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Thursday, October 09, 2014

We Watched Enemy of the State again...

Doing a little clean up on my Amazon Stores, watching movies and a little tennis. Also backing up things on my Macbook and Netbook.

Movies I have caught recently....

  • Life of Pi-- This was more grown up than I realized. Makes you think a lot.
  • About Last Night 2014-- Great remake of 1986 version with Rob Lowe and Demi Moore. I was surprised how much I liked this movie-- the remake.
  • Set a reminder [have Verizon FiOS TV] for "Enemy of the State" over the weekend and watched it yesterday. Have seen parts of this movie before. All star cast but I wasn't sure about-- Will Smith when I first noticed the movie. Someone said yesterday-- "you can be Vanessa Williams" or Will Smith. I was used to him in the Fresh Prince of Belair. I am rather more conservative, but yes there are many elements of this movie that remind me of my situation. At the time I noticed the movie-- I wondered why Denzel Washington or Wesley Snipes was not given the lead. I said as much to anyone listening when I first noticed the movie in 1999 or so. Ben Affleck's movie "Jersey Girl" 2004 has his character also ignoring Will Smith. Smith's role more a cameo in Jersey Girl. Smith's other movie that leaves me wondering "I am Legend". Earpiece-- said yesterday.. yes she [me, he was talking to someone else] was more like Will Smith in that movie... we tried to sully her character. I thought it was rockwell. It was more Washington. The Robert Rositke [sp] child key. They also say--- trying ot clean up Washington insofar as insurance was one of the reasons i was put into play. I knew nothing about aids.. John Winston-- Robert Erlich's dad. Trish my aunt his mother. back then [how old is erlich] they asked their kids to have kids with other VIPs... this still goes on.... Since I knew about Jeff Napshin WUSA-- I thought this one of the reasons the pentagon had me talking to issues. JOhn Winston once said to me-- "Regina, you get more respect than anyone I know". I have since learned of the bigger picture. Yes, they wanted washington to clean up. DOJ-- I did my part.. I told. I did not know about aids and I am tired of being tortured. They put me into play the wrong way-- because of a child that died. Lindey's child with Bob Rostikie, I was not insured and I did not have Aids. I have always been HIV negative. the main reasons--I was Will Smnithed....

Not sure what Washington is up to... Sounds a little different but I can't go into details. Not really happy about what's going on.

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