Saturday, April 01, 2023
It was a long March. Seemed as if upon resolution of one problem, another turned up. Summary of the issues:
- Auto problems with another of the vehicles.
- Research into a tax question that I had not expected. Dealt with an IRA account.
- Web hosting issues with both of the services I use to host my sites.
- Issues with Amazon Native Ads.
- After years of being a verified business on Facebook- QiSoftware is no longer verified. I have been working this problem on and off since June 2022. Looked at it again in March. Business bank statements, domain specification, business phone, and state records. Nothing seems to work. Not sure why my business was declassified on Facebook. Anything to do with layoffs at Meta? Not sure.
Accomplishments for the month of March...
- Business bank appointment to update business related information. This went so smoothly I was on cloud nine. These days changing anything related to my business seems difficult.
- Filed all of the tax returns I needed to take care of.
- Minor updates to my new site- Maryland Bloggers
- Updates to my Amazon Stores (see upper sidebar)
- Work on a new video short that I hope to release next week.
- Opened another HYSA with CIT.
- Installed software on the new laptop.
March was mostly about taxes and business related issues. I have to say, I am happy all of that is behind me.