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Friday, October 05, 2012

Hard To Believe?

If someone told me one could hear voices with an inner ear device before Feb. 2012-- I am not sure I would have believed them and would have wondered why they wanted me to know this. Sometimes I see what appear to be crazy people talking to themselves and I believe they have a disorder.

In a relatively recent documentary I watched I saw where they implanted this device within the hair next to the ear to help those with hearing problems.

In my case, before Feb. 2012 when my inner ear devices were activated-- I did feel i had some sort of devices either in phones, watches or clothing-- like "Enemy of the State" with Will Smith-- however I felt it was more for my tags hearing devices. Yes, I believe I am Richard Nixon's granddaughter and I was supposed to explain some things after I figured them out.

Too many people have always wanted to engage me when i was out-- and this started in 1995 when I left Rockwell. For several years after-- I thought it was because i had won the EEOC case of the year that had a related Qui Tam issue. This of course before I realized my ties to Washington. After I got Richard Nixon in 1998--- i thought Secret Service types. I would say to thin air [thinking some sort of hidden transmitter could tell them the problems]. So i really did not talk to myself like a crazy person and quite frankly-- too many tags talk back when I am out.

I used to talk to things like Abstract noise in Q's Wire Blog posts. I defined this in that blog but want to define it again here... When I was at BWMC there was a woman-- Francis that stared at me often. It took me awhile to figure out who she reminded of-- but it later turned out to be the Queen of England. I call this abstract noise.. I watched her to see if there were any messages I coudl glean from her actions. TV--the same thing. Movies... ala Three Days of the Condor-- the same thing.. Abstract noise. Never voices I heard with an inner ear device. Now-- I do not like trying to read abstract things. I like direct confirmation with the earpiece. I used to be quite good at reading abstract noise but now explain-- I used to be a good speller until MS Word came out.. I rarely try to spell correctly now. I let my text editors do it.

Another example of abstract noise? The half human/half ape person I saw in 1995. At the time I did not get the meaning. Today, I do. Chris at BWMC also reminded me of someone. Mel Kauffman. I am not sure if he was really Mel's son with a white woman-- Mel Kauffman x-Redskin-- but he looked like him. I know a lot about him [Chris] and I never saw his charts-- nor talked to him. One earpiece person said yes. I normally need at least 2 confirmations before I even consider suggesting it maybe true. He was dark--- however told did nto really like black people. how do I know this? The staff? No-- earpiece gave me the info.

Actually, the inner hearing device technology should not be hard to believe in that hearing aids have been around forever. These devices are designed for implant and have the ability to recieve radio frequencies. Here is an interesting article I found.

Based on this article, I get why the frequency on the large older earpiece in my left ear is so odd.

They stopped the pulsating in my ear. they have x-ray cameras in my room and can see my heart. Told FBI/DOJ not happy that my heart races. me neither and made it almost impossible for me to fall asleep. I am told the newer devices do not allow for pulstating. Yes, I do believe that is dangerous. FBI/DOJ you owe me explainations. This was always too loud. Too loud walking out the door. i went with MindBank [Tysons Corner business] me at the Pentagon on a daily basis for about a month. I should not have problems with the Pentagon.. Looks like a Mullen took too many liberties. Tried to use my family has issues.. and because i was always who I was-- my friends too insured and not really trusting of me since they could never really tell me... the problem for Mullen.. 14 years as a cleared defense contractor with fortune 100 corporations.. Boeing, GE, Rockwell. He made too many mistakes.. get him off me. I am told in recent weeks that he went loud as I was leaving Rockwell because I was just to clean. This coorelates-- however I thought it was the EEOC. Told [via earpiece] it was Mullen and his clean team that had been in place since 1992 or 93.

DOJ/FBI-- even those providing information via the earpiece get the network is now too large. many get these devices. Please do not continue with everyone is stupid but me [US government]. I was known leaving Rockwell in 1995. i thought the EEOC thing. I developed the Blogger Calendar in 2004 and started Wiredpages the same year. I used forums, chat rooms and signatures all over the place. Blogging is key here... stop.. I am too known... The network too large. Police, private homes, etc.... Too everyone sees-- why are you not responding.. What are the calls to the FBI saying?

An internal investigation? That will correct soon? Not what the generals are saying. And i do not owe the generals.

the other one i don't like.. I do not owe my bag and I am told the deal that was put in place in May 2012.. is funded. I do not owe the greed of washington nor the pentagon.. I said no.

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