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December 2011

Regina's Personal Blog

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Interfaces-- Ticker Headlines, Zillow Chart

The following illustrates my latest "interface". The tool is powered by Zillow and provides an example of their API Chart function.

The Zillow interface will be installed in the QiSoftware Catalog, sometime in the near future.. I am still researching their branding policies.

On Thursday, I developed and installed the Yahoo Ticker Headlines interface on the WiredPages Business & Markets page-- however provide the following illustration in case you have not seen it.

I am busy working on bugs I knew about and new interfaces I want demonstrated. Also in the works- changes to the look of WiredPages. Minor changes.. The Forum login dialog area in the right sidebar will probably be replaced with null space. Null space? Within the html, the area will exist but nothing showing when rendered via browsers. This is to ready the area for advertising I plan on using there.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

straight up.

This morning, I received an email from the folks at GoodGuide. Agreed to an interview next week [their suggestion]-- related to the current issues I am having. Hopefully I will be able to reinstall the interface in the near future.

The reason I have to go wide with information like this? I believe in the case of GoodGuide-- outside interference played a hand in my recent problems-- causing me to remove the interface from WiredPages.

Currently, I am busy with end of year updates. I am also looking at new interfaces for one or two areas on WiredPages.

  • Corrected a problem with the use of terms and the Dictionary Interface
  • Minor adjustment [placement] to the Load / Play link on the Yahoo Music Search Interface. Aesthetic issues.
  • Preparing QiSoftware main and Hosting-Q site pages for the new year copyright dates. This is done manually for each page and a pain in the neck.
  • Rethinking WiredPages' page layouts to accommodate new interfaces.

I want to remind others. I have laid out site configurations and how programs and interfaces are accessed and hosted for a reason. Over the last 2 years, as I have added more interfaces to areas of WiredPages-- I have learned lessons about why things may change from the standpoint of the organization providing the API data.

In the past, while trying to make interfaces that worked- and then all of a sudden stopped, operable again-- I have spent a lot of time putting in work a-rounds. Mostly, moving the interface to the server. I will not continue with this practice.

The server- will probably not be as taxed as it once was. Q's Wire.. my retired personal blog, though still online is no longer being updated on a regular basis. Currently, Q's Wire is by far the most popular entity on [the forums second] and my concern in the past, was overtaxing servers. That said-- I will continue for the most part, to host my interfaces from the servers. servers are nowhere as fast as's-- however they also do not host the NS&J forums nor the blogs I update on a more regular basis. Yes, I maintain three separate blogs on and the hosting support forums-- however hosting-q's servers are not overtaxed.

I host my programs and interfaces on servers for a reason. If I developed and installed an interface for WiredPages, I can assure you I wanted it on my showcase site. I have passed on a lot of APIs-- insofar as integration on WiredPages. Make no mistake about it-- WiredPages is my favorite area of any of my sites- and I tweak, work it and worry about it more than anything else. To continue to test whether I will relax where I host the programs that power Wiredpages, is a waste of your time and mine.

Further there is no one else that makes these decisions other than me. To interfere with my communications or attempt to harass me into another plan of action-- is also a waste of time.

As related to interfaces that are "money plays"-- like Eventful? FBI needs to talk to me.. Interfaces I am currently installing are not "money plays" per se. I would like to think services like GoodGuide could add to its employment rolls, in that I think it is a useful service-- but, at this time-- I am not installing API data providers that charge on their end for usage.

If I go after a "money play" it will be through something like the Amazon Interface I recently developed and demonstrated. My hope-- to once again have the FBI look into the fraud issue. I hope they get in touch, before [Spring 2012] I go that route.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

not backward compatible--

Over the last day or so, I have spent a great deal of time re-investigating updating the QuickMaps interface on the WiredPages Dining & Travel page.

I have researched this over and over, since Google introduced their dynamic mapping tools-- and I keep coming up with the same issue-- not backward compatible with browsers running on several of my older systems.

My interface currently uses Google static maps. Updating to use dynamic maps would not be difficult-- simply not sure if I want to code around browsers and operating systems-- to insure I handle old and ajax capable browsers.

I often get errors when surfing the net. Browser outdated-- "upgrade your browser". Last spring I updated Firefox on my Macbook which I believe caused hardware issues in the fall. Even before that I was reluctant to update software on that platform.

Flash another tool that outdates quickly.

This is why I like Java and non-Jquery/Ajax sites. You will find that for the most part-- tools on my sites work with most old browsers. The new YouTube Music Search tool [installed on the Arts & Entertainment page] works on all of my old systems-- however YouTube is a little persnickety with the old Safari browser.

I could do a lot with JQuery and AJax. I can do a lot with what I am using now. What I cannot do-- is create the interactivity of Google Maps without Ajax and JQuery-- neither of which work with all of my old browsers. Normally I am really good-- about putting in a work around for old browsers. I have not been so forthcoming in this regard where JQuery and AJax are concerned. Think the problem is-- I also act as my own lawyer and I do not want to have to explain to a client the technical issues for why it did not work on x, y or z. And believe me.. a lot of sites do not work on my systems and it is not because of my connection. I have Verizon FiOS.

I will probably update the QuickMaps interface and develop a work around for old browsers wherein I use the static maps I am currently using.

That said, I am [QiSoftware is] not going after business that requires Jquery or Ajax support. It doesn't always work. In addition, the only guarantee I have found that something using JQuery or Ajax will work for a given period of time-- is 3 years.

Backward compatible used to be important to programmers or those who purchased software. I cannot guarantee backward compatibility with JQuery, Flash nor Ajax. Have you noticed this too?

I think programmers should again be more concerned with backward compatibility issues. No I am not paranoid a client wants to sue me for defective work based on the fact it did not work with this browser or that browser- I simply do not like leaving a door like this open. It is too easy for others to pretend ignorance on this issue -- and I often pay for the ignorance of others. By the way I have no clients. If you feel I [QiSoftware does] do--contact the FBI. I am simply explaining why I do not take this type of development work.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011 no thanks.

Under my account manage tab, I found someone had given access to my google account from the following site.

The above domain points to the site-- .. never heard of either site.

My Youtube account is relatively new. I only set it up in August of this year [2011], because I wanted to use the YouTube API.

FBI-- in the abstract world this looks like family abusing power. said no.

The reason I was looking at this? I wondered whether I received credit via my Google Adsense account for the ads that run on the videos requested by the YouTube Music Search Interface I developed.

Found out [according to this article] I had to allow third party access from my Google Adsense account under Account Settings. The setting under the Google Adsense account was disabled-- before I changed it today.

I am a member of however I became a member over a year ago, [maybe two]. I would have had no reason to link my relatively new Youtube account to Also-- I do not use my membership often.. this flags wrong from the word go.

In the legal world-- the following would not hold weight because it discusses a skirt.. this looks like clever lawyer work. Keep in mind-- I became well versed in Philadelphia Lawyers and their clever deeds when looking into the Rockwell EEOC issue.

Philadelphia Lawyer definition provided by

A shrewd attorney adept at the discovery and manipulation of legal technicalities.

Recently, I watched The Lincoln Lawyer with Matthew McConaughey. His shrewd moves in this movie-- another example.

I am having a nice Christmas. Nice gifts. Nice dinner. Quiet evening. Already, working on new projects. That's why I was researching this.. Spoiling Christmas? Why not wait until tomorrow? I lay out what may be legal issues-- when I find them. Too many clever tricks with my sites and hard work. Hope you are having a nice Christmas.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Last Minute

The other day, while playing around with Thingamablog's archiving options, I created a minor issue with the Blogger Calendar installed on this blog. I reverted to the original archiving options to correct the problem. In the new year, I will investigate enabling the calendar to handle more of Thingamablog's internal options.

Last night, ran final errands in preparation for Christmas. Gosh, I am happy that's done. Here is what I was wearing +my trench coat.

Took a steam shower with no shower cap to put the body back in my hair-- so I did not wear my fake glasses.

I was so sleepy while out. I kept thinking I was going to go home and go to bed and it was only 7 o'clock. This has been a mentally tiring couple of months..

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Friday, December 23, 2011

a sweet breakfast

Yesterday, in between tweaking sites, modifying several programs and listening to music-- I made spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing. This morning, I had one with a cup of black coffee.

These cupcakes are so good and so easy to make. All you need:

  • Duncan Hines Spice Cake Mix & the ingredients listed on the box.
  • Raisins
  • Walnuts
  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • 4 oz. Unsalted Butter
  • 4 oz. Cream Cheese
  • Powered Sugar
  • Almond Extract

Make the cake batter as instructed on the box-- adding a bit more cinnamon and nutmeg-- and at the last minute stir in raisins and walnuts. I cannot now remember who told me this-- but flouring [cake flour works] the raisins and walnuts helps to keep them from sinking to the bottom of the batter.

The icing: beat the butter and cream cheese. Add the powered sugar [careful to lower the speed of the mixer while doing this], and your favorite flavoring-- mine is Almond Extract but the recipe I took this from- called for vanilla.

The music yesterday ...

Most of these songs are old favorites of mine-- though when I looked at the list this morning, felt some may feel as if I think I am at war somewhere. I do hope federal legal types engage sooner rather than later [or before the next issue]. I am at peace and getting a lot of work done.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

GoodGuide Issues

Yesterday evening, I noticed issues with the new GoodGuide interface installed on the WiredPages Shopping page. I did not investigate immediately, other than to determine my API-Key was working correctly. I made this check via the browser.

This morning, I was surprised to learn that it appears my web host is blocking a check I require. Removing the check would relax security measures I have in place and put simply-- it is not going to happen.

Other options:

  • Move the interface to
  • Investigate ways around the issue-- keeping the interface on
  • Remove the interface. This will be done in a week-- if I do not find a solution I like.

The interface works fine in my local development environment using the local copy of the program-- so I am very sure the traceback provided from the online version is the correct problem.

I know this interface works online-- it has been working fine since December 2nd, 2011 when I first installed it on the Remix blog. I am surprised by what appears to be the source of the problem.

Temporally removed the interface.. hanging. The irony? Web host could have claimed this caused them undue resource stress and terminated my hosting. This looks like another attempt to control my hosting and how I set up my interface.. The application when first requested makes the same security check that is made when a product review is requested. Why would the same code hang the second time? In other words-- if the code did not work-- you would see the "Unauthorized use" message. it would be easy for a systems guy to limit from the server side.. the question is why? FBI- you owe.

If you had lots of traffic and used the same methodology for many of your interfaces-- could this rechecking be inefficient? The system checks I am requesting should not be a problem even if I had a lot of traffic-- which according to both and stats-- I do not. That said-- I think I gave my plan of action away. Earlier, I tested an init check [only once] however the same problem is occurring... Yes, I do think I said too much in the first part of this post. Someone is two steps ahead of me.. My software is not free to use. Sorry. Why is this interface important?

The wrong test-- logic failed because I was running from local host which is not allowed from the online version I was checking against.. it maybe Goodguide who is blocking but they are not sending an error. it is timing out.. I am not moving the interface. not taking out the security checks to see if that is the problem.. no errors. i take out the security checks to see where it is? The error is go develop your own and run it from your own server. I said no. ThinK I was right.. they want me to load a version with no checks so they can take that.,.. not going to happen,.

No checks would allow the software to be run from any server that supports JSP. The reason i develop using java and not PHP is so it is not taken from my server and run elsewhere. Why is this hard to accept?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

intelligent shopper?

I went out today to do more shopping. My hair-- it's in winter mode and though I curled it just before taking these photos, it would not stay.

So I thought I would wear my fake - "make me look intelligent glasses" because I do not have enough real glasses and contacts for my less than perfect eyesight-- a joke.

So what do you think, do I look intelligent? Do you want to ask why I simply did not put on prescription glasses? I am such a girl sometimes.. I was trying to fix the hair that had no body.. it was not about really being intelligent.

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She looks like Cosie's Ann to me...

When I lived in Bowie, MD [1989 through 1995], I had a neighbor-- Cosie D. Cosie had lots of friends and when my father died- she kept me busy when I was not working. Busy? Saturday morning flee markets, dinners, etc.

Cosie was from Maryland and well connected through her sisters. One sister-- Marie [very pretty] worked for Digital Equipment Corp (DEC), as did Cosie when I first met her. Marie's boss- was black and once when I was waiting for Cathy Moultree and Miriam Sheppard at Jaspers [having dinner] in Greenbelt-- he recognized me and asked me if I wanted to have a discrete affair. I looked at him as if he was an idiot- and said no.

Cosie was always having some sort of party or going out. I met Kim Gee through Cosie. Kim had a birthday party at the G. W. Marriott in Washington. I think at the time, Kim also worked for Digital Equipment Corp. I knew Digital because Rockwell and the Navy used quite a bit of their equipment and I once took a DecWindows class at their Landover facility.

I wanted to establish the DEC tie to explain how I met other friends of Cosie's that also worked for DEC.

  • Angie-- petite dark skinned black female
  • Ann looks exactly like Stephanie Ruhl of Bloomberg television-- She is too young to be Ann-- so I believe there is a good likely hood she is her daughter. The problem? She looks exactly like Ann. It is my experience that when this is true-- the parents were probably related. I look just like both of my parents.
  • A guy who used to work for Wang [out of Boston] but hired on with Digital because of cut backs. Today- he reminds me of Sam Brownback with a mustache.

I believe Sam Brownback is my Aunt Judy's son [Virginia Johnson] with Reagan.

I believe [speculation] Sam Brownback kids include:

  • Mariah Carey-- Jan
  • Natalie Moralies -- A Kennedy
  • Clive Owens -- not sure who the mother might be, Jan again?
  • Nicole Ritchie with a Veronica Jones of Arundel Sr. High
  • The youngest daughter on Fresh Prince with Darnetta's friend Crystal [Burrell?]
  • The other Bush twin with Kathleen Matthews or her mother Laura.

Another of Cosie's sisters was a manager at [Chevy's?] in Greenbelt. Can't think of her name right now. Anyway-- I met Angie and the Sam look a like the same evening at her sister's restaurant in Greenbelt. Angie wanted to set Cosie up with the Sam look a like and she wanted me to go. Cosie had been dating this guy named Melvin- and she was not interested in the Sam guy.

Later I am told-- the Sam look a like and Angie started dating. Cosie and Ann-- who by then I had met once or twice at parties Cosie had given decided they did not like the dark skin Angie dating the Sam look a like. Sam Brownback too looks white. So do a lot of my grandmother's kids and grandkids.

Today, if you told me Ruhl was a Kennedy I would believe you. I think I met Sam in England, then in Dover in 1972 or so, at Crystal's one holiday and again with Cosie. The last time-- the MayFlower in 1996 or so when I was first beginning my Why Me? search. I never recognized him as being the same person. It was his voice that had me asking-- why is the person all over me. Thought I found the answer.

I never gave any of the Sam look- a likes any indication that I liked him/them. I did like the guy in ChippingNorton England. He was older I thought him cool. For a long time I thought that was Darryl Anderson. Today-- I think it was Sam. That said-- I was only 7 and I thought that older guy was cool and interesting.. that's all. I remembered him. I never thought the adult Sam was interesting.

Why bring this up? As my Why Me? search was beginning I heard a lot about the Kennedys. In 1998 when I figured out who Richard Nixon was-- I thought it was to help me understand who I was in all of this. If Cosie's Ann is a Kennedy-- I had no idea. Further-- I was not overlly impressed with Ann nor Angie and tried to keep my distance.

Sam the question I have for you? Why does it seem I keep paying for your crap-- when I passed on you over and over? I do not owe you.. nor your kids.

Stephanie Ruhl has that same arrogant manner as her mother [if Ann is her mother].. When I knew Ann she was single and to my knowledge had no kids. Never went to her house... thought her too arrogant and a bore. And Angie was too dark for the Sam look a like.. I stayed out of Cosie's friends' crap.

Caroline, I have said no thank you over and over. I grew up watching documentaries about the Kennedys. I was impressed. I am not impressed with the things going on now. I repeat, no thank you. Did you or one of your relatives confuse me with Jan? I am not.. Sam-- why does it appear your women are mad with me? I still think he is an... I did not tell any of them to have his kids nor date him.. get a life. I did not even know who he was. My rights violated horribly because of Sam? You're kidding, right?

Caroline, I keep asking why such a loud voice behind OBama. I have seen photos of the first ladies [all except hillary and laura of course]. Oddly Michelle does not look like first ladies of the past-- and I am not talking about race. Her daughter does. Is that why? Caroline, Ann cannot disappoint me.. You could. I am tired of telling the Kennedys no thank you.. FBI-- I said no thank you.

Sam... tired of telling you too.. get your crap off me. And Stephanie-- I really do not owe Kennedy shuns.. you are not even Sam's [who appears to be a blood tie to me] kid? I said no.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

Use my car to shop, how you stole my money?

I am a constructive person. I love making things work. I love figuring things out. I would never sit around trying to figure out how to irritate someone else-- on purpose. I would simply walk away. Others with that destructive quality or who like irritating others on purpose? I often tell "go get a life-- and leave me alone".

I have the right mindset for business-- and spend most of my days working on business or technology ideas. This is so easy for me.

Over the last 6 or 7 years, another thing that has become easy for me? Coming up with the possible reasons for why I see the odd things I see-- in hopes of heading off possible problems.

During this time in my life-- I have asked [in amazement] those around me on more than one occasion-- "you destroyed that to send me a message?" This type of behavior simply goes against my grain. I work to hard to be destructive nor do I deal with others who have this mindset.

Another example? A fax machine I picked up from Circuit City just after I left Rockwell was destroyed about 2 years ago in an electrical storm. It was on a power surger and I was upset by the loss. When I got another, I put it on a a better surge protector and have also unplugged it once or twice when I felt an electrical storm looked particularly dangerous. I hate having things destroyed.

So, recently when I replaced a space heater near the fax machine and it fried the surge protector-- I was a little surprised I was not given a warning that putting the heater on high-- might short out everything connected to the strip. In this case-- also my new laser printer/fax machine. The fax machine is fine. The surge protecter is not.

My car another example. It is a Mazda RX7 shown in this blog's header photo, that I got brand new in June 1990 when my first RX7 died [purchased 1981], days after my father died. I waited about six months before getting the new car. I have had so much work done to the latest RX7 over the last 5 years and given I stopped driving it [other than when absolutely necessary] about 10 years ago-- because I could not afford to replace it-- I know it is being tampered with. It is garaged.

I keep thinking someone thinks I am trying to send a message with the inequality the automaker's name suggests? I had no idea about my relatives in 1981 when I purchased my first Mazda RX7 [nor-- for that matter, my second in 1990]. While at Circuit City- during my last year of college, Dan Sullivan and I were leafing through a magazine and I saw the RX7. Think it was yellow. I decided then and there that when I graduated and got my first career position, I would get a car like that. Within weeks of signing with Boeing-- I purchased that car in 1981. The point.. I am not sending a message.. I fell in love with the RX7 because I saw it in a magazine and thought-- that is "too me". Leave my car alone.

On Saturday, December 3rd 2011 around 2:00 a.m. in the quiet of the early morning-- I heard what sounded like gunshots ringing out from behind the house. When I got up and looked out, around 6:00 a.m. or so, I found the destruction that had taken place. It was in front of the house... I took these photos about 9:00 a.m. Saturday -[3rd of december 2011] morning. I took the photos on the street adjacent to my house-- which is on the far right in the following photo.

Just getting around to posting the photos because I was at first distracted with the hosting double billing that took place on Friday, Dec. 2nd, 2011 and then I stopped updating Q's Wire with other news outside of the double billing issue.

The possible reasons I came up with for this destruction?

  • Someone wanted to scare me at two in the morning
  • the new energy saving lampposts that were installed about 3 years ago did not have cameras and Maryland wants to call me a liar insofar as not driving my car {historic tags} and they want to install a new lamp with a camera.
  • I would be going out a bit more for the holidays and they wanted to call me a liar about driving my car and the repair crew would be the witness?
  • Put less light in the area making it easier to have others tamper with things around the house? But I have so much surveillance? Yes-- do you see the problem?

Why not-- simply a loud drunk in the area? Honestly, the only people loud and drunk in the area were the black couple that moved in next door after the Twohigs left. This about 4 years ago. The black couple left about 2 years ago. They were US government workers. How do I know? Government people came to ask about the neighbors for employment-- I was not mean.. explaining I did not know them. Also, I probably have more law enforcement and secret service types in the area than the president. The area I live in is old and established-- lot of older folks.. there are not a lot of teens. There are very few kids that walk to the elementary school less than a football field away from my house, and very few older kids that catch the bus. So why would Maryland want to call me a liar about my car if I have this much surveillance? Too many mistakes.. my arm. Rights. Someone is desperate [actually a lot of folks should be desperate] and I get it.

The logic of stealing my money and then hoping to call me a liar as I go out for holiday shopping [using my car]--- tends to suggest someone does not think-- if that was the hope with the lamp. I did see Maryland utility crews the following week- but they were road surface crews who staged in the spot where I took the photos. the work on the roads was elsewhere because the roads near my house were repaved last summer- after I got the new tags.

Two-- FBI, Maryland needs to check with their own laws concerning the use of a car with historic tags and then check with my surveillance to see if they are embarrassed. I stopped using the car 10 years ago.. I cannot afford to replace it..

FBI-- wanted it noted. John Winston-- I think you and Rockwell prepped me too much. This is not your caliber. these are idiots. By the way-- I work a lot building or trying to insure I do not lose more-- did I mention that? If taking my money was supposed to make me really upset this holiday season-- I am not. I am busy. I wish you were too.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fillo Dough Would Work

Derek Anderson once told me his mother told him to make Pillsbury Crescent Rolls. He was visiting-- when I lived in Bowie and I asked him what he wanted to eat. He wanted to buy those rolls. Every time I see a can of those rolls, I think of Derek...

Me? I love their cinnamon rolls. That said- there were two cans of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls left over from Thanksgiving. I used the brown and serve brand I like for Thanksgiving, however I saw a commercial where a mother and daughter were making recipes with the Crescent rolls-- so I thought I would try one of my own.

I purchased two Gala apples, peeled, cored and diced them into tiny cubes then sauteed them in butter, brown & white sugar, a little cinnamon and corn starch. The concoction was perfect.

I then used the two cans of rolls to make these:

I wish I could tell you this recipe was good. The pastry I had just out of the oven-- was good. I put a dollop of whip cream on top and though I thought it was a little too much roll-- it was edible.

Later, I tried another and decided not to make this again. I recommend fillo dough for this recipe. I think the television ad used a pizza recipe using crescent rolls.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Busy Times

Lately, I have been so busy. Mostly, updating my sites and readying for the new year-- insofar as QiSoftware's online presence.

I did manage to do a little shopping Thursday, but I have more to do.

The Christmas tree and decorations went up about 2 weeks ago-- and although I am in a pretty good mood overall-- a snag with a hosting bill has me a little distracted. Though not enough to hinder me from putting a huge dent into my "to do" list.

Photos of this year's Christmas decorations (Living Room, Main Entrance):

Photos of the Christmas decorations (Den):

A little less this year, in the way of decorations. If I had not had so much to do this year.. the billing snag could have been much more of a downer this holiday season than it was. What the billing snafu caused me to do, sooner rather than later? Set up this more secure blogging environment and to start moving away from Q's Wire and WordPress as my personal blogging platform.

Happy this chore is taken care of. No matter the fact, some time ago {about 3 years ago}-- I set up the Q's Wire wp_config.php file to prevent revisions from being inserted as separate records to the underlying database-- somehow the instruction was removed and revisions were being saved. This bothered me-- because it provides a means for someone to insert malicious posts into the database without my knowledge. That said, I keep a text file of all my posts and use those as the master copies.

The way the file {wp-config.php} was tampered with-- appears to suggest someone with little knowledge of what he/she was doing -- removed the instruction. Not only did he remove the "revisions" "false" instruction but also removed the closing ?> tag from the wp-config file.

If you want to learn more about what you need to do to prevent post revision records from being inserted into your WordPress blog's database-- see this post on the Hosting-Q blog.

This new Thingamablog Personal blog prevents this kind of tampering.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

New Personal Blog

I have been setting up this new personl blog. You may notice the template looks similar to QiSoftware sites, including Hosting-Q, WiredPages and the Products Catalog.

Some of the blog's features.

  • It is a Thingamablog.
  • The blog, its database and all associated files are maintained and hosted on my netbook. I publish to the web via the Thingamablog internal FTP client.
  • It will get a Blogger Calendar and other features in the near future.
  • No dicussions {comments} and have no plans to add this feature.

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