Tuesday, July 25, 2017
I did not go away to college. I lived at home the entire 4 years, while studying for my undergrad degree. Going away to college is one of the things I always felt I should have experienced.
I am always interested to learn what new students leaving home for the first time are hoping the experience will provide them.
That said, school shopping was always one of my favorite things to do and I did more than my share- even though I lived at home. I needed supplies, fashions, books, etc., just like students living on campus. I had a part time job [one summer an internship at NASA] for most of the four years I was in college- to offset expenses and college loans.
Today, if I had to worry about living on campus what would I purchase?

I have also updated some of the other stores.
Also researching for several of my social media projects including the HanoverMaryland Businesses page on Facebook.
Since my last post, I celebrated another birthday. It was a nice birthday and I am always happy to receive the money gifts my family bestows upon me.
I did not like any of my birthday photos, so I will post a new photo later to show how gracefully I am not aging. Did you get that word play? Just kidding.