Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Ever since receiving my Guzila Windows 10 Pro Mini PC, I have wanted to install a second hard drive. You may recall, I purchased the unit in November 2020 for an online Real Estate course, and found I could also use it as a business asset for Zoom meetings.

I was so pleased with the performance of the MinisForum Windows 10 Pro PC (dedicated to software development projects), after installing an additional internal hard drive, I knew it would be worth the effort to do the same for the newer Guzila.
Last week, I ordered several items to upgrade the Guzila PC, including a wireless keyboard and mouse combo, and a Seagate 500GB internal hard drive.

This morning, just after nine, the postman delivered my new internal hard drive and I completed the installation shortly after. Because the PC was already sitting on the breakfast tray in my bedroom, the installation photos were taken from the same location.

The keyboard and mouse arrived Saturday, so I had a chance to test these new devices. I am pretty impressed with the functions and feel of each. So far the new hard drive is performing as expected, however I have done very little with the PC other than to upload photos from my Canon M50 to the new drive for this blog post.
Yesterday morning, I received a new Point Of Sale (POS) reader for use with my PayPal business account for merchant services.

The differences between my old PayPal Here Chip & Swipe and the new PayPal Zettle Reader 2, include:
- Zettle Reader 2 features the contactless Tap function.
- Card pins can be entered via the Zettle reader's keypad.
- Zettle reader displays prompt and status messages.
Yesterday, while testing the new card reader, I found a program called BlueStacks which allows a Windows 7, 8, or 10 system to emulate an Android device.
I installed the program on the Guzila PC and logged into the Google Play Store to install the PayPal Zettle app under the BlueStacks program. I did not know a program like BlueStacks existed and wanted to mention the interesting prospects a program like this offers. Installed several of my Google Store Play apps for testing on the Guzila system.