Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Tell your father and grandfather-- I send my best. Too many issues that I am concerned about. Good luck, I am sorry shoulder gone too. Get tapes. Have to get out.
Some of the statements include; Is that her... Why couldn't they do something else...One maybe two.. cheap not going to like it.. The other two hurting.. Concerned too It's Personal the competition. [Me] Not others? Yes, me to [my response last night]. This morning-- she [Regina] better not have said anything.. threat-- but I did. I agreed with the commenter last night. Maybe one black girl? Get off me.
I will provide proof later.. do not embarrass yourself further by changing my sites. Too worried about it when they identified and they just never stopped opening their mouths. Target yours--- big mouth.
Relative too close to someone I once knew. Not sure how to stop the idiot crap... Guy was that you again? Just heard another threat--- Site going down. This the reason... I do not like threats-- Washington.