have no audience?

As related to software development efforts, I get a lot of calls from overseas software developers/businesses to outsource my software development efforts. I also decline these requests, however it is more a legal question. If my brand is on the software, I write the software.

I cannot afford someone else writing software under my brand. I have noticed that on one or two of the applications I have developed for WiredPages- my program has been substituted with someone else's. I have asked DOJ to look into my complaints. Most often the program malfunctions and I can show my code does not.

Okay, you say a Java program is not an edited video from a software package like Active Presenter. Yes, but have you used the many features of a program like Active Presenter? I have tested a lot and know how powerful the software is. That said I understand software. I program.

The other thing I have noticed? Sometimes the videos I upload lose the original resolution. Why?

A lot of folks stopped blogging when they were unable to earn money. What makes you think other content creators can make money? Audience. I can provide audience.

Why continue asking when I have already said no. I have no audience? This post was originally about something else. My new financial efforts, healthier meals, and my new Youtube short video. I have inserted the video. Not because it is great content, but more because it shows I am a legitimate business owner.

DOJ I said no. I used to upload all of my videos to my own site, however cannot afford the bandwidth. I have to use other resources. I have audience- I cannot afford the bandwidth for that audience. What gives? Fraud?

Now I feel less annoyed. Maybe I will remove this post next week.

Thursday, May 04, 2023

Now I Remember Why...

Since the beginning of the year (2023), I have had a number of problems with my new real estate site.

I installed the core site area on a subdomain (, because I decided to use the WordPress CMS.

I used Wordpress quite a bit in the past, however in 2011 decided the program's programmers changed too many core features for new releases.

In addition, my web hosting services regularly requested I allow the updates for outdated Wordpress installations. This meant I had to stop what I was doing and "fix" any problems that arose because of a new Wordpress update.

This was very time consuming, so I moved on to Thingamablog.

The main site ( area is a Thingamablog. I use the main site area as a blog and the subdomain ( to maintain property listings.

When (March 2022), I initially installed Wordpress for my new real estate site- the Wordpress version was 5.9.2.

In March 2023, when I began having issues with the automatic updates installed on my site, I changed the wp-config.php to disable the automatic Wordpress updates. See the following illustration.

My current Wordpress version is 6.1.1 and no longer works. The latest release of Wordpress is 6.2.

I spent most of yesterday researching this problem with no luck. It was almost as if someone else was online at the same time changing my .htaccess file as I was trying different options. The error is a 403 code which is normally very easy to correct.

Long story short, I have updated most of the links to the Wordpress site to the blog on the main area. When I stop screaming (get off my site), I will look at this issue again.

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

You Don't Have To Like Me

Lately, I have been preoccupied with personal and home security projects, so in addition to holiday meal preparation, my short term goals through last weekend included those efforts.

This morning, with most of my short term goals in place (have one or two remaining issues with the security projects) I refocused my attention on business efforts.

I have done a lot of research into online content creation resources, income potential, and those currently working in this area.

Though my research provides you probably should not give up your day job to become an online content creator- there is the potential for side income if you have the time.

That said, in my opinion part of the problem lies in how search engines find your content. Bloggers and other content creators used to use online forums and backlinks to create their web presence. Now it is more social media links and the number of likes.

The problem with someone like me? I do not chase social media likes nor posts.

I prefer backlinks and directories. For example, one of the Facebook groups to which I belong- provides membership for regional content creators. When I posted a question to the group searching for a post with a list of links for our members' content- the admin for the group responded that there was an old post somewhere. Upon further research, I discovered Facebook had deleted the post.

When I developed the Blogger Calendar Java application in 2004 for the platform, I created a blog post titled, "Dating Your Blog" using "Blogger Calendar" as a keyword.

I then posted to a great many online forums about my new application. Web directories and the older forums services (e.g., BBS) do not delete old forum threads with links.

When using Google, Yahoo, etc. to search for the term "Blogger Calendar" there were many returned references all pointing to one of my forum posts or the blog post itself. And my results were always at the top.

Content creators do not have as many backlinks to their content, instead a person on Facebook or Youtube liked your post. This does not provide the same backlink coverage the old forum posts and directories used to provide.

Of course you can always purchase the top of the search results list. How is that done today? In the past it was the backlinks from forum posts and online directories. I am no sure how Google creates backlinks today or if they are even needed to reach the top of their search results lists.

Social media 'likes' do not create backlinks.

When the Facebook admin responded to my query, I started thinking about how creators might be found without sinking entire budgets into advertising to get top search engine results. That is why I registered in late February 2023.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) used to mean- those offering those services went out and did what I did when I developed the Blogger Calendar app, post to a lot of different forums to get top ranking in search engines.

Forums have gone mostly by the wayside, so today I am unsure as to how those providing those services obtain top results in search engine rankings. Backlinks are important. Someone liked your page? Does that get you a backlink? That may get Instagram a backlink.

Because I have created my own online content, I know videos are especially time consuming and you need the right equipment. I use to provide income data for Youtube channels. Given the number of subscribers and the work effort to create some of those videos, I find it a little shocking as to the dollar amounts those creators are generating. Virtually nothing. Can you buy subscribers? It seems the subscribers are not returning.

Someone is making money. I am not sure if it is the creators. I get hits. I do not get credit. I have asked DOJ to investigate.

How do I know I get hits? One, I have to restart my private Tomcat servers on both my hosts too often which tends to show it is not only me visiting my sites. Two, there is other evidence, however a little harder for me to prove. Three, I am the sole admin for my high school alumni group of 6K members. I am sure they are curious about who I am. Why? I always get hits on an external alumni group I belong to. Though the Facebook group is active my business/personal site analytics do not reflect any traffic from this rather large group.

Last year, a large power admins group on Facebook invited me to join because of the high school alumni group. My group is considered clean and rates high on Facebook. Why are those members (Facebook high school alumni group) not curious about who I am- and those on the external alumni group seem to be? The external sites sends email messages about profile hits.

I do not think I am the only content provider not getting credit. What am I trying to do? Old School. Provide a way to have links found.

Sources suggest hits from this blog and other sites I offer do provide audience for links I include in my posts. I registered two new domains this morning- and at $10.74 per year for each.

Can I get you hits? I think so.

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

It's Official, New Business Address

Yesterday, Maryland updated their records reflecting the change of address for my business (QiSoftware). See this Business Blog Remix post for how to search Maryland's records for current business related information.

The comptroller's office updated the records in November 2022, however, the Trade Name Program with the Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation took a little longer.

Though the old address will be available for a limited time, on Monday, January 30, 2023 I stopped by the post office to submit the permanent forwarding address.

I have held the same business address since 2004 when I setup shop. The many updates I have to make reflecting the new address is staggering. Shown below, just some of the updates I have started to make.

I started the update process in November 2022, and continue to find services affiliated with my business that I need to update.

That said, I am happy the Maryland update is now official, in that my business bank required the state to update their records before they (the bank) would update theirs. I will set up an in person appointment for the bank update.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

If it is not one thing, it is another...

Every morning, I check my sites, various site analytics, and my current financial picture.

As I have discussed in recent posts; CD Shopping Update and mid December 2022 post, I have been tracking annual percentage yields (APYs) for 5 year CDs offered by two of my banks hoping to take advantage of rates in the 4.2-4.5% range.

Tomorrow, February 1, 2023- no matter where the rates, I planned to open the new CD. This morning I was a little more than surprised to learn that APY rates were down with American Express, the bank I wanted to use. I am not sure exactly when the rate dropped, but it went from 4.25% to 3.75%.

I was so busy Monday (January 30, 2023) morning, three trips to different area markets, Columbia, MD to my business address, and then the post office to submit a permanent forwarding address for my business- that I may have missed an update on APY rates later in the day.

In addition, in the afternoon (Monday), I had several calls to Maryland taxing agencies concerning business mail I picked up earlier in the day.

On Friday (January 27, 2023), the van I use to do most of the chores would not start. Yes, I do have other vehicles available, however I allowed the van that would not start to annoy me.

Lucky for me, I noticed a charger my brother used once and I purchased something similar not long after. I used the charger to start the van, and then reconditioned the battery (button on the charger), however did not do any of the shopping I planned for Friday. I waited until Monday. I was so happy I could get to all of my shopping and Columbia that I was not going to do anything but handle issues that came up.

Translated, the (AMEX) bank CD rates going down did not jump up and scream like all of the mail from my business address.

This morning, wide awake and happy most of my business issues were resolved, I got back on track and discovered I missed the CD American Express bank rate change that was lower.

Before eight this morning, I opened the new CD with Synchrony for 5 years at 4.30% and directly set up an external transfer from the American Express savings account to the new Synchrony CD account.

I decided not to bore you with some of the details, however to change a business address in Maryland seems so hard I believe they want me to ask an attorney to do it. I set up the business, I am not sure why I need an attorney to change the address. That said the Comptroller of Maryland (taxing authority) had no problem updating the address when I sent Form 109-B MARYLAND CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR BUSINESSES in October 2022. One of my calls on today- spoke with Brittany. I also registered with bFile the interactive business tax filing service even though I have had no sales since setting up my ecommerce shop. I file something known as a ZERO Return each quarter.

When I check the APY rates tomorrow morning, I am not going to scream if Synchrony's rates are higher.

By the way, I think all girls with vehicles should have automotive accessories in their garage similar to these in my garage.


Friday, December 09, 2022

Lazy Friday in December & Side Gigs...

Yesterday, I went by two supermarkets for staples and Costco for gas. I spent a total of $145 with about $35 of that for the gas. Yesterday, gas was $2.95 per gallon at Costco.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Recent FICO Activity

In a recent blog post, I discussed issues I noticed with my FICO score when I applied for the Amazon Store Card.

This post provides a bit of an update in that my FICO score, as reported by Mint- as of November 9, 2022, based on the TransUnion VantageScore® breakdown, increased by 7 points to 766 from the low of 759 after the application process for the Amazon Store Card.

What happened on November 9, 2022? There was another credit inquiry from Chase Bank because on that day I applied for the Amazon Signature Visa Card. So why did it go up? I am researching all of this.

Why was I applying for credit cards, anyway?

  • Credit reporting agencies contend negative data because I did not have enough debt or credit cards. Only one Mastercard and several personal & business debit cards.
  • Rewards on existing Mastercard not as attractive as offerings from other banks.
  • Amazon Signature Visa offers rewards, not the Amazon Store Card I applied for on Oct. 6, 2022. In both cases I received Amazon Gift cards when my applications were approved for a total of $160.00.

Why do I share this type of information? I need total transparency. Odd things happen to me. Recently (Sept. 30, 2022) I received two invoices via PayPal claiming I owed $299 each for something to do with Microsoft applications. Had no idea why those invoices were sent to me.

When I tried to have Paypal correct these issues, they indicated I could just ignore them. That said, the invoices are still showing on my dashboard and I cannot seem to report I did not order any software from Microsoft.

I use PayPal for my ecommerce shop, and most other payment options. I have had some pressure to switch (not sure why since I get no hits on WiredShops), however, my business bank and other payment options are not as cost effective as PayPal at this time. I am not sure if this is why I have noticed more odd issues than normal.

Prior to that, for some reason, Facebook decided QiSoftware was no longer a legal business entity. Instagram thinks QiSoftware is a business, my banks, PayPal, etc. all consider QiSoftware a business entity. Facebook recorded QiSoftware as a business entity in 2008 when I first joined.

In June 2022, they decided QiSoftware was not a business. I can ask them to reverify, however during the time of the verification process I was getting strange calls on my business line from characters with heavy accents. It may have been one of those calls that determined I was not a legit business, however I am not sure what happened. Just not in the mood to argue about this with Facebook. After I have my banks and Maryland update my business address I will look into this again.

I should also provide, in April 2022 QiSoftware was again verified as a business on Facebook and then in June 2022 for some reason they requested a reverification. It failed. If you are a Facebook developer you may know they do this a lot with applications. Why do you need those permissions, etc? I can easily prove QiSoftware is a business entity so I was surprised they did this.

Other minor issues that seem odd. Decided at this time, I want full transparency.

Friday, August 26, 2022


The general idea of my financial planning is to save every penny possible, only allowing for business and limited social expenses, i.e., birthdays, holidays, and every now and again a treat.

For legal reasons, which I am not going to reiterate in this post, I also like my financial picture to be totally transparent.

This- the reason I provide the illustration below of the "overview" of my Mint account, showing a redacted accounting of all of my active financial accounts.

If this is meant to be a transparent overview, why is the illustration redacted? Legal authorities, businesses, agencies (e.g. Maryland Real Estate Commission) and higher education institutions can all easily verify the information I am providing, so I mean transparent in that regard.

Recently, I have had a series of appointments with one or two of my banks for a couple of reasons. One, I needed a notary and two, I have a 5 year CD that is about to mature.

You will note from the above illustration, most of the financial institutions I deal with are primarily online service providers. Wells Fargo and Bank of America have local branches that I visit on occasion and represent the institutions I use for both business and personal checking and savings accounts respectively.

Interest yield rates are going up, and my business bank no longer charges as much for the monthly service fee and has also lowered the amount I need to maintain to avoid the fee altogether. So I no longer need to maintain a $10,000 CD with the bank to avoid the monthly service fee and I wanted to ensure the CD would not automatically rollover when it matures next month.

I also needed a notary for some legal documents. I made three appointments and attempted one walk-in (UPS Store in Hanover), before I finally had my document notarized. I was surprised by how hard this was, especially, in that I made appointments. The last bank appointment worked.

I have no choice at this time but to save money and try to find the best rates possible. I really cannot afford a financial planner (for market investments) so as with everything else, I learn what I need to learn and do it myself which means in my case, no risky investments.

Some of my recent issues rather surprised me, so I thought I would note it for the record. I mainly do things like this for legal authorities.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Real Estate Pocket Card & Profile Photo

Yesterday, my brokerage office sent over a copy of the PDF file, the Maryland Real Estate Commission (MREC) issued to my broker, providing a copy of my license and pocket card.

Monday, December 27, 2021

WiredShops, Game On.

As previously discussed, site promotion for the new QiSoftware shopping site, WiredShops, was cancelled for the upcoming holiday season. The site went live the beginning of November (2021), however because of problems with payment processing and shipping times, the decision was made to forgo heavy site promotion.

Though the site has been live since November, there have been no sales. If you feel this is in error, please contact the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

The site is driven by the Opencart platform. At any given time, the Opencart administration panel reflects the number of visitors to the site.

Payment processing issues included problems with non-registered PayPal buyers. For some reason the payment processing for these types of purchases would hang and not process debit and credit card information.

Tests showed, buyers registered with PayPal accounts had less problems.

At this time, PayPal is a cost effective solution which protects both my commerce enterprise and buyers. I have no immediate plans to switch to merchant services offered by my business bank, even though this option is available.

Since mid-September, I have submitted 5 separate orders to my suppliers to check products and understand the process. I am pretty happy with the products I received and received all of the items ordered.

The early orders seemed to take forever to arrive, so I have tested other shipping options with better results. A big reason for the "no holiday promotion" decision this year, I wanted to understand how to correctly select shipping options.

The items I ordered as holiday gifts, using revised shipping options, arrived well before the holiday. I did not use next day service, and the order took about 12 days. WiredShops does offer next day service for an additional fee.

Abstract noise has provided that I have other problems that I would like the proper authorities to look into. Since, I cannot prove any of the allegations, I am looking into other ways to have this checked.

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