Sunday, July 10, 2016
I eat in a lot. I never cooked before moving to Hanover and quite frankly do not mind preparing my own meals.
I rarely have breakfast unless working out and because all of my treadmills are in need of repair- I am doing very little of that these days. That said, today I had a mini bagel for breakfast and then a hamburger and fries for lunch.

I am kind of surprised- I have become quite handy in the kitchen.
It was a quiet week, last week. I celebrated the fourth with foods I love and mostly waited for Wimbledon matches to either begin or continue play. Weather in England was wet for most of the first week of the tournament.
Family rolled back into town on Tuesday and Wednesday I was over at one of my banks making a deposit [the old fashioned way, i.e., non-direct deposit].
Do I shoot video everywhere I go? No, however I do not get out much and when I do- I tend to take a lot of photos. The silly little video above? The bank tellers at that bank used to see me every week, this since 2004. Now it is only once a month, since 2015.
Since I am discussing financial issues, last week I ordered credit reports. You may recall in October 2015 I posted about My FICO Score.
The following month [November 2015]-- the score dropped to 690 [was 786] and then back up slightly to 692. Abstract noise suggested that the events of June 2012 were used to force this. I use credit and my banks wisely.
Abstract noise also provided that the negative item would be corrected since everyone agreed 2012 should not have happened. I ordered the reports to confirm it was what the abstract noise provided was the culprit. It was.
I expect this correction at any moment-- I am told the FBI and DOJ have looked into it. I am also told the same Maryland government employee that put a temporary hold on my business bank checking account in May 2012, shortly after settlement agreements were negotiated, was a motivating force behind this error on my credit report. At first she claimed to be a States Attorney, however later identified as some sort of investigator out of Annapolis.
Since December 2015, the promise this would be corrected, has been verbalized through abstract channels. I check every month. I am not sure why this correction has not taken place.
Other things I have been up to?
- Movie: Black Mass w/ Johnny Depp
- Wimbledon
- Working on my Amazon Stores
- Ordered some things, will discuss later.
Even though I was told the reason for the FICO Score drop and that it would be corrected, I was a little angry [this week] to see it actually in the report. It took a day to get over it. I am only surprised I did not post about it earlier in the week.