Saturday, November 24, 2018
Holiday photos from last Saturday through today (Saturday, November 24, 2018).
Recent movies:
- The Post
- Red Sparrow
- Collateral
- American Made
Plans? Several software development projects, WiredPages updates, and holiday shopping.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Busy week. My Mother's birthday was Saturday, so preparations for Thanksgiving and her birthday kept me busy. In addition, I continued working the many software projects I have on my to-do list.
A recent software addition, or I should explain- replacement interface is illustrated below.
The tool replaces the Amazon Gift Ideas interface that was in place on the WiredPages Shopping page. I chose to replace the interface because (1) it mirrored the items found here, and (2) the Amazon Product Advertising API had to be called individually for each item listed. Server and timing issues were not as efficient as I would have liked.
The new interface only calls the API once per search, however offers several different products as part of the results. Of course, users may want to search again and again, so that might generate multiple calls to the API.
The new Amazon interface, like the Best Buy Tool, is quick. This was an important reason in the decision to replace the original interface used on the Shopping page.
Though the new interface is already installed on WiredPages, I am still taking it through its paces [debug checkout], however I think there are very few issues, if any. If you want to drop me a line-- you may use the email address provided by the WiredPages news service.
Friday, November 09, 2018
This morning, I added two new photos as part of a story to my Instagram feed. When I checked the QiSoftware Instagram API Demonstration Tool, I noticed the error illustrated below, in the image on the left.
I am happy to report, the correction involved a simplification that is going to make my server happier. I was parsing the data, based on the type of post, i.e., single image, story carousal or video, and not the top level container for the post. Less "if" branching. Pleased with how this worked out.
Other projects?
- Minor adjustment to the Movies tab on the fb HanoverMDBusinesses page.
- New updates to these WiredPages:
- Mid Autumn Photos, I love this time of year...
Planning for the Holidays? Lots of things going on in my hometown. How about yours?