Saturday, July 08, 2017
My home office is comprised of several areas on all three levels of my residence. I am lucky in that I have space to spread out.
Why do I need so much space? I am a business owner/software consultant and own a lot of office equipment. I started purchasing items for my home office long before starting my own business, in fact, while still working as a defense contractor for a major corporation.

Note the fax machine shown in the above illustration. This is the second fax machine I have owned. I purchased my first in 1995. I like owning a fax machine for both legal issues and the convenience -even in today's more digital age.
Yes, today one can sign an email digitally and it is a legal and binding communique, however I prefer the fax machine.
So why am I discussing my home office? Well recently, I have been taking inventory for another project. What do I really use? Believe it or not, a lot of the equipment I own.
The project? I recently moved my Amazon Stores so I had the opportunity to review and update products previously listed in all the stores, including the Computer Electronics/Home Office store.
The updates? I added more of what I own, however did not list in the earlier version including:
- File Cabinets
- Manilla Folders
- Staplers & Dispensers
Things I own, however no longer use and did not list? Rolodexes.
When I first started my home office, I made regular visits to Office Depot and Staples. Though I like walking the aisles of these stores-- I find when I need to replenish or research what others are saying-- online research and purchases are too convenient for me to pass on.