Tuesday, August 29, 2023
I have been working several projects, including:
- Integration of a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) to all of my sites and subdomains, i.e., WiredPages, It's Personal (this blog), etc.
- MS Access Database to maintain my Amazon affiliate links & stores
- Researching and setting up a new Certificate of Deposit (CD).
The first project listed above- was actually completed earlier today so let's start there.
For several months, the home screen of my Google Adsense account has shown
the following notice.

Several years ago, I integrated the CloudFlare interface to all areas of my sites to handle the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) law that came into effect in May 2018.
CloudFlare is not a Google-certified Consent Management Platform
(CMP), the reason the notice began to appear several months ago on the
homepage of my Adsense account.

So from the above list of certified CMPs, I chose Quantcast because I have been using the service for years on all areas of my sites to track traffic and other statistics, and thought it was the natural choice for my needs.

Quantcast allowed the option to show the popup message and dialog options to only EEA and UK visitors to my sites, so those in other areas including the U.S., will not see the message nor options.
The second project listed above, MS Access database to handle affiliate links was completed on Sunday. I am pretty pleased with how this project turned out, and happy I have a more efficient way to maintain and provide my Amazon affiliate data. See the upper sidebar of this blog (under Amazon Stores) or the WiredPages Libraries page for illustration of what the new database provides.
The last project, setup a new savings CD- was actually completed on August 22, 2023 when I noticed the APY on a 16 month term CD jumped from 5.10% to 5.25%. I had transferred the funds from two of my checking accounts a few days earlier and hoped the APY would increase. It did, and I set it up.

Monday, August 28, 2023
For the last few weeks, I incorporated garden salads into most of my meal planning.
My salads are not elaborate, however are reminiscent of the salads we had most evenings when I was growing up.
There are two main differences to the salads of yore and my versions today, (1) my mother liked homemade salad dressings and I tend to use a country French dressing which sells under the Ken's brand name and (2) I purchase prepackaged salad fixings.
On August 12, 2023, I made sautéed chicken tenderloins in extra virgin olive oil, with a garden salad, and roll.

August 19, 2023, I made chicken wings and a garden salad.

August 20, 2023, I made a ribeye steak, baked potato, garden salad, and roll.

August 24, 2023, it was Red Baron's Supreme Pizza (added honey ham) and a garden salad.

August 25, 2023, I made hamburger shooters w/garden salad fixings and french fries.

August 28, 2023 (today), I made beef enchiladas (wish I liked the cheddar and chicken combo) and a garden salad.

I have decided, I really like prepackaged salad fixings and incorporating garden salads into my meals (like in the old days).

Monday, August 21, 2023
Part of the day Sunday, I spent tweaking my new Access database which stores the Amazon affiliate links for my stores. I ran into a problem with the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) module that generates the HTML code for each Amazon store. I spent at least two hours resolving this issue.

Okay, I started this post with how I resolved an issue without explaining what led to the problem.
Below, an illustration of how the Gift Ideas products were rendered on the page before I decided to use a Microsoft Access database to maintain my Amazon affiliate links.

When I first started updating my stores to use product links rather than the Native Shopping Ads resource (feature retiring), I simply used Amazon's SiteStripe to copy the product affiliate link information for each product- for inclusion to my pages. For those unfamiliar with how the Amazon affiliate resource SiteStripe works- the graphic below provides illustration.

Because I wanted to add descriptive information about each product, I added a field to the database which I included in the HTML generated for each product. The problem, initially the descriptions were a bit lengthy and took up a lot of "real estate" without the corresponding link. Only the image had the link.
To overcome this, I decided to parse the AffiliateData field (example shown below) for each product, only retrieving the actual link, so I could include the link around the descriptive text without creating a new field for just the link.

This was not as straight forward as I thought it would be, however I did come up with a solution, and I am happy with how I have decided to maintain my Amazon affiliate links.
Below is an illustration of the new Gift Ideas page with the new links, images, and linked descriptions for each product- as provided by the Access database.

I liked this exercise because it allowed me to work with Visual Basic again, and I always want to stay up to date with the latest issues with software areas I support.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Yesterday, I developed a new Microsoft Access Database to handle Amazon affiliate links I use throughout my sites.
The rather involved illustration below shows what the new database accomplishes.

Do you want to ask, why not use Amazon's Product Advertising API to pull my affiliate links? Years go I created an application (quite frankly, several) to pull Amazon affiliate links for use on WiredPages.
The problem with using Amazon's Product Advertising API you must generate a number of orders to be able to use the resource. I never have any sells. If you think otherwise because you have clicked and purchased from my Amazon affiliate links (any link that points to Amazon.com on any part of the qisoftware.com and related domains) then contact IC3.

When my access to the API was suspended (no orders, several years ago), I integrated Amazon Native Shopping Ads into the programs. When the API was unavailable I provided the Native Shopping Ads.
Recently, it was announced Amazon's Native Shopping Ads resource is
being retired so I am coming up with new ways to show data and ads I
think are relevant to the areas on my sites where I place them.

I am a software developer who likes demonstrating the type of custom applications I can provide using popular APIs like Amazon's Product Advertising API. Some of the APIs I have worked with are found on this page.

In the last post, I discussed Youtube rules related to eligibility for monetization. I watched a Youtube video of someone discussing new monetization rules and checked my Youtube Studio page for more information. Sure enough there was a new section on my page which I highlighted in the following illustration.

The new section refers to access to useful tools and forums and connecting to your fans. It appears I need 500 subscribers to be able to do this.
Earn income by connecting with your fans and gain access to support forums and creator tools
I did not read the fine print carefully after watching the Youtube video. Nevertheless, I stand by my original giggle. My Youtube subscribe button does not work, no matter the requirement for 500 or 1000 subscribers.
DOJ you can take me seriously.

Monday, August 14, 2023
Over the past month, I have noticed shorter term CD APYs are on the rise. Over the last two or three years, 5 year CD APYs were higher, so I setup several CDs to take advantage of the rates banks were offering.
This week I will setup a new 12 month CD with an APY of 5.10%, and hope the accounts I am transferring the funds from will not be needed for an emergency in the next month or so.
Since I am discussing financial issues, I do have some good news- my FICO scores are on the rise again. After I applied for and obtained two new credit cards last year my credit scores went down. Reference this post or the finance category of this blog where I provide ongoing details about my credit scores.

On my journey to monetize my Youtube Channel, there was also more good news, I now only need 500 subscribers rather than 1000. (This is rather a giggle at this point. Someone indicated my subscribe button does not work, however I tend to be rather sporadic with video uploads.)

I have also started planning and making healthier meal choices.

I am particularly happy about a green beans recipe (I use garlic powder rather than garlic cloves) I found, which I add to sauteed chicken breast.

Sunday, August 13, 2023
Over the past week, I have been able to get back to some of the business related issues I put off while adjusting to a new project.
One of my business related issues- involved Amazon's retirement of their Native Ads resource. Though I have not completed the work, I have updated several areas, including:
Another area, promotion and other services related to online content creation. I continue to practice creating my own video content- focusing on technical issues rather than the content itself.
What do I mean? I look at issues- like how to insert video into a round shape which is then overlaid on a larger video. The video editing software I use, Active Presenter is pretty sophisticated.
I want to partner with professionals on a new site WiredCreators.com to offer both promotional and a wide range of technical services for content creators.

Is this market oversaturated? I have audience though my numbers appear to suggest otherwise. Who do you call for help with content creation? Or did someone call you?
What I think I have noticed- content creators are relying on a limited number of technical service providers. Does everyone do their own editing? My information is no and when the brand has a problem- the face on the brand cannot do much about it- because the technical know-how is really someone else's.
How do I know? I have been asked to give up my brand and allow others to keep my face, however promote their products through me. I routinely decline offers of this type. This more to do with the products I chose to promote and not my software development efforts.
Why continue calling or asking about my business if I have no audience?
As related to software development efforts, I get a lot of calls from overseas software developers/businesses to outsource my software development efforts. I also decline these requests, however it is more a legal question. If my brand is on the software, I write the software.
I cannot afford someone else writing software under my brand. I have noticed that on one or two of the applications I have developed for WiredPages- my program has been substituted with someone else's. I have asked DOJ to look into my complaints. Most often the program malfunctions and I can show my code does not.
Okay, you say a Java program is not an edited video from a software package like Active Presenter. Yes, but have you used the many features of a program like Active Presenter? I have tested a lot and know how powerful the software is. That said I understand software. I program.
The other thing I have noticed? Sometimes the videos I upload lose the original resolution. Why?
A lot of folks stopped blogging when they were unable to earn money. What makes you think other content creators can make money? Audience. I can provide audience.
Why continue asking when I have already said no. I have no audience? This post was originally about something else. My new financial efforts, healthier meals, and my new Youtube short video. I have inserted the video. Not because it is great content, but more because it shows I am a legitimate business owner.
DOJ I said no. I used to upload all of my videos to my own site, however cannot afford the bandwidth. I have to use other resources. I have audience- I cannot afford the bandwidth for that audience. What gives? Fraud?
Now I feel less annoyed. Maybe I will remove this post next week.

Friday, August 11, 2023
Often, while researching offerings provided by content creators- I notice many provide their morning coffee ritual. I too, have a morning drink- my espresso.

What my espresso does not have:
- Shot of espresso
- Shot of vanilla
- Shot of caramel
- Oat milk
- Green powder
- Ice cubes
What it does have:
- Freshly ground coffee beans (blend Starbucks & Peets)
- Pure cane sugar
- Heavy whipping cream (okay, its like a shot of caramel with all of the cream and sugar)
- Bottled water
- Canned whipped cream if available
When I could not figure out why the half & half I used for years tasted as if too much preservative (fish oil) was being added, I switched to the heavy whipping cream purchased in a carton.
Recently, I purchased a carton of half & half (because the heavy cream was unavailable) and noticed the odd taste was absent, however I have now become used to the richer taste of heavy whipping cream.
I have no intention of moving into this century on this...

Sunday, August 06, 2023
It has been hot and humid in the Baltimore/Washington area and I am thankful I can do most things from the comfort of home. That said, on Wednesday of last week, on my way to Costco- I ran into a problem with a dead car battery.
I so seldom go out, that when things like this happen I am momentarily thrown off my game and cannot seem to understand how a dead battery could happen on a car I rarely use and continue to recondition with a battery amp charger/meter.

In this case, it appears the battery simply could no longer be reconditioned and on a hot summer day- I was happy to have another car I could use to both pick up needed supplies from Costco and to purchase a new battery from Autozone.
On Thursday morning, I tried to remove the negative terminal connector without success (positive easily loosened), so I called my brother to ask if he had a battery terminal remover tool. He said he would come by and look at the problem. After going through most of the ratchets in his set he finally found a small enough adjustable wrench in the tools here, to grab and loosen the nut holding the bolt.
The car started right away after putting the new battery in. I would have taken the car to the repair shop to replace the battery, however the battery was completely dead and could not be jump started.
The other project I have been working is going well and getting only good reports.
I am losing weight (project requires a lot of physical activity), and I think that is showing my age. Lately though, I have started to eat more of the foods I used to eat, however, not because I want a rounder less lined face. More because I am getting back into the sync of things.

Other recent purchases I am pleased about are shown below.

In my spare time, I continue to research content creators for a new venture I am thinking about (wiredcreators.com).

Discussed in this post...
![]() Porkus Glass Cups with Lids and Straws 4pcs,Glass Iced Coffee Cups with Lids |
![]() EasyTime Watch Repair Kit - Watch Battery Replacement Kit |
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Friday, August 04, 2023
On May 13, 2023, I posted about a new business project which relates to the online world of content creation.
In the earlier post, I discussed some of the content creators I follow and provided channel subscriber numbers and annual income data for their channels.
I updated the following table to show the May 13, 2023 number of subscribers for each channel versus the number of subscribers as of today. The estimated yearly revenue of the channel according to noxinfluencer.com or Starstat.yt is also provided however are the same numbers from May 13, 2023. Why? Though I did find differences as related to income for two or three of the channels, most of the revenue reports remained the same. Note, Google provides a Youtube channel revenue API for developers who may wish to explore this data, however I am not sure how often the data is updated.
Channel | Description | Subs (05/13/23) | Subs (08/4/23) | Annual Revenue |
Amber Baldwin | YouTuber & Entrepreneur | 73.2K | 73.2K | $21,6352 |
Athan Wright | Living life at Duke University | 1.68K | 1.78K | $2622 |
Cherissa Lindsay | Lifestyle / College / Fashion / Travel | 2.04K | 2.06K | $3392 |
DominiqueSachse | YouTuber / Author | 1.84M | 1.84M | $248,7812 |
Erin Byrd | Real Estate / Lifestyle / Education | 287 | 311 | $ 25.551 |
Hannah Elise | 24 Y/O College Grad Living in NYC | 758K | 769K | $99,9542 |
Leah Megan | Video Diary / Final Year at University | 36.1K | 37.1K | $4,339.851 |
LetsTurnItUpWorld | Tanya and Dave from ‘Turn It Up World’ | 62.7K | 72.6K | $61,2632 |
Life Uncontained | Texas Dream Build Debt-Free Off Grid Shipping Container Home | 1.37M | 1.42M | $407,4792 |
LivinFearless | Fashion / Lifestyle / Travel | 111K | 114K | $6,522.551 |
Marcos Rico Peng | Cal Men's Swimming Team. Recent Grad. Now Software Engineer in NYC | 61.2K | 74.2K | $12,541.41 |
Ox In The Shop | Drew & Woodworking | 16.5K | 16.7K | $1,9772 |
ROSA GOLD | Mobile Home / Tiny Home Renovation / Online Shop 📍Germany | 30.3K | 38.6K | $18,874.151 |
Scout The City | Fashion Content Creator | 51.9K | 52.6K | $14,2282 |
Shealyn Ari'el | Home / Lifestyle / Self Care | 1.1K | 1.83K | $94.91 |
Simply Nikki | Lifestyle / Beauty / Decor / Mum Life | 529K | 529K | $30,3972 |
Tech Mentor Maria | Tech, Career, Personal Finance, Healthy Habits, Travel 📍NYC | 6.85K | 8.87K | $1,887.051 |
Young Lady Business | Lifestyle Vlogs / Decorating | 155K | 158K | $56,4602 |
1noxinfluencer.com | ||||
2StarStat.yt |
Earlier this year, I setup a new site- MarylandBloggers.com. Though, I have not promoted the site as much as I wanted, my stats indicate it is noticed.
In April 2023, I registered two more domains; WiredCreators.com and MarylandCreators.com. I think I am going to release the MarylandCreators.com domain and concentrate on a business plan for WiredCreators.com. What will make my efforts different than other influencer sites? The sites I want to promote.