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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Earpiece and Banking..

Went to my old credit union yesterday-- and checked the status of my account. Told I had a MC charge off in 1992. I did not, so I am asking they research. Why did I stop by? Insure that funds lawyers may deposit in my federal reserve account hit my bank checking account and not an old account with TFCU. Kind of got the run around and not sure why. Happy to say-- patiently explained my issues and also provided my business card.

I am told via the earpiece-- the following have deposited funds to my Federal Reserve account but they are having a problem sending to my business checking account. I think it is a mind fk game:

  • Indeed
  • iTunes
  • Linkshare
  • Amazon
  • not the Federal Government-- however told sealed investigation.
  • State of MD
  • Google Adsense
  • Rockefeller-- abstract noise [ear piece] provides Joyce Anderson- Jay Rockefeller's mother is her mother. Not his father. Hillary Clinton a maid's daughter and not the daughter of Joyce and Jay Rockefeller's mother [Blanchette Ferry Rockefeller]. When I took the post before this one down-- explaining some of the issues-- someone offered a clearer connection for Hillary-- No Joyce Anderson Blanchette daughter not Hillary]. Hillary ust a maid's daughter. What you may not know? Bill Clinton has an older brother-- who looks like Robert Mueller. That is because he is his father. Mueller Sr is about 72 or older, Mueller the FBI director about 62 and a son about 43. There is also another son who is a brother to the FBI director. I believe my brother met him in 1987. I am told he is a Federal Magistrate. I call the Federal Magistrate-- G. Earpiece provides, He is probably his mother's son with the elder Mueller. Virginia Clinton Kelly-- I am told is half black and half white- maid Rockefeller. The older Mueller probably also a Rockefeller and Clinton probably a kin of Dick Van Dick. Rock's servants and Joyce anderson it appears became obsessed with the Black Royals of Wilmington. Look up -- Adolph Atwood of Wilmington. Another Rockefeller I am told somehow. How do I know this stuff? Earpiece. Hillary married Bill Clinton-- and I am told via earpiece his mother is half black-- half white/ rockefeller maid. Hillary too obsessed with all things black royal. Lester Holt looks like my father's son with Joyce Anderson-- earpiece confirm but not really. Mitt Romney his son-- earpiece providing.. yes I agree he looks like Lester. Earpiece provides with Joyce Anderson.. I am not sure. Earpiece also providing B. White of Maryland another Dad/Joyce child-- not really confirming. Told father talked to her before he died. I had no idea. Lester and B. White do not look alike-- but I feel she looks more like the combination than Lester. Little confused. Earpiece says both are Dad/Joyce kids... Joyce did not keep her daughter. She did keep her son. Earpiece.

Also told England is trying to interfere in the settlement process. I am not interested in England interference. I do not owe England. I have never been paid by any of my affiliates and this looks bad. Told there was a son [me/william] that Zeta Jones carried. Earpiece suggests arsenic killed him and this may have been what Cheryl blackmailed on. I am told she died in 2011. The son 2011 also. Earpiece provided information and I cannot prove. What I will say-- I have no other knowledge of any of this and not asking England to interfere in my life further. I think those talking in my ear want to scare me. I am not sure why I am not scared. Told Greg Bruton died recently. This looks very suspect. Tai looks like Jordan's child and this maybe a substitution. Told Jordan died recently. Told Greg Bruton very upset about Jan's December 2011 death. Told this is true. My mother is not confirming but she does not say enough. Regina I just saw her Sunday when I went over to see her and Greg like I do every week. She did not say that. I am not sure about Greg Bruton.-- Looks like Chris Browns dad with Jones. England want's to sue? Tell them to get the script readers to my earpiece and sue them. I am only providing what they provide me and there should be tapes.

WiredPages is down because the WSJ Career interface is in disrepair-- not because I want ads to stop paying those I do not owe. I am told several people have received receipts from the Federal Reserve system stating they have paid me. No one has paid me. If you sent money to pay me-- check your receipts and look up my social. I owe real law suits. This looks like a stupid game of idiots playing mind fk.. Idiots-- my arm is broken and you have screwed me too long. Everyone gets it. I will continue to check my business checking account every Wednesday when I deposit the $40.00 a week loan I get.. Me go out and get mad? I do not knee jerk. I did go by my business address yesterday because I called to ask if I had any certified mailings. The manager-- said something from DOT that looked important, but no certified mailings. I rushed over. It was BOB [Robert Mueller?] and not DOT-- Asian guy with a heavy accent. I cannot believe how calm I am.

In 1997 I asked the Defense Investigative Service to send my file. The file contains all research done into my background beginning in 1981 when Boeing requested my first security clearance.

Credit reports, police reports [favorable] everything is in the file. I wanted TFCU account number but found a number for a master card they said I had. I also had judgement after judgement filed against me. I did not know these judgements existed and records from a re-investigation in 1993-- switching to another company of Rockwell international-- back up this claim. Another odd thing about the file-- I found my initial reference checks and margarat Newman was not listed because I did not know her then. She was listed on another sheet of paper-- suggesting that I would have known her. That file looks suspect. I would love to have a lawyer take whoever defamed my character apart. Keep in mind I left Rockwell in 1995. I got the package in Aug 1997. Maraget Newman jumped out then--- however I did not look closely enough at the other papers and found the orginial. I also got a big loan to pay off all my credit cards so I should not have had any judgements... looks like someone was planning to defame me and the file appears to prove it.

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