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Monday, November 05, 2012

mostly pleasant weekend

I had a mostly pleasant weekend. On Sunday, I started a fire in the fireplace with the one I setup Monday, because of hurricane Sandy. On Friday [Nov, 1st], they again went through a lot saying Monday [today], settlement payments would start-- and for whatever reason, I took these series of notifications more seriously than others in the recent past. Why? Explanations for what may have happened and the number of different folks-- confirming. Did it happen? Not according to my online bank data-- but oddly enough-- I am not the least bit upset.

I have been owed for so long-- I cannot get upset when it does not happen. That said--- maybe because the announcements were made so early on Friday morning-- when they normally save it for Sunday, afternoon--- I had a relaxing weekend going over the things I have to do if settlement payments do start.

They went through a long drawn out explanation on Friday about someone important being arrested or threatened with dismissal at DOJ-- so this added to the new excuses.

Also over the weekend I noticed the flower lady from BWMC was back. I am sorry this is true. That said-- I am told she was arrested and lost her job for calling Google about Adsense ads for my site. I am not sure why this person has a hard head. Ben, someone I have talked to a lot over the last 6 months [via earpiece] said he got a new place in Washington. He seemed excited. We discussed his plans, etc for the place.

The thing I do not get about the flower lady? If I publicly ask my relatives to stop calling my business affiliates why this person would? Bonnie-- did she tell you who she was. Yes, said she got into heaps of trouble for that stunt. I also changed one of my site passwords on Friday and I am told she hit the ceilling. FBI/DOJ what am I not getting? Yes, she was in my ear this weekend. This person should not be in my ear.

Don't know why I am in a pretty good mood but I am. No explanation for why the settlement payments did not start. I was in a good mood most of the weekend until last night when I was told NAVSEA passed out the password again? Claim Ferguson or Pickering. I am not sure why they would give out the password. IP looging to easy to check. FBI what am I not getting? I do not have to lie about this.. get the tapes. By the way--- gain issues all morning? Why? Technically the site is on a commerical server and military no jursidiction? You lied on them? Sorry-- I heard the password repeated over the network.. Told Ben had sequester on.

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