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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Budget Friendly...

I have been working several projects since I last posted, including what to do about my sister's birthday. Of course, as many of you are aware- I have limited funds. When will this end? Not sure, but I continue to do the things I have always done.

For various reasons, I do not see most of my extended family, but do see my mother and sister. My brother was over Sunday, helping my mother with one of her yard projects- but I do not see him often.

So every year this time-- I wonder what to get my sister for her birthday. This year it is an assortment of plants. Typically plant gifts range from $50 to $100 depending on the arrangement, and that is a little too steep for my budget. So, I found an assortment online, along with a planter and decided to make it myself.

About 12 years ago, my niece [she was about 3 or 4] and I put together the arrangement shown in the first photo below [sitting on the mini bar]. We also gave her [my sister] an arrangement for her office which I am told she no longer has. So I am not sure how long she will keep this one.

I keep potting mix and decorative stones on hand. I may add clippings from one of my many pothos plants, I am not sure yet. Warning, this project could become expensive quickly, if you are not already a natural plant lover. What else have I been up to?

  • All last week, watched the Citi Open Tennis Tournament in Washington.
  • This week, started watching Canada's Major Tournament The Rogers Cup.
  • Researching Vernon, CA as my research provided it was the basis for this season's True Detective series. The finale for this season was Sunday night.
  • The finale for STARZ's Power series is this coming Saturday night.
  • Researching and photographing Hanover, MD Businesses.
  • Updating my Amazon Stores.

Insofar as professional tennis is concerned, August is a big month. The Rogers Cup, and Cincinnati's Western & Southern Open are majors [men's champion for each, over $650,000] which proceed the US Open [one of the four Grand Slams-- men's champion $3,300,000] in New York starting on the 31st.

What else? A relative is getting married later this year. The wedding and reception will be at a Washington area military installation. I have a lot of well known relatives. Last November [2014], I had jury duty, and I was very concerned about my bag, my software and other evidence that provides proof of my claims.

When my mother asked recently, if I had sent my RSVP- I explained I had not, however- would not be attending. The same issues I was concerned with last November and whether or not authorities would want to search or keep the bag until my service was complete. My bag now looks like a lawyers case- however, I still cannot risk that I may not be able to keep it with me all times. I am told the US Government agrees it owes me. A lot of proof never leaves my sight.

Initially, abstract noise provided many of my family members [I have not seen over the years], wanted to see me and the wedding would have been a good opportunity. It was also felt this would be over. For whatever reason, I do think the US government would like to obtain my bag-- however law enforcement groups may have also expanded their investigation. Many in Washington, I am told are unhappy. I am still hoping for a resolution to my situation before the wedding, however in any event- I will not be attending the wedding.

Very recently, a "sting" was offered as a possible reason for the location selection... Who do they want? FBI is all over me. They know how to find me. On a daily basis, I ask if they want me to come in for a discussion. I am owed many explanations. I was told I could be a draw, however I never considered going. I tell anyone that asks-- if you are worried go to the FBI. I continue to wait for the FBI to call me. I can only go out a legal door. I am still waiting.

I get a lot of information on a daily basis. I do not report any of it. FBI is listening. Any of it of a national security nature? No. Mostly, how to get me to trip up and give them a libel suit. I am sorry the US Government is allowing this.. too many hear this idiocy. Please stop. I long ago divested on anything provided that appeared to be more serious. I told what I was given-- with the "fiction Question" label. I said no...

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