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April 2018

Regina's Personal Blog

Friday, April 27, 2018

Rewriting A Lot Of Software

Among many recent updates to WiredPages (WP), the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)1 calculator maintained on the WP Health page was updated from a Java applet to a servlet.

The illustration above taken before work was complete, however I wanted to show the difference in the applet version versus the servlet. Updates like this conversion now allow visitors using mobile devices to interact with many of the WiredPages interfaces that were originally developed using Java applet technology. Typically, mobile devices, i.e., iPads, Androids, tablets [stand alone] and phones do not support Java applets.

Briefly, some of the other recent changes:

  • Added a new Dictionary interface to the Reference page.
  • Added Famous Birthdays to the Style & Events page. (Did not update the online birthday database with the master version I use off-line for software development and testing. Security issues, however the current online version is pretty robust.)
  • Updates to the interfaces on the Government page.
  • Slowly, updating links on most of the pages.

Yesterday I decided to take a break from software development. I went out to take photographs for business community projects. See my social media link icons, top right sidebar.

Today, again I did not pull out my Macbook [used for software development and illustrative documentation screen-grabs].

It has been a busy 3 or 4 weeks insofar as updates and rewrites to WiredPages interfaces and I still have lots of work to do.

1BMR is the amount of energy expended each day when the body is at rest.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

WiredPages, research, development, testing...

Over the last two weeks, there have been extensive updates to WiredPages and the associated Busines Directory.

Over the last 3 years because of server mirrors, redirections and moves, you may have noticed the "No Authorization" message on several of the pages where security triggers have stopped execution of many of the tools that were available with the service.

Sometime ago, I started updating the underlying software for some of the tools, however put off the actual installation of the new software. Documentation of this work, provided in Remix blog posts.

Over the last two weeks, because I decided to prepare to re-establish the news service [WiredPages], I found many of the tools broken because either the data source updated their offerings or unusable because the "Java Applet" is no longer supported by newer browsers or tablet devices, i.e., iPads, Androids

To be honest, I had no idea so many of the tools were in disrepair and I have been working 12 hour days to fix the problems. I still have a lot of work to do.

That said, I wanted to give you an idea of what I have been doing [and where I have been doing it] for most of the last two weeks.

I use the Macbook for software development and the other platforms to ensure the new tools and site updates work on as many systems as possible. Some of my computers are very old and most of my pages and tools still work in those environments-- as well as new.

When will I finish? I used to work 12 hour days just to ensure the site and its tools were in working order. Yes, I also liked adding new tools. So the answer is- not sure. I am busy and actually miss working software issues-- so I am not unhappy about this-- just a little tired.

What's been updated? Will update this later, however here are a few examples....

Saturday, April 07, 2018

WiredPages, Amazon & New York Times Bestsellers

Normally, my software development efforts are discussed in the Remix blog, however because of the many projects ongoing, I have chosen to use this less formal setting for discussion of my latest interfaces.

First, recent visitors to WiredPages will notice I updated all of the AP News Headlines interfaces. The following illustrates both the new interfaces and how they used to look.

When I developed the original interfaces, I used a combination of Java applets & servlets. Now the interfaces are comprised of only servlets. The reason? Many desktop browsers no longer support Java applets and mobile devices, i.e., iPads, Androids, etc., never supported the Java applet.

The following pages [WiredPages] have new AP News interfaces:

You will notice, some of the pages [WiredPages] still use Java applets. Firefox and MSIE are able to run the applets, however you need to set the security settings to enable engagement.

The Java applet shown in the illustration above [lower image in the illustration], was taken from a recent screen-shot using my Windows10 PC/Tablet and the Firefox browser. This of course, before the interfaces were rewritten and online versions updated.

Some of the WiredPages tools that use Java applets have been rewritten using only Java servlet technology, however I will not update the online versions until I workout security issues.

The second interface just completed, is an interface that provides visitors with the latest New York Times Best Sellers [books] and the Amazon link for purchase.

The interface illustrated above uses the following resources:

  • Amazon Product Advertising API
  • New York Times API
  • Java Servlet Technology [Java Servlets run on servers and are typically faster than other server side programming/scripting technologies.]

The new interface is ready to install, however I am still deciding where to showcase the tool. Options include: the QiSoftware Products Catalog or the Libraries page of WiredPages. Yes, security issues also a factor in when the interface will be installed.

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Carrot Cake 2018

Yesterday, I made a carrot cake. I used a recipe adapted from one found online. The cake turned out great, however one ingredient as called for by the recipe, seemed excessive- the reason I am not providing the link here.

The recipe called for two cups of sugar, so I decided that just over half of that amount would be more than enough, given so many of the other ingredients were naturally sweet. I also based this decision on other cakes I have made using similar amounts of flour and sugar.

What else?

WiredPages and the associated Business Directory are getting quite a bit of my attention these days. Hope to release more of the updates in the near future.

Business Directory

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