Friday, August 16, 2013
This morning I was up at 7:50 am. It was a long night.
Anyway-- for some reason when I got up, I wanted to investigate whether or not AppleWorks for my MacBook-- was on the OS-X installation disks. It wasn't, but I found a great site that pointed me to sites that offered the program for my computer [Macbook 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo].
Here are the links-- if you are interested.
I have some old Appleworks files from the days when I used my G4 Desktop Mac for graphics work-- and wanted to find the compatible version of AppleWorks for my MacBook. Happy to report-- I did and it is loaded and working.

I then went in search of a font I have been trying to find- a Filmotype font. I was unable to find a non-commerical version but did find this similar free version.

After playing around with my new downloads- I decided to make a Pineapple Upside Down cake.

I used a Betty Crocker- Pineapple Upside Down Cake Recipe. Recipe was very good.
I also backed up all of the original text files for blog posts for each of my blogs-- i.e., Q's Wire, Remix, and I will get to this blog. This blog is a Thingamablog that is hosted on my Netbook and I have not had my netbook out all day... too busy loading things on my Macbook.
I am told a lot happening in Washington. I have been very busy today-- and not really sure what's going on. Long night last night and I expect to be in bed by 9:00 pm tonight...