Tuesday, April 26, 2022
Yesterday, my brokerage office sent over a copy of the PDF file, the Maryland Real Estate Commission (MREC) issued to my broker, providing a copy of my license and pocket card.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022
In March 2022, I requested space at one of the Baltimore County Public Libraries to take part in their Spring pop up shop events, set for Saturday, April 30, 2022. A week ago, I was notified another vendor had dropped out and there was space at the library I requested.
I began preparing for my very first pop up shop event, and took part in the Zoom presentation offered last evening- showcasing tips on how to setup and what to expect.

The problem, I did not have enough inventory (jewelry items from WiredShops) as I explained to the organizer when the spot first opened up, however I wanted to take part to gain understanding of how it all worked.
At the end of the Zoom presentation and question and answer session, I knew there was no way I would be prepared, even if I had the inventory. I notified via chat (with a promise to email the organizer), that I would not be participating, however would be checking in as a blogger.
I hope- those in Maryland and surrounding areas who are able to attend, will come out to support local area small businesses through these Baltimore County Public Library sponsored events.

Monday, April 11, 2022
When I was growing up, throughout college and my career with corporate America, I never learned to cook. I never had the time to learn. Even with large family gatherings, the women were in the kitchen cooking and for some reason it was not expected of me to join them. No, I was not hanging out with the guys.
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Friday, April 08, 2022
Working a number of projects this week. In mid-March, I began implementing the new interface for the Zillow Zestimate API Demonstration. In mid 2021, Zillow decided to retire the older Zestimate API, and I was a little slow in deciding whether to replace the tool.
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Tuesday, April 05, 2022
Over the last two weeks I have worked a number of projects, mostly related to becoming a real estate agent.
- Last Tuesday, had a job interview with a local real estate team. Having problems in that- though I apply for the non-commissioned positions, they want the commissioned sales agent. Looking into a referral agent type affiliation.
- Reviewing a number of invites to apply for positions in both the real estate and software development areas.
- On Wednesday, attended the National Association of Realtors (NAR) Real Estate Forecast Summit via Zoom.
- Last Thursday, out taking photos of area model homes to use on my new website.
- Most of the weekend, tweaking different areas of my new web site. WordPress with three real estate related plugins.
- Setting up related social media accounts for the new site, see illustration below.
- Yesterday, minor research for my online shop.
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