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My Camera Equipment

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Monday, November 18, 2013

this came out nicer...

Two weeks ago-- I was lying on the love seat in the den, staring in the general direction of the television and window situated right next to it. I noticed how pretty the street lamp looked in contrast to the Autumn tress in the background and thought-- from that vantage point it looked like I was in a park all alone. That's when I jumped up and decided to take the following series of photos.

My Mother's birthday was yesterday. She has had a full week of activities and Saturday was no exception. While she was out, I made this cake for her. I like day old cake better.

Awhile back one of the bloggers I read, discussed a recent move and showed how one area of her new place was shaping up. I love it when they show me things like this.

Most mornings I come downstairs, make an espresso, plugin my Macbook and get started for the day. Here is what I see from one vantage point.

I am in a horrible mood this morning. Normally when I scream at thin air-- I feel better and get busy with something else. Blogging also helps me to stay in check. Washington-- too a problem that will not stop. That said-- I am getting things down. Recent activities:

  • Updating my Amazon stores-- do you know what a goose down comforter is? I did not before moving home again in 1996. I love the comforter on my bed-- which I have covered with an antique duvet cover. In the winter I sleep with the window slightly ajar and the warmth of the down comforter is wonderful. If you need a warmer alternative-- try a Goose Down comforter. Anyway-- I created a whole new category for "Home Furnishings"-- where I list some great finds-- that I have or need.
  • Holiday Shopping for family.
  • Updating lists on the forums.
  • Saturday, I blogged all day on Q's Wire...
  • trying to move on and battling a problem with nerves in my mouth.
  • I cried this morning. The self portraits I have taken recently, look sad. I do not feel sad. I feel more angry. I cried because they looked sad. Maybe I will show you later.
  • Noticing a new problem with the New York Times APIs I use on WiredPages and the movie review widget I demonstrate on the Remix Blog. Simple browser queries work using my api keys-- so I am not sure why the widgets appear to be in disrepair. For those that have not read the explanations for why I do not repair items like this-- it is this; I have security problems and too many trying to own my software. I am waiting until I can move the sites to update/fix the software.

PS-- I took a black & white photography course in college and like pretending I see things with my camera. I learned to develop film and use an enlarger. Of course, today most use digital equipment. One day, I hope to do more with photography however right now I like testing concepts. I just do not want you to think I take myself seriously in this area.

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