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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Maryland, I Am Too Transparent. What Gives?

Thursday morning, I was notified that my State Tax Return had been accepted by Maryland. Yesterday afternoon I checked the online reporting site for the status of the refund.

I was a little surprised and upset to get the following message...

In early January-- before I received the "Important Tax Information" for a revenue account, I hand prepared the Maryland State Tax Return. After getting the tax information, I had the online version of TurboTax generate both my Federal and State Tax Returns. Both returns submitted, showed the same results as those provided in the earlier "draft" versions.

Quite frankly, my returns are so easy-- because of low income- it is hard to make a mistake-- and all versions-- both mine and the final TurboTax submissions, agreed.

I was so upset yesterday evening, I posted a new entry to Q's Wire something I have not done in just under 2 years.

I know the Federal Refund reporting site updates their records around 3:00-3:30 am every morning, so I checked this morning and found my Federal Refund was approved [yesterday] and will be deposited to by bank account in the coming days.

I have not received the letter from Maryland describing the problem, however I do have phone numbers and know how to file the appeal.

That said, if the IRS had no problems and both my versions and the official TurboTax versions lined up-- I cannot imagine what Maryland is doing.

Abstract noise? You do not want to know. It might suggest to many in government continue to think my situation is some sort of game. It is not.

How much noise did I make over the November 2014 Jury Duty? Faxes to the FBI, State Sheriff's Departments, US Attorney in Maryland, and a State Judge. Most know the ongoing issues with my case. I have been very open in my dealings.

Feds tell me there is an ongoing investigation. Why would I try to cheat you? I would not. This should not be the same crap that has been going on. Yes, I will find out Monday what the problem is-- however, as I have indicated-- I am too transparent for this not to be-- black is black and white is white. Why would this happen?

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