Thursday, August 27, 2020
Earlier this month, I had an issue with the Instagram interface I developed for demonstration purposes. You may recall, in June [2020], I migrated the original interface from the Instagram API platform to the Facebook Instagram API environment.
The recent issue involved token authorization and expiration dates, which I incorrectly assumed worked in the same manner as the original Instagram API. I found the correct developer documentation article via a Facebook Developer Group and was able to correct the problem in short order.

After looking into this issue, I decided to create another FB Instagram API interface (Java Servlet) using another of my Instagram accounts, HanoverBusinesses.
I created the HanoverBusinesses Instagram account to use with the HanoverBusinesses Facebook page app.
The app shown on the FB page is offered by Woobox. At this time, I cannot afford to host a Java Servlet (app) that is accessed by a Facebook page, however I do offer demonstration tools that are accessed exclusively by pages on my sites.
Also note, the Instagram Widget in the sidebar of this blog is another external app created by LightWidget.
My Instagram interfaces (shown above and this link) are only meant for demonstration of the type of custom interfaces I develop. Do I offer more options? Yes, however Java Servlet hosting for use with a popular blog- might be costly.
Legal issues prevent offering, a similar interface using PHP or other open source development resources.