Tuesday, April 01, 2014
Scenes from my life lately...

This morning, tried to fix the servlet that provides the feed for this blog. Too much interference on my servers.. Believe it or not, my site is blocking program calls to resources on my site. It appears this was done- in hopes I would move my interfaces to qisoftware.com. Most of the interfaces I developed for WiredPages are hosted on Hosting-q.com. Boy was I mad this morning when I noticed this problem. Also noticed the old IP is still good. Looks like an attempt to mask the 199... ip address. See Q's Wire for discussions about recent qisoftware.com IP address reassignments by my web hosting service.
Please note, I have no plans to move any interfaces from hosting-q.com to qisoftware.com, even after I move the site to new servers if I can ever afford to do so. And again, no I have no plans to give qisoftware.com nor my business [QiSoftware] away.
Nope, Washington did not opt out of the April Fools tease-- however, I expected it.
Other things going on, doing a little gardening in preparation for spring blooms. The Hydrangea on the side of the garage was too large so I cut it back and cut back some of the old blooms in the front garden to make room for spring growth.
Still loving the Southern Maryland Inn project. I regularly list fine dining menu ideas on my Tumblr blog.