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Sunday, September 09, 2012

National Security... II

In late February 2012-- an earpiece I did not know was installed sometime berore 1999, was activated. I was a little surprised at first as narrator after narrator began telling me things. At first I listened hour after hour to these narrations. Shocking things. Often the person telling me things would ask why aren't you reacting. Shock, what do I do with this, are you lying, huh... mostly I think shock. I am natually calm believe it or not.

In those first days [late feb 2012] they told me things that I forgot about [or decided was a lie], until reiterated. Things like-- three eggs were taken from me and one child died-- a girl. Details about the child's death were given right up front but not who. I put it down to false until it was talked to again about 3 weeks ago. In early April 2012-- or so-- I will hear something that bothered me-- we tried everything to insure you. We are insuring you with information. The thing that bothered me about this-- was general was claiming my site. These two things presented around the same time. I went after-- General does not own my work. But I did not forget about the concept of insuring me with secrets and the insurance of others- important others.

I would often say-- why are you telling me this. I am not going to write a post about this. That said-- when General decided he owned QiSoftware [according to the earpiece] I did put out things that could be checked and asked how would i know this. Jan's death-- a lie. I have seen a Michael Jordan ad. Olympics. Earpiece still claiming he died.

Why-- I felt they wanted to say the earpiece over the years, gave me ideas for my sites or helped me write code. No. I have spent a lot of time working on my sites and business-- all alone. Earpiece activated in late February 2012. So this may have appeared as the first national security issue-- but I couched everything in I am not sure--- and this is earpiece provided information. Take it in that light. Told they have tapes of all sessions including sequestered sessions.

Then in June 2012 I went to BWMC for 2.5 weeks. The first day, I noticed a long haired gray woman who reminded me of my mother. Her name was Francis. I later thought the Queen of England was a better fit. She glared at me often. I looked back. Another person at the center-- a guy named Stephan [pronouced] Stef- fon. He looked part Indian and part European. Earpiece claimed he was a lawyer for England. Yes, he could have been a lawyer for a large law firm. Anyway he oftened stayed in his room-- lying down. I was told he was listening to tapes of what I had heard since February 2012. This bothered me and I wrote in notes "why are they worried about me and not him" and insured one of the many cameras could see what I was writing.

This also made me think they wanted to threaten me on what I knew. Early on-- they provided issues with generals. After I came home-- military seemed to threaten on this. So there were threats-- but at first I simply did not like the Pentagon claiming my work. National Security-- one reason given the Pentagon blocked settlement payments. She knows too much. but I did not know before Feb. 2012. And my information is earpiece provided and I am telling it is earpiece provided. They have lied sometimes.

Told judges have asked Pentagon, CIA if they really consider me a national security threat. Told they respond no. We don't like her? Yes, that is often provided. Judge-- we cannot keep violating her rights in this manner because you don't like her. Recruitment by CIA? No. I am business not government. I already know-- I cannot do that. Washington to mad. Pity party also an issue. For some reason they wanted some of this told. Why? Why does Washington get a say in settlement. All agree washington owes. Tags will say Federal Government payment made-- by outside resources. Needs a non-congressional sign off that has been made-- actually but pentagon still testing, DOJ trying to insure technical issues cleared off and told outside funding sees flags it does not like. I get that. Too washington wants funds to pay for their pity party.

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