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Friday, June 28, 2013

dog days of maryland summers....

I decided to get up this morning and get my driver's license renewed. This has been bugging me every since I received the notice-- in April 2013.

Because the weather has been so humid lately- I got up and curled my hair using this technique. I let my hair stay in rollers for about 3 hours.

Here is what I looked like until 4 minutes before I reached the MVA Express Office in Columbia, MD. [I had on a bit more makeup-- lipstick and eye-shadow which I applied before I left the house.]

I had to use the bathroom at the center to fluff out my hair a bit- but other than that I was pleased that it worked.

My mother drove-- and I was very grateful-- she did this for me. I can never tell-- when the rules are not going to be the rules-- and though she offered to let me use her car-- I did not want to leave her stranded without one. I was not leaving the keys to mine with her. She has not driven a manual transmission in awhile-- and I do not want her practicing on mine.. See photo in the header.

Worries? Since I rarely use my car-- I have historic tags-- meaning I should use it minimally.. which I do and two-- my bag is big.. Government offices tend to frown on large bags like the one I carry.. again, see the header photos. That said-- Maryland jurisdictions have barely been in evidence lately-- so my concerns may be unfounded. I simply do not like testing the waters- so to speak.

After I got to the MVA Express Center, everything went off without a hitch.. the staff at the center very professional and helpful.. I was so happy this went well.

I even like my new license photo-- though it looks like I could lose a couple of pounds.

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