Wednesday, August 07, 2013
I recently received the buyer's survey for the Hannspree 16" Monitor and noticed that others, when purchasing this monitor, also bought this Gateway Desktop System.

This is a bare bones system, i.e., cpu, keyboard, mouse-- that comes without a monitor, however inexpensive and great if you have school kids and need a second system.
I use my Hannspree monitor as an external display with my Macbook-- and the graphics output from a Mac is often a bit sharper than other platforms [and probably this inexpensive Gateway], so I am showing the monitor connected to my Windows powered Acer netbook-- to give you a feel for how sharp the monitor would look connected to the Gateway system.

The photos taken with the flash-- showed a glare so I used the non-flash version and it is a bit dark. Really, the graphics from the monitor are quite clear and crisp. And of course, you can adjust settings via the monitor or the Windows operating system.
This system does not come with:
CD-ROM/DVD Drive BurnerComes with a 16xDVD drive- A monitor-- the reason I am showing the Hannspree option
- A printer
I have owned 3 Gateway computers and for the money this is a pretty good buy.