Tuesday, December 03, 2024
The end of the year often brings a myriad of site issues I wish I did not have to address, however, I do- and this year is no exception.
On the to-do list this year is/was (updates still in progress) integrating the new universal tag version for the InMobi Consent Management Platform (CMP) resource I use on all of my sites.

The reason the updates are cumbersome is because some of the core areas of my sites are not maintained by content management systems like Wordpress or Joomla. Why? Long story that I do not wish to bore you with. The following list provides how my different site areas are maintained.
- wiredpages.qisoftware.com -- Manual
- reginadenisethomas.com -- Thingamablog
- personal.qisoftware.com -- Thingamablog
- qisoftware.com -- Manual
- realty.reginathomas.studio -- Wordpress
- hosting-q.com -- Manual
- remix.qisoftware.com -- Thingamablog
- wired-shops.com --OpenCart
- marylandbloggers.com -- Thingamablog
- reginathomas.studio -- Thingamablog
I am almost finished with this chore and have also been looking at style pairings for new and old items. What new things?
I recently posted a photo to the QiSoftware Instagram account of my new business bag.
When I first decided to move the bag from my wishlist to the cart, I had a $40 coupon I could apply. When I finally decided to hit the checkout button the coupon was no longer valid because a lot of things in my cart went on sale leaving the $40 coupon invalid. I needed to add about $10 to my cart for the $40 coupon to be applicable.
The $12 item I added to the cart to enable use of the $40 discount coupon is shown below.

I loved the unique design of the sweater, however added low profile shoulder pads and had a tie blouse that matched almost perfectly (as shown). The knit used in the sweater is heavier and the shoulder enhancements added the right padding for the weight of the sweater.
Now, why did I need a new business bag? I carried what appeared to be an expensive book bag (yes, was a very expensive gift) for many years. The straps on the bag ripped about 3 years ago and I refused to consider getting something new. I simply loved the bag.

When I found the bag shown in the photo below, I finally decided I could replace my old bag.

Needless to say, I am very happy with the new bag. I want to offer the bag in my shop however, it is not cheap and I need to do more market research. That said, it is well made.