Wednesday, February 23, 2022
I fell asleep around 8:00pm last night. I felt ready to take my real estate exam the next morning. Unfortunately I was awakened around three in the morning and could not get back to sleep. My exam was scheduled for 11:30 AM in Crofton, MD.
From three in the morning on, anything that could go wrong did, including my hair.
That said, I did take the exam and passed. I needed every allowed minute for each part (National/Maryland) of the exam.

I am happy, I have finally taken the exam. For most of the last year, this has been something I have studied for, planned around, and worried about. I am simply happy that part is over. Did I say that already?

Sunday, February 20, 2022
This week, at last I will be taking my real estate salesperson licensing exam. I have scheduled, rescheduled, made calls, submitted accommodation requests, stopped by the exam center, worried, studied, purchased a larger lockable storage case, and learned to decode combination locks in preparation for this week.
As many of you know, I am a sole proprietor and work mainly in the area of software development. Over the years, I have developed many software tools that are well known. WiredPages (showcases some of my software tools), this post, and discussions on the main area of provide details about my software.
Believe it not, I have security issues where my business and custom software solutions are concerned. This is such an issue, that I have not installed most of the applications developed for WiredPages, including the CIA World Factbook database and software application.
Last March (2021), as the end of my real estate course was nearing, the instructor provided details about the PSI exam & test center in the form of a PDF. I was concerned and immediately began to make plans to take the exam. The main concern, the PSI PDF provided what could and could not be taken into the test center and why they would not be responsible for any losses.
One of the first things I did was write to PSI inquiring about an accommodation request, explaining my bags and equipment. I also tried to contact the Maryland Real Estate Commission. Probably because of the business and government office shut downs (still in the throes of the pandemic), it was hard to get responses from the proper authorities.
In late November 2021, thinking after the holidays I would again begin my quest to take the exam and become a licensed real estate sales person in Maryland, I rescheduled for early January 2022. I was busier than planned with the holidays so the rescheduled date of January 11, 2022 was pushed back again to February 2022. I was supposed to take the exam last Wednesday, February 16th, however pushed it back again after stopping by the exam center. I needed a larger storage bin.

Since early January 2022, I have been studying and taking every practice exam available. I feel I am ready to take the exam, however I felt I would get an A on the final for the course in March 2021, and only achieved the "B". Here is an example of a surprise question I found on one of the preparation exams-- and how I might have to handle a similar question on the real exam.

During the course, I created an Excel spreadsheet based on one of the textbook examples of an loan amortization schedule. Download the spreadsheet here.

Finally, on Friday, I had a virtual interview with one of the large real estate firms in the area. Because of legal issues, and the number of things that can go wrong in a real estate transaction, I really want to sign up as more a support staff function (rather than independent contractor), however most firms want me to sign as the independent contractor. I want the license, however I want to be in more of a support role.

To be in real estate sales, your character must not be an issue. Mine is not, however over the years, I have had more than my share of problems with others wanting to take credit. This is where my legal issues are most apparent.
As I was taking the course, I knew real estate sales could leave too many legal doors open, if I did not cross every "t" and dot every "i". I am a detailed orientated person, however I draw too much of the wrong attention. How can a real estate transaction I might become a part of- affect my business? You would be surprised.
Some would not question whether they think I have false concerns and ask only- "why would I risk it"? Are you one who feels my concerns are unwarranted?

Saturday, February 12, 2022
Yesterday, I was out and about researching my latest project and running errands.
After my first stop (yesterday), I made the decision to purchase something I will need for the project. The item is shown below.

It is the DeWalt Tough Chest with a storage capacity of 63 gallons. I could not believe my luck in finding exactly what I needed on such short notice.
I have to admit, my sister was a big help with this find. I called her because I had no idea where to start and she tends to know where a good storage container might be found.
Can you guess what my new project involves? Leave a comment if you want to guess.
One of the guys at The Home Depot suggested something to do with an Alfred Hitchcock movie ("Rear Window"), and I laughed. No, that is not why I need it.

Saturday, February 05, 2022
Last autumn, one of the cars showed a low tire pressure. I searched and searched for the electric/battered powered all-in-one charger/air pump/light hazard supply device that was normally stored in the garage but could not find it. I think it may have been taken to the dump by mistake.
Anyway, when I went to the gas station to fill the tire, I could not believe how things had changed. For some reason, the credit card reader at my pump would not work and it no longer costs $1.00 in quarters to turn those air pumps on. Did not have enough change on me and I never carry cash. I sponged off a guy who finished before his time expired.
So this year after the holiday bills were paid, I decided to replace or fix items that were in disrepair or missing. On January 31, 2022 I ordered the following items from Amazon.

This morning, I used the new air pump with the 100ft extension cord shown below. Works great.

The new gear wheel for the pencil sharpener arrived early Friday morning, so that was the first thing on my to-do list. The gear wheel can be ordered here.

I really liked how the zip puller was packaged and it worked.

The other items in my Amazon order:
- CBUS 5ft HDMI to Micro HDMI Cable for GoPro Hero, Canon EOS M50 M5 M6 M100, Panasonic LUMIX ZS200...
- 4PCS Camera Hot Shoe Cover Protector Cap for Canon EOS R5 R6 R RP M50 M5 DSLR EOS 1D 1DX 1Ds Series, 5D...
- Face Mask Guards
I have been busy taking inventory, replacing what I can, and happy I can afford these minor repairs.

Friday, February 04, 2022
When I left the corporate world for a home/office setting, initially I did not notice an exponential rise in the number of appliances in disrepair.
I did notice the cost to stock paper products, i.e., paper towels, tissue paper, etc. went up. My dry cleaning bill went down. I used to spend anywhere from $20 to $40 a month on dry cleaning.
When did I notice issues with major appliances? In March 2020 with the onset of the pandemic. My theories on why these new home maintenance costs seemed to coincide with that period.
- Cooking more meals, and not just frozen entrées
- Washing more dishes
- Washing more clothes
- Timing, appliance age and more use since making my office, my home
How have I avoided some repair costs that could have been expensive (note: not the new microwave purchase)?
Once, after washing a load of clothes, I noticed a small puddle of water on the basement washroom floor. I also noticed the back of the washroom door was wet. Initially, I did not understand how this could have happened.
I washed another, smaller load and noticed the washer outtake hose with the lint filter was spewing water all over the place and not in the utility sink. The lint filter was full. So I spent less than $10 for two new lint filters. It worked.

I think the lint traps I purchased were rather small. I thought of using a screw clamp and a small garment laundry bag, if I have to replace the lint bags more often than I want.
On Sunday, January 16, 2022 I decided to clean the oven. It takes about 4½ hours for this high temperature process to complete. The scent from the heat cleaning process is notable.
Later in the evening, I used the dishwasher. When I went down later, around 11:00 pm I noticed a smell. Initially, I thought it was the stove from the earlier cleaning. The next morning when I unloaded the dishwasher I noticed the scent. It was the dishwasher.
Underneath the sink was a bottle of Jet-Dry dishwasher cleaner. The bottle so old, that when I researched how to purchase more-- it was no longer the same brand label.

The Jet-Dry dishwasher cleaner worked so well, I was amazed.
I moved away from home after college. I was a young professional who really did not worry about cooking or washing clothes. My dishwasher and stove were rarely used and the washer and dryer maybe once a month. Dry cleaning, hosiery shops, and eating out were my budgeted expenditures.
Before moving to my first place, I did not know how to cook. My clothes were washed with the family loads. I lived at home during the fours years I was an undergrad student. That said, I was rarely home because I worked part time and was a full time student. This to explain why this new domestication on my part is late in coming.
Maybe you simply have a repair service come in. That is very expensive these days. I admit, some of this stuff seems elementary, however if your background is similar to mine-- you may find these tips helpful especially in today's world where everyone seems to be spending more time at home- using appliances more than ever.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022
I have been working several projects. A major effort began January 12, 2022, however I am not going to discuss this project just yet. I have an ongoing post started, chronicling efforts for the project. It is taking up quite a bit of my time.
Other efforts? Taxes, mine, and others. I have been busy gathering all of the needed documents and tax statements for 2021. Happy to report my tax returns, both Federal and State were filed last evening. I use the online version of TurboTax for my filings.

Have a bit more work to do for this tax season, however feel my preparations should make it a breeze.
Another issue? About a week and a half ago, I noticed a problem with the WiredPages Sports page- sports scores widget. I was able to fix the problem, in short order, however decided holding off on installing the new tool.

The reason for the software installation delay- probably has more to do with the major effort, I alluded to earlier. I have done a lot to debug the new tool (scores board), however at this time I do not have the time to run more checkout- if there is a problem once installed online.