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Friday, December 18, 2015

just one little problem..

For the past week I have been planning holiday menus and insuring the pantry is stocked with the things I will need. As I indicated in earlier posts, I will be trying a chocolate cake recipe that I think I have watched Ina Garten showcase on her show, Barefoot Contessa.

The recipe calls for buttermilk, an ingredient I have never used so I thought since I would have extra on hand, I would also try other recipes that call for the ingredient.

I found the recipes this morning and printed them [discussion about the PrinterShare app and my android follows] for storage amongst my cookbooks and plastic folders containing other recipes I have printed from the internet over the years [baker's rack with my books and folders shown in one of the photos below].

I do a lot with my android and being able to print from the device was an important feature that I did not have until about a month ago. I purchased the android last February [2015] and it is my first tablet. I got a Smart Card Reader Adapter with Micro-USB Charging in early November 2015 which allowed me to print to my non-wireless printer/fax after I rooted the android.

Rooting the device involved a lot of research and one of the reasons I like the idea of devices that come with the root access available at the time of purchase. My Macbook and desktop Mac are examples of computers/devices that when purchased already had root access. My android did not.

In the case of printing, non- root access is easily overcome with a wifi printer, however I could not justify the purchase of another printer just to be able to print from my android.

Though I get a lot done with my android, my bread and butter as a software consultant and blogger are still my Macbook and Netbook. My desktops because they are stationary are more like my android, in that I use them but do not keep work or data on them. Another difference, I do not keep account information on any of my desktop computers. My android travels with me-- so I do keep a lot of account information however I do not write code, blog posts nor create graphics on my android.

My android allows me to quickly update my Amazon Stores, check reports related to my business and online business activities, pay bills, perform any number of social media activities and search the internet.

The thing I like about my android? Its a lot faster accessing internet resources than my other internet connected devices. All of my computers have either wifi or ethernet internet access [via Verizon FiOS, Macbook and Netbook have both], however everything but the android has "heavier" operating systems that use a lot of stored data [Tablet browsers use less overhead. Firefox on android a lot lighter than on Macbook and Netbook].

Right now, I am on my netbook writing this post and downloading photos for the post's illustrations, because it is where I have the Thingamablog installation for this blog. If I were writing a post for the Business Blog Remix, I would be on my Macbook. That said, my android is right next to me and I am using it to check things, e.g., correct spelling of "Ina Garten". I also created the screen-grabs of PrinterShare in operation for this blog post using the android.

After all that, I went into the fridge and noticed a problem.

I will have the right "Buttermilk" by the end of the weekend and hopefully be able to "show and tell" my perfect chocolate cake in a blog post- sometime next week.

Hope your plans are going well.

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