Saturday, July 22, 2023
Since June 23, 2023, my every waking moment has been spent working a project that has consumed a lot of energy and time. I am hopeful- appointments next week will provide the positive results for all the hard work.
I am not going to provide more details about the project, however, suffice to say it is very important to me.
This post, to provide the reason for what appears to be my absence over the last month, from my normal online activities.
Over the course of the month, I celebrated another birthday and just last night, began reading Grisham’s "The Boys from Biloxi".

Major issues that have fallen by the wayside because of time constraints over the last month, include:
- The Amazon Native Ads affiliate resource is retiring in August, so I need to update my Amazon Stores and the app that utilizes the Amazon Product Advertising API.
- Work on a new site,
- A summer course I wanted to take.
- Two WiredPages applications that no longer have working feeds.
- Real estate continuing education courses to maintain my Maryland Real Estate Salesperson's license which must be completed by April 2024. I have 5 of the 15 credits required to maintain the license. I hate putting things off til the last minute.
Discussed in this post...