Tuesday, March 06, 2012
The composer of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious has died.
Normally I do not provide headlines like this in blog posts. The reason I have now? The AP headline interfaces I maintain on both the WiredPages front page and the Arts & Entertainment page are not working. This is because the applets cannot handle the long word that has no spaces or dashes.
I could have repaired the underlying servlets quickly, however chose not to..
I recently asked iTunes to explain why my affiliate relationship was temporarily removed and they provided some reasons.. none of which applied to me nor WiredPages. A broken interface on the page-- as of today-- the day after I asked for more explanation? The terms also provide a broken link can cause a problem.
The email with the brief explanation points after I reapplied:
- Your site name contains Apple Trademarks.
- The URL on your application is incorrect or your site is temporarily down.
- You are applying for the U.S. program but reside outside the country.
They also provided other reasons which went to offensive issues, etc. WiredPages offensive? Sometime ago they removed Q's Wire affiliate links.. I did not argue.
I do not like cheap games. I was an affiliate for over 5 years.. no money generated... legal types disagree and I am paying again? I offered the right deal US government.. You need to get Martha [and other idiots like her] out of it.. they are only wasting everyone's time. Who is martha-- an idiot lawyer that thinks everyone is as stupid as she is-- that i was watching on television. I know more about her-- because i looked her up.. I would not hire an idiot like her. tell her i have no opps for her.