Monday, March 02, 2015
These past 3 weeks have been hard. Mostly to do with outside issues that come in and the console issues I continue to have. By Friday, I was fed up with everything. Everything feels like a test.
By the time I took the photo on the right, [last night- just before going to bed] I was in a better place, however did not know I was in for another long night.

While my brother and mother were downstairs Saturday-- helping each other to set up her new dining set-- I was upstairs in my office playing with my camera. I took a series of photos that look similar to this one.

The new dining room set project- for the area just off the kitchen turned out better than I expected-- however I am tired of each little thing becoming a major issue like this-- when in this case, I had resigned myself to the fact-- she was going to order what she wanted.
My ideas were more expensive and since I was not willing to take on the cost alone-- had stopped making an issue of it. That said, I really did not like the photo I saw of the set-- and though happy this issue is dead-- I am more happy, my mother is happy than anything else.
Continuing to be assailed by issues-- that speak directly to the invasion of my privacy with the use of government provided consoles and equipment. I am told every time I do anything-- like return a book to the library that I do not finish-- law firms are contacted. I am so tired of these non-issues happening in my life. I am not defensive. I am tired of my life under this microscope-- in which many are hoping to find a legal quagmire which will cost a lot of money. At this time, I have no money-- so I am really tired of those doing this. Law firms, if you did not have access to my private life and did not discuss these issues via the consoles- hoping I will write about my latest doings, there would be no issue and the public via my blogs would have no clue as to what I have been doing.
Can you imagine the counter law suits-- I could file directed at your law firms? I do not think you are looking at the law in its entirety and perhaps you should start. Many are instigating, including what appear to be lawyers. You are gaining access to my private life and then talking loud. Get off me.
Yes, I have been catching up on all the John Grisham books I missed over the last 10 years or so. That said, this is not false bravado.