Sunday, May 01, 2016
Last week I noticed a new leaf on my Banana Plant. I am so pleased about this because two years ago I replanted the tree in a larger container and since then, no new leaves have appeared.

In prior years, at least two new leaves appeared annually and I am hoping the new growth process will start again.

My niece and I created the arrangement shown below about 17 years ago. I keep thinking it is getting too large for the ceramic planter, however I like knowing it is just as we started it.

When I purchased the Peace Lily shown in the photo on the right, I did not know they're commonly used at funerals-- nevertheless I think they are wonderful houseplants.

Other things I have been up to...
- Movie: "The Parallax View" w/Warren Beatty
- Tennis: Early round coverage Madrid Open
- Updating my Amazon Stores:
- Acquiring new memory for my Windows XP Desktop-- opened the box to see the current configuration. Added memory in March 2010 but forget the remaining number of slots. Took a photo this time.
- Researching web hosting issues.