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Monday, October 01, 2012

I don't drink... next

FBI those with government issued consoles are leaving the pulsate function on overnight. This is inhumane and I think you should pick up the consoles in that you have warned and warned this should not be done.

I am not sure what jurisdiction you have with the Pentagon but I am told this is the main problem area. In particular a marine general/with aids who thinks I should know him. Id'd via CSPAN for my edification. Not sure why he is fixated on me.

Told Mullen given the "clean" job in 1993 or so. This correlates in that a Roger Fox associated with the Harmans Community, reminds me a great deal of Mullen. I moved to Hanover, MD and the Harmans community in 1996. Soon after Fox stopped by. I used to get emails about community events. He is now associated with this blog. I did not know Mullen existed until he became Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in June 2007.

The earpiece has gone on and on about Mullen. It did not resonate until recently when I was told he was given the "clean up" job for me in 1992 associated with a child. Also told he hates the Naval Academy and resented he had to clean up their crap. But I did not know. When he left office last fall [2011] I was a little surprised and made no correlation to the Naval Academy and Karen's son. I thought Babs put him in place. Earpiece now saying it was Mullen and his people.

But why would I know Karen? I told her sister, Sharon goodbye in December 1992. Tony they are also saying-- hoped I would stop by to see you on Sundays and never did. But why?

On and on about Mullen? Told Julie and David no longer together and Mullen and Julie had a relationship. Then recently explained-- in 2004 Julie received money because she knew about the child. Not sure how much of this is true. I misunderstood the relationship when they told me about it in the earpiece in the spring of this year. Let me explain. In April or May 2012 I was told about Mike had Julie-- but he could only do this and not that because his wife said she was too attractive. In the earpiece world everyone is a whore. Julie was supposed to be Mike's.. I thought him kind of dorky [Roger Fox tends to lend to this]- but whatever. So I became acclimated to this "whore" thing over the last 6 months or so. No-- I do not wish to be a washington whore.

But this is what I misunderstood. I thought their relationship was more recent. Now earpiece is saying it was in 2004 when she was supposed to have received money to keep her quiet about the child. But I did not know- why did you have to keep her quiet? Anyway-- the other night -- I said something about this and I am told Julie was listening and became upset. That's when I said-- but I thought you were having an affair with him and the both of you wanted to run my business. She said no. I said no-- to them running my company. It was later explained to me that Mullen had paid her a disrespect. You see I dated black. Back then [not sure now] suck was not asked for. Lot of black teens were early parents. He went with the ass.

The other big player in this and the one named as lending to the defamation aspect of this-- insofar as what washington thought [one angle the Navy and Mike Mullen went after me and the other-- the powerful guy with family ties of sorts]. The Powerful non military guy-- is upset that Mike wanted to run things insofar as my business. I thought this since April 2012 or so. I said no. Then recently-- about 2 or 3 weeks ago- heard about his resume and I said "what?" This was sort of like the Hillary moment when they told me-- Hillary went to Arundel Sr. High for a moment to meet my brother as his guidance counselor. She was supposed to have been a secretary for the powerful guy at the time.

My thoughts? Why is the earpiece telling me these people who are all over us even before they are known?

I asked the powerful guy if he set up the guy in my office? No direct response. But was told he blackmailed him into the pedophile thing to insure. Went horribly wrong- I am told but have no proof of any of this.

The other night I asked him [or who I thought was the powerful guy-- no console, no eyes] how did insurance start. He said-- back then when someone was owed money they would only pay if the person owed did something to insure he did not keep coming back for more money. Also told that getting it in the ass-- meant you were paid when you should not have been. I think cultural differences caused errors as to what was good or bad-- especially on my part. I did not have locker room chats with girlfriends growing up... Did not have a lot of lovers.. too sheltered over my lifetime... I would prefer my ass to my mouth. My ass never touched so I really have no firsthand knowledge as related to that. Others apparently see this [ass/mouth] differently... I am not owed either.. I am owed-- washington's goodbye.

I am owed-- and I have no plans to sue after the fact-- therefore I do not need to insure. Told about the deal in May 2012 and also told everyone signed off. Then the Generals said they did not get their share.. one problem.... and here we are today. Told they tried to start the rumor I had aids and this is how it all started. I saw a horrible accident in 1971 [Tucson Accident-- search Q's Wire] or so when the black girl I was with was supposed to have died. A shiela Naley. I do not have AIDS. I am HIV negative. I have seen lots of accidents over my lifetime that look suspect today.. If I had AIDS I would not be one of the first patients to get the dose that eradicates. I would have been the last. The reason I am told? I am not a bastard. I am too connected. And my great grandfather was King George V and my grandfather was Richard Nixon-- [might be edwards son--they are not clear in the earpiece]. Just too high on that totem pole not to be a bastard like everyone else. I abdicate... Not interested.. I suspected something like this before Feb. 2012 which I document in Q's Wire. The Earpiece has confirmed somethings-- but unless you get the tapes, I cannot prove. I am asking those in the know to get the tapes and stop this crap. I said no.

Am interested in getting washington filth off me.. told deal was supposed to start today... I have not checked. I need a call from Richard... tired of losing sleep because I can do nothing about the noise from the earpiece.

Always thought Fox reminded me of Mullen. Incident one day several years ago when I was arriving home and he was out jogging... Don't even bother to say hi anymore.

I was at the stop sign on Harmans. The driveway to my residence is on the adjacent street even though it looks like the house is on Harmans. It straddles the corner. Told that where you pull into your driveway from-- is the street the house is on. Anyway-- I needed to make two quick lefts to pull into the driveway. Roger has always been like this self appointed community security person with ties to the local police. I used to talk to him when I moved here in 1996-- but only if he was jogging by and I was outside. Anyway-- when I stop at the sign I also hit the garage door opener and wait for all traffic to clear. It is a four way stop. The car behind me kept hitting its horn telling me to hurry up. I pointed at the garage door lifting and signaled he had to wait for the opposite traffic on Harmans as well as the traffic on my street. He kept blowing.. Just then Roger is jogging by and stops on the side of my driveway as if to wait for me to get in. Too much traffic so he waits.. Someone has left a bag of glass beer bottles in a brown paper bag on the curb. In my community-- they do not want you to leave trash on the curb more than 24 hours before the trash collection is due. It was not our trash. Neither my mother nor I drink. I never drank-- however I have never seen either of us drink beer. For whatever reason-- I thought Roger was giving me a silent admonishment about the bag full of empty beer bottles. They were staying on the curb because I was not moving someone else's trash to our collection bin. He did not say anything-- it was just the loudness of the horn behind me and him standing there as if he was waiting on something that made me decide this guy should leave me alone. Over the years-- after Mike Mullen got his appointment-- I would tell thin air-- no thanks if I thought the Pentagon was asking for something in an abstract manner-- with Roger. I did nto like Bob Gates.. Mullen? I looked at him figuratively and always told Roger no thanks. I did not like Roger after the incident... Too noisy, too I am in charge and I want you to do something about those bottles.

This weekend when I told earpiece listeners about Roger Fox and how I met him in 1996 or so, they said they asked local authorities to look him up... Yes, local police know him. Asked them to look up his real name.. Came back with a real name. Told he is not related to Mullen-- but yes all agree he does look like him... I met him in the late 90s. Mullen 2007. This tends to suggest mullen has been on me since 1993 as the earpiece claims. Told I misunderstood the bag of empty beer bottles. Told he was supposed to have noticed the bag as if they belonged to me..Does anyone-- my surveillance, friends, co-workers, anyone, etc. think I drink? Idiot I do not drink... Check with BWMC for the reason. I am not worried that fox wants to suggest I drink... My rights violated for 17 years because I drink... who is that stupid-- especially in that I do not drink? I am told-- [this weekend] that even the local authorities know I do not drink and told him, [Fox-- tried to press it with them once] so. why would he press this?

Julie-- i am providing the details the earpiece is providing..Sue them.. I want Washington off me. Tired of their filth-- tired of the noise in my ears. I said no. I have no proof of anything-- however if you did get a large sum of money in 2004 or so-- its going to look bad. Granddad died in 1990s. The claim is-- Julie talks to me via earpiece. I am not mad with Julie-- just want her to understand-- I said no. Get out of my business and told Mullen using you... why would he think he has a say in my business? He does not.

By the way-- earpiece went on and on about boys' asses this weekend... Neighbors noticed. Yes, Powerful guy looks mad you are trying to compete with him.. Yes, he has screwed me... You--- a child I knew nothing about? Are you sure your problem is not the Academy [talking to Mullen]. Why do I have to clean up their mess.. [Mullen]. I did not know about a child. Did Julie? She should have problems not me.

Powerful family referenced in all of this-- key as to reasons me, my grandmother and the rest of her family is even noticed by England. We should not be. It appears the King had sex here on a visit... Looks like my grandmother was not his only child. The problem? A powerful rich family knew about her. the same one i talk to in several posts in this blog... not q's wire. This blog after the earpiece was activated. The problem-- I speculate based on things I know. Does key powerful family player want it told? Yes... I would prefer not to discuss my speculation. I used to speculate in Q's Wire all the time. I could not explain why the things that were happening were happening. Now I do not like to speculate. I like for earpiece to tell me things.... [so why do I want them out of my ear?] Most are not providing information and are too angry. Users I do not owe. Powerful users-- and quite frankly not very smart. I like smart. Washington players are not that smart.

Probably Edward key as to why Powerful family knew grandmother. What came first-- my mother. Then a son. Whose? That's key.

The other issue offered a lot over the last week-- too many in Washington mad I am letting WiredPages interfaces remain un-repaired... Want to move the site... Too Pentagon all over it and I said no. WiredPages not your concern. Move on.

Updates-- evening October 1, 2012. Endgame and you wanted to see something else? Don't.

FBI-- the Pentagon has decided to leave the pulsating feature on day and night. You owe jail and all their little toys taken away... Idiot said something about the Queen said.... Obama-- are you a queen? How about the General... wrong game boy. I am told I spoke with the Queen on several occasions last spring. We had some differences of opinion however, I am told we were okay... Told I could not visit again... I said okay-- general. She had another message? You aren't worried about our buildings and are now an envoy? And Pentagon-- why am I told you said goodbye already. I said no. Richard-- no. Richard US Attorney. And Chet-- if she doesn't want to fan at me-- why does Susan?

someone is correcting-- I am told the queen did not say anything. Boys-- maybe you should use your own words. I am here alone. Have been for a long time. I do not like idiots and boys. been through too much... make sure you apologise for speaking for her. i have asked about this liberty you keep taking. By the way-- I will speak for myself. Do not call anyone pretending to be me.

No one ever stops by... Ree Ricks a friend from England is here... The last time she came to visit-- about 13 years ago-- she said she saw me at my Bowie home. this never happened. I am a little concerned. It was the way she insisted. Mrs. Anderson? Yes. Mrs. Ricks? No. I wrote about the visit from 13 years ago-- in Q's Wire-- I think. Why? She called once and did not want to speak to my mother. She was an English teacher. I had the impression she had just read a blog post I had not edited-- and wanted to say something. I wondered if she read the contents of the post and not my grammatical mistakes? She is outside with my mother... I feel I must document things.

I asked general. Take the pulsate off.

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