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Wednesday, April 04, 2012

FBI-- FOP have wrong number

FBI-- local FOP have called the house about 3 times in as many weeks. Check logs for exact counts. Apparently in need of donations. Why do we keep having the same problems. I do not owe the FOP.

FBI you have my number. FOP especially local maryland-- should lose it. Not kidding.

I posted this post from Panera Bread in Hanover, MD this morning. I was up at 4:00 am, decided to get dressed and use a Christmas gift card I still had-- so I showered and was on their doorstep by 5:38 am. I know this because a worker came to the door and told me it was only 5:38 and they would be open in 20 minutes or so. I sat at the outdoor table and posted from my netbook. A young lady also waited at an adjacent table. She was texting. I was posting via Thingablog to this blog. Here is what I had on-- except my hair was caught in a lose ponytail with a thin black headband. Baggy sweats, big sweater, Bass sandals. Lots of people getting coffee and sweets from the Starbucks next door and Panera when it opened. I stayed for about an half an hour after it opened tweaked the post. Added photo after I arrived home.

Used Conair curler to add some curls.. Going to the bank in a minute-- about 9:37 am now.

Several military types from Fort Meade also out early in the morning. Nice morning to tell the FBI-- I should not be getting calls from FOP when they have not yet called. Diet, I am too in how do I get DOJ/FBI involved to worry about a diet. I had a carrot cupcake along with two cups of cream laden coffee.

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