Wednesday, January 06, 2021
For years, I have thought about obtaining a real estate license and in November (2020), I finally decided to sign up for an online course with the local community college.
Yesterday, the textbooks for the course arrived via UPS.

In a post from late November, I discussed an upcoming project which required acquisition of a new pc to allow access to the Zoom service. This online Real Estate Course is the reason for my new mini pc.
Since November, I have been preparing for the course. This included:
- Understanding Maryland Real Estate Law and the requirements for a real estate license
- Researching Real Estate Terms
- Understanding the Zoom classroom environment, video, audio, settings, etc.
- Installation of all sorts of student resources, including Microsoft 365 Professional.
- Creating student profiles... (which really look like my business profiles)
- Experimenting with lighting, camera resolution, makeup and style options for the online class.
Below, screen shots of the Zoom camera using a monitor with 2560x1600 resolution.

I am making adjustments based on these tests, including the elimination of gray from my hair. I wear contacts, so there is not much I can do about the glare of my inexpensive reading glasses. My prescription glasses only correct for nearsightedness, and I prefer contacts and readers while working on a computer.

The course starts next week and goes through the first week in March. I am not sure if I will sit for the license exam right after the completion of the course. I am excited about learning more about this area of commerce.