Tuesday, June 19, 2018
In the past, WiredPages provided many tools powered by popular APIs, enabling visitors quick access to data and information.
Some of the tools/interfaces included [there were many more]:
- World Weather -- Tool is being rewritten eliminating the Java Applet interface.
- YouTube Search & Video Playback- interface is being rewritten to handle updates to the underlying API.
- Indeed Job Search-- rewritten [changes to underlying API] and installed on the Employment page.
- Political Representatives-- installed on the Government page.
- CIA World Factbook Quick Reference-- researching new ways to provide the data on the Reference page.
- Zillow Real Estate Values-- referenced on the Real Estate page-- installed.
- Food Nutrition Data-- working and ready to install on the Health page. Security issue a concern.
Four tools that are working and ready for installation are shown in the illustration below. The illustration was screen-grabbed today after I retested each interface. Three of the tools are new; [1] Amazon links to the NY Times Best Sellers, [2] Gift Ideas, and [3] Today in History.
The Fat Secret interface [shown lower right corner] is the same tool that was installed on the Health page in prior years, however due to security concerns I am holding off on updating access to the tool.
Tools like the Mortgage Calculator [almost] and Base Converter are ready, however I am holding off on installation.
I am working to get all of the tools working [many had to be rewritten to remove the Java Applet interface which today's newer browsers are not supporting], however probably will not install many more of the tools until I resolve the security issues.
This post, in case you were wondering...