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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Investment Yield Comparisons

I research quite a bit to ensure I am making sound financial decisions.

Case in point, recently, I searched the term "Average monthly yield on $85,000", because I wanted to ensure my $250 current monthly yield on that amount was comparable to other investment strategies.

I found a Youtube video- "How Much My Dividend Portfolio Paid Me in January! ($155,000 Account)" which led me to several other videos on the channel.

I have never been a risk taker where the stock market is concerned. My savings selections when I was employed by large corporations, mostly involved guaranteed return choices. Matching funds provided by the employers were mostly in the form of stocks and though I checked daily the corporate stock prices, did little else.

I still do not do a lot of research where stock prices are concerned (time an issue) and for some reason (probably the cost), I will not hire a financial expert in this area for assistance.

So, I have many concerns that I am not getting every dollar I can possibly get, out of my on-hand cash.

I found other content creators with similar portfolio numbers, and happy my monthly yield numbers can compete with most of these investors.

That said, my new CD (opened March 18, 2024) had its initial interest deposit this morning.

Are you researching financial related issues? I have added links to a set of robust financial calculators to the WiredPages Business & Markets page.

Note from the illustration above, the CD calculator for my first interest payment was only off by three cents.

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