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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

why is that important?

Yesterday, I contacted Commission Junction [CJ] and asked them to activate my old account. I added this blog's url-- and installed a link for an old affiliate now new-again.

When the CJ account was deactivated [about 2 years ago]- the 15 or so affiliate relationships I had at the time- were also terminated. It was relatively easy to reactivate the old account-- however I have to re-apply to each affiliate for a relationship. Some are no longer even there-- and others I will probably pass on for right now.

Why would I do this? It's complicated and I am not going to provide a lot of details, that said- the on-going issues with Washington have dictated I once again try to show-- how we got to this point in the first place.

As I indicated earlier, I also restarted posting to the online communities I belong to. Not about the issues [all except a legal advice forum]-- but more business issues I would normally discuss with the individual communities.

This morning, just before lunch-- I spent about 30-45 minutes writing a post for the Blogher community about a sport I love, tennis. Don't worry, I am not a highlighted writer, however I am told-- I am read. More than what's indicated.

Is this a concerted effort on my part-- to promote? Yes. Do I normally spend more time on posts like this to outside communities? Sometimes.

Earpiece and I discussed issues with professional tennis today-- as I watched the recent telecasts. It had been a long time since I watched professional tennis. That said-- over the last year I have ignored most of my online relationships-- and because [1] I wanted to start doing the things I used to do-- and [2] recently professional tennis has been on my mind-- I chose this forum to discuss some things. I am told things are happening in Washington. Day after day I am still getting teasers. I am moving on-- however saying I am ready for them to move forward or let go.. They are not letting go. They are teasing..

I am moving on. Will I be fixing some of the widgets on WiredPages? No. I will be doing very little in the way of programming. I need to move the sites-- and my current environment is simply too -- bugged- with too many cameras. Special interests who want to own me-- explain often just how bugged.. They too-- do not want everyone with access to my code.

Am I being given different numbers about affiliate sales-- inconsistent with the stats provided to me via my accounts? Yes. Washington legal is on-- and I am waiting... What's amazing about this.. my affiliates have paid-- and they are waiting on Washington Legal to release to me..

About, all I can do-- is show how we got here.. and hope Washington legal-- lets go. I used online forums well in the past. Coupled with my innovations, tools and WiredPages-- I am known.. I have been known for some time now.. Blogher? I developed something called the Blogger Calendar in 2004.. Please see.

Someone said something about 5 minutes before I started this post. They said the horrible photo I used with the post-- was important. Yes, that is my old Prince racket. What I find amazing-- some even at this juncture, want to take credit for my work? Why?

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