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September 2016

Regina's Personal Blog

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Late Year Business Expenditures

Like most, I have more [combination of personal and business] expenses between September and the end of December- than at any other time of the year. This in part, due to holiday spending and an annual web hosting bill for QiSoftware's [] domain web hosting payments are quarterly.

I currently use Microsoft Money [Sunset version] for both personal and business finance management. Below, an itemized listing of some of my recurring business expenses/bills that are stored within the application. This allows for easy insertion and debit from the specified payment account[s] when the bills are paid.

Since in recent weeks I have had a number of both scheduled and unscheduled business related expenses, rather than provide copies of the bills I paid [as I have done in the past], I thought I would provide the MS Money illustration.

Unscheduled Business Expenses....

  • New USB Mouse for RCA/Windows 10 platform
  • New Blue Tooth Keyboard and Case for Android

Yes, running my business costs and I still have a number of legal issues. This just a reminder for law enforcement jurisdictions, i.e., FBI, DOJ.

What else have I been up to?

  • Updating Amazon Stores-- See upper right sidebar.
  • Tonight: Season Finale Starz's "Power" Series
  • Photography...
  • Minor adjustments to this blog's template.
  • Thinking about all the business related tasks I want to do with a new Mac Mini and trying to justify using credit. Would be another unscheduled business expense.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

End of Summer 2016...

I know Summer is over because I want to buy new computers and get busy with several business related projects.

I have also been researching every imaginable adaptor, hub, and accessory to ensure I have interconnectivity with all of my existing devices as well as devices I want to purchase.. see here and here.

Recently, I picked up a 4 Port USB Hub to use with my RCA Windows 10 PC/Tablet.

Though the system has both a touchpad and touchscreen, I have found I like using a USB Mouse as the primary input in addition to the keyboard.

The new hub works well. It allows me to connect multiple USB devices while using the USB Mouse.

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Middle Saturday, US Open - 2016

US Open has been on since Monday, so I have been catching a lot of the action on WatchESPN.

Short video describing my setup this afternoon...

Other projects? School started a week ago in my area so I am planning updates to my Amazon Stores for the upcoming Fall and Holiday Seasons... I love Fall.

In addition, yesterday- when I tried to update an application on my Android, I received an insufficient storage message. This the reason I am backing up files to external hard drives and clearing space on several of my systems. Have you had this problem with your Android?

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